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Posted on Oct 13th 2021 at 12:00:00 PM by (slackur)
Posted under GamePass

[img width=420 height=351]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/16/IMac_G3_color_carousel.gif/220px-IMac_G3_color_carousel.gif[/img]
Image from Wikipedia

I distinctly remember in 1998 when the G3 iMac, or what was usually then known simply as the iMac, was announced in a variety of colors.  I had grown up on a C64, and later the X86 and Pentium line, and what I could not wrap my head around at the time was how Apple was making a major selling factor out of the ability to pick out a translucent color scheme for your new expensive desktop.  At the time (and honestly, still to this day) I thought it was a completely absurd marketing strategy and I simply couldn't imagine buying a computer based upon the color.  Yet I was baffled by how many people around me, even the tech-illiterate, suddenly had to have this new computer, as if the gumdrop shape and selectable pigmentation was all they ever needed to suddenly understand my youthful nerdy passions.

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