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Posted on Oct 5th 2008 at 05:17:35 AM by (logical123)
Posted under Store Review, Game Stop PS3 Wii 360 Review Chain EVIL OHNOES1!

You are strolling down the walkway when you see a gleam in the distance... "What is that?", you begin to wonder. You quicken your pace, and the thing comes into view: a store front. Jogging now, you begin to hear a courus of Angels Singing "Hallelujah!! Hallelujah!!". An aura encompasses the place! You are crying because you haven't seen the place in many years!! FUNCOLAND! Ahh... The memories. You fling the door open... And...

You wake up. It is raining outside, and the clock reads 10:04 in the morning. You look outside, and see what was once holy ground, FuncoLand. Now there, is an evil, desolate place. GameStop!


AHHAHAHA! Okay! So! Story telling aside, as you may have noticed, I have had some really bad experiences at GameStop. A few (not many...) have been great, but these 'good times' are overpowered by the 'bad' to even 'horrid' times. So even though the title says "Good Game Stores", GameStop may or may not be such. Let's see why...

  1. Selection: Meh. They have all the new games, and some of the older ones as well. Also, they usually have lots of used games too. They don't always get their games on time though... 3.5/5

  2. Organization/Product Quality: I have NEVER seen a GameStop in which the games were alphabetized, or even remotely organized (ex facing the same way, etc). And their used product quality is horrid. Out of every 5 games that I get there, 1 will freeze and or NOT EVEN WORK. Can't they check to see if a game works? I give this section a 1.5/5, and I think that is VERY generous.

  3. Prices: Good to Great actually... They have some great sale deals that happen every once in a while, as well as just normal prices that make up for the abysmal customer service and crappy game conditions/playability.4.5/5

  4. Customer Service: Blarg... (Yes I said Blarg...) Not the WORST, but far from the best. I ask them if I can check the disks (visually) before I buy them. What do they say? "They are FINE man... Just trust me." Trust you? I think NOT!!! I trusted them, and I got a copy of Guitar Hero 2 THAT DID NOT WORK!!!!2.5/5, because I can always trade their faulty games back without much hassle.

GameStop manages to scrape a 12/20, or 60%. All in all, I will continue to shop there, but there are MANY alternatives that I usually try before I patronize them.

Have any of you guys (or gals) ever had a success story with them? Probably a horrendous one?? Leave a comment, post a blog, PM me! Thanks!!! And keep it on channel 3!!!! Smiley

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