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Posted on Sep 21st 2007 at 09:48:55 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Capcom, Ace Attorney, Gyakuten Saiban, Phoenix Wright, Apollo Justice

Capcom has premiered the English language trailer of the fourth installment in its wildly popular Gyakuten Saiban series, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. There is no slated North American release date, but this trailer makes me hopeful for one, as it was already released in Japan earlier this year.

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney is the first game in which Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey are not the lead characters. Replacing them are Apollo Justice (a guy with two tall spikes in his hair that seem to always stay in place, gotta love anime physics), and "Mysterious Magician" Trucy.

Also, a reminder for all you Phoenix Wright fans, the third installment in the series, Trials and Tribulations, hits Nintendo DS here in America on October 23rd. I know I'll be the first one to buy it.

Continue reading OBJECTION! Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trailer From TGS 07

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