There are only 3 more days left to donate to this year's fund drive and I'm happy to say that we have reached our goal of $1000!!!! A big Thank You to all of the members who have donated this year. Even though we have reached our goal, you can still donate to get your name in the drawing for some fantastic prizes. Please remember that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive. Also, donating at least $20 will also get you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0, which includes playthrough reviews of Parasite Eve and Kingdom Hearts (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0.
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the forth week of the fund drive and put us over our goal:
Beardcore84 Techie413 techwizard zcrich01 nupoile Ze_ro Crabmaster2000 Sauza12 Duke.Togo 98PaceCar Deadman bombatomba
Grand total: $1180.94!!!!!
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
Thanks for all of the love and support you have shown our site and please, keep those donations coming. Any additional funds raised will go toward site improvement or additional server costs.
The third week of this year's fund drive was outstanding and has us so close to our $1000 goal!!! With only 10 more days left in the month of December, we are definitely on pace to make this happen. If you haven't donated and can, please take into consideration what a valuable service that this site provides. Even a few bucks means a lot and will get us that much closer to our goal. Also consider that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive and donating at least $20 also gets you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0, which includes discussions of Parasite Eve and Kingdom Hearts (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0).
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the third week of the fund drive:
Tadpole13 russlyman monkees19 Raidou Fokakis79 TraderJake EngineerMike shaggy
Grand total: $814.93
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
We only need $185.07 in the next 10 days to make our goal!!! So keep those donations coming and let's try to wrap this up before the new year.
The second week of this year's fund drive saw some very generous contributions from more of our members. I am pleased to announce that we are making great strides in reaching our $1000 goal for this year. Please remember that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive and donating at least $20 also gets you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0 (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0).
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the second week of the fund drive:
Forzajerry AprilandShaun Disposed Hero moonraker_fats OatBob afulbrig ericeskapade gamereviewgod h1ghw1nd
For a Grand Total of: $577.95
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
Thats over half way to our goal in just two weeks!!! Keep those donations coming and let's try to meet our goal by year's end.
Along with this year's fund drive donors, the RF Generation staff would also like to thank those members who have been hard at work in making our site better by submitting hardware and software information and pics, and those who approve these submissions. During the month of November, there were 1,987 total submissions to the database, consisting of 1,945 game submissions and 42 hardware submissions. Top submitters for the month of November were:
Shadow Kisuragi 443 Flee 305 Sauza12 239 ae.tc 181 Furnessly 176 raffa1985 152
Top approvers for the month of November include:
Shadow Kisuragi 860 ApolloBoy 33 Tynstar 24
A big thanks to those who take the time to submit information, scan in pics, take screenshots, and to those who carefully look over and approve them. It truly takes a community effort to make a site like ours as great as it is!
As you may or may not know, our site is currently conducting its annual fund drive to help with the server costs for 2015. So far, we have had a good turnout and I am happy to say that with our donors generous pledges, we are at nearly one-third of our goal! We will be taking donations for the fund drive through the month of December (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff and get your copy of Episode 0 (Parasite Eve/Kingdom Hearts) of the RF Generation Community Playthrough Wrap-Up. You can find more details regarding the rules of the raffle and how to enter here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14799.new#new
The staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank those who have donated so far:
Fleach Fokakis79 JerryGreenwood Nuke2112 Razor Knuckles singlebanana SirPsycho St0rmTK241 Wempster.......and An anonymous donor
Thank you all! Please remember to include your site handle in the notes field of your donation so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates. Grand total raised so far: $310.07
The season of giving is upon us and what better way to support a good cause than to donate to RF Generation. RF Generation is a free, no advertising or pop-ups, non-profit site in which all database contributions come from our members. Our staff (who are all unpaid) works hard to provide content and to keep information up-to-date and user friendly. However, the costs associated with running this site are not free (...or cheap) and we need YOUR help to keep our servers running through 2015. All donations will go directly to our server account and our goal is to raise $1000 by December 31, 2014, which combined with donations from the previous year, will keep us going through 2015. I will provide updates on the front page throughout the following weeks to help monitor how close we are to obtaining our goal. You can donate by following the link provided here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal.
We ask that you donate any amount you can, if you are able, and this year our generous staff has donated some very nice items to raffle off to donors. An explanation of the raffle rules and prize lots are below and you can see more pictures of the prizes on our discussion thread (http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14799.new#new).
Continue reading RF Generation Site Fundraiser 2014
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