[img width=700 height=206]https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1946/44854103482_22a090d563_o.jpg[/img]
Here I was thinking that my days of writing about my old game store were over, but a recent event that was closely tied to my days there has pulled me back for one more. Not long ago I was invited to a wedding that turned out to be quite an amazing event for me. What do weddings and game stores have to do with each other? Find out below!
Continue reading Game Quest Gets Formal
[img width=446 height=339]https://likedontlike.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/wetfish1.jpg?w=490[/img] I consider myself a fair, upstanding, and generous person (*cough*) and I like that some people have that opinion of me. Collecting is an exciting hobby in that many of us see ourselves as Indiana Jones-like explorers who scavenge local garage sales, thrift stores, and "antique" stores in an attempt to upturn games and consoles at great prices and add them to our personal museums. Oftentimes, when we find duplicates or valuable items for games/systems we don't collect, we may turn these over to game stores, sell them on auction sites, or sell/trade them with friends to reinvest in our collections. Of all of these interactions, dealing with friends and people you are in contact with on a regular basis is the most personal, and can sometimes result in awkward or less than favorable interactions. I was recently involved in one of these "transactions" and this is my story. Ladies and gentlemen: "The story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent."
Continue reading Buying From Friends: A Cautionary Tale
[img width=490 height=318]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/CCF08102011_00005.jpg[/img]
Continue reading Over 2 Decades of Gaming
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three