[img width=480 height=520]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f4/Game-Boy-FL.jpg/800px-Game-Boy-FL.jpg[/img]
While not the first portable gaming systems, Nintendo's Game Boy was one of the first to reach massive audiences. It's library consists of hundreds of games, many of which are quick, simplistic but fun experiences designed both around the system's limitations and its purpose of gaming on the go.
So it's interesting that for this Top 20, there were several games that came in as "must owns" as out of 7 voters, four games made every voter's list, and eight made at least five lists.
And yet, the final results also showed the variety of the Game Boy, as only 14 games were on three or more lists.
Continue reading RFGen Top 20 Games- Game Boy Edition
[img width=503 height=199]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/home_zpstmtsxhuy.jpg[/img] Jump scares and gore have become commonplace in modern horror games and films, but Home: A Unique Horror Adventure avoids all of that to create a creepy journey full of revelations.
Continue reading Indie Review: Home: A Unique Horror Adventure
Greetings Everyone,
Names Roehm21, Daniel if you would prefer. This is the first entry in this new blog, so why not give a little back story first. For the past few days I've been posting some awesome game music on my Facebook account. Come to find out none of my friends are really all that into game tunes. Being a tad disappointed, I figured the best place to share my interests is with my fellow gamers. Which is what brought me here.
Now I'm not going to say that I'm some sort of video game expert. But I've been playing for over 18 years on an almost daily basis...not sure if thats a good thing or not :p . Hopefully y'all will enjoy this little blog, maybe I can include some important fact about that games or something. Nothing is finalized at this point. Enough of that, lets get one with the music.
Continue reading Video Game Music of the day, entry #1
Posted on Dec 14th 2008 at 07:54:30 PM by ( Sirgin) Posted under Magic, The Gathering, TCG, Trading Card, Game, Free, Shards, Alara, Tenth, Naya, Blue |
[img align=right width=150]http://sales.starcitygames.com/cardscans/MAGBOX/10themedeckblue.jpg[/img] After getting the White, Green and Red Tenth Edition theme decks for free I decided to buy the Blue and Black decks. Although I'm not really getting back into Magic, I thought it would be neat to have the whole set.
I went back to the card shop where I got all the free cards a month ago, because I had some questions about some game mechanics that I'm sure that guy would be able to answer.
Continue reading Gathering The Magic: Part 2
[img align=right width=150]http://sales.starcitygames.com/cardscans/MAGBOX/10themedeckred.jpg[/img] Maybe you've read how I went to the gaming event called Next two weeks ago. I was somewhat dissapointed with the (small) amount of goodies given out. However I did get two Magic: The Gathering Theme Decks (The Green & White one) for free, which was pretty cool.
A couple of days later I took the time of going through the many flyers and product booklets that I had put in my plastic bag without even looking at them. Many of them had nothing interesting on them, however three of them caught my eye.
Continue reading Gathering The Magic: A Luck Story