RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Feb 25th 2019 at 01:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under fundraiser, donations, fund drive, 2019, site, RF Generation

This is the last week of our annual fund drive to help with the server costs for 2019. So far, we have had a decent turnout and I am happy to report that with our donors' generous pledges, we are just under 59% of our goal! We will be taking donations for the fund drive through February 28th (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff. You can now find a listing of all of the raffle prize lots HERE.  The staff at RF Generation would first like to take a moment to thank those who have donated since the last update:

Cowtipp Neo

Thank you all! Please remember to PM me the email address you donated with, so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates and provide you with the proper number of raffle tickets.  If you donated recently and do not see your name, you may have donated after we pulled numbers. If you don't see it, just send me a PM and I will check on your donation status.   
Grand total raised so far: $883.00

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I'm hoping we get another one of our trademark last minute rush of donations to get us over the top.
@zophar53: I must admit, I get a wee bit discouraged when when I see the meter is only 2/3rds full with just 3 days left in the month. Maybe they should move the donation drive to a solid 31-day month? There's, like, seven of those, you know? Just a thought...

On a more serious note: I just tossed a very modest sum into the pot. I'd have donated more, but my budget is rather limited at the moment. Next month should to be a different story altogether...
@Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.: No worries man, any bit helps. A big thank you! Yeah, I'm not sure what the reasoning behind picking Feb is. Maybe that's when the yearly finances are reviewed, or maybe they're counting on tax refunds? I really couldn't say. I do know that for the past couple of years it's looked low going into the last week and then we had a surge at the end, so I'm hopeful.

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