RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Dec 30th 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Happy New Year, 2016, 2017, Thanks

[img width=600 height=600]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/father-time-by-edmund-dulac-circa-1906-1024x1024_zpszg6s5gdv.jpg[/img]

The staff at RF Generation would like to wish all of our members and friends of the site a happy and prosperous New Year!  Thanks to all of our members and staff who work so hard to make this site a wonderful community to be a part of and the best resource for video game collectors on the Internet.  May all of your collecting goals come to fruition in 2017!   

Posted on Dec 31st 2015 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under happy new year, new year, fundraiser

[img width=600 height=407]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/2016-Happy-New-Year-Images1_zpsdbw3urla.jpg[/img]
**photo courtesy of desktopHDphotos.com**

Dear Members,

The staff and administrators of RF Generation, would like to wish you all a safe and Happy New Year!  Thank you so much for making 2015 such a great year for site contributions and we hope that you will continue to enjoy this service to the world-wide gaming community for years to come. Happy 2016 to all and let's make this upcoming year one to remember!

Though the season of giving is just behind us, don't pack away all of that joy just yet! Starting February 1, 2016, RF Generation will once again be conducting our annual donation drive in order to raise money for our site server. So you may ask yourself, why does RF Generation need money to continue and why should I donate? Well, as you know, RF Generation is a free, non-profit site for all members with no advertising or pop-ups.  All database contributions come from our members and our staff (made up entirely of volunteers) works hard to provide user-friendly content and interesting articles and podcasts for everyone to enjoy. Unfortunately, the costs associated with running this site are not free (...or cheap) and we need YOUR help to keep our servers running through 2016. All donations go directly to our server account and our goal is to raise $1000 by February 29, 2016, which combined with donations from the previous year, will keep us going through 2016. In February, I will provide updates on the front page throughout the month to help monitor how close we are to obtaining our goal.  We ask that you donate any amount you can, if you are able, since every dollar donated goes a long way in keeping us going.  A link to our donation account will be provided closer to the beginning of the fundraiser start date.

Once again this year, our generous staff and friends will be donating some nice items to raffle off to donors. If you are interested in donating an item(s) to the raffle, send a PM to singlebanana. An explanation of the raffle rules and descriptions of the prize lots will be posted toward the end of January.  Thank you for your consideration and let's do our best to give back to a site that has given many of us so much over the years.


The Staff & Administrators at RF Generation

Posted on Jan 1st 2013 at 06:00:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, New Year, 2013, Happy New Year, Donation Drive

Welcome to 2013! 2012 is now in the history books and what a year it was! A ton of new games, hardware, and images were added to the database. But more than that, we've added a lot of "behind the scenes" features and fixes that will help us out in 2013 and beyond. We've also learned a lot, like how important frequent backups are. So what else happened in 2012 you ask? Well, I'll remind you.

  • Shadow Kisuragi took charge of fixing the regions in the European PS2 section of the DB, for the second time since his original work was lost in the outage.

  • We added two new DB Contributors, Bildtstar and Raffa1985.

  • TheGrue was added as a staff Programmer.

  • We moved from a VPS with 1GB of RAM and 20GB of drive space. To a dedicated server with 4GB of RAM and dual 500GB drives.

  • We switched the site to support only Android devices.

  • We switched back to supporting other devices.

  • We reached 80,000 scans in the database.

  • The RFGeneration Collectorcast was introduced.

  • Aeroc won the PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS contest...again.

  • Sirgin and Aeroc were added to staff as DB Contributors.

  • We reached 70,000 titles in the DB.

  • Shadow Kisuragi and his team finished fixing the regions on Euro PS2 and Xbox games.

I'd say that's a pretty good list, and it doesn't even mention the countless little things that have been tweaked or fixed over the year. So now that you've been reminded what's been happening around here. I'd like to take this time to remind how you can help the site you love. As always, you can help us become even better by simply making submissions to the DB, whether its an image or some information, it all helps. If you've already submitted everything you could and still want to help us out, you can help with the gift of a donation, as we are one week into our annual donation drive.

During the donation drive, we raise the money that is needed to keep the site online. This is the reason we have no ads on the site and can afford to have a server that can handle a database the size of ours. We're one week into the drive and have raised just over $100, or about 10% of our goal, so we've still got a ways to go. But don't worry, you know we love you, so we won't just take your money and not give anything back. Every donor gets the Donor rank on the forum and access to a special board on the forum. You also get your name forever immortalized on the Donors page. And thanks to the RFGeneration Collectorcast there are some extra special prizes. Everyone donating at least $5 will get their name mentioned on the Podcast, those donating $20 or more will have all of their scores mentioned in the next episode, and those donating $30 or more will get the download to the Episode 0 of the podcast. And best of all, the highest donor during the drive will receive an amazing prize pack including two items of their choice from the RFGeneration store, plus some other goodies that will be donated by staff members.

So please, donate to the cause if the thought of ads plastered on RFGeneration make you sick. Or if you just want to help out a friend that's always there for you.

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