RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on May 14th 2010 at 01:43:53 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, PC, Windows, Mac, Steam, Free, GO DOWNLOAD NOW

Hey, remember this little game by the name of Portal? It came out just over two years ago to massive critical acclaim and gained tons of awards all the while spawning memes all over the internet? Have you played that game yet? If not, what's wrong with you? Like really, you're missing out big time, buddy.

However, now's your chance to correct this issue. In celebration of Steam coming to the Mac after all these years as a Windows only affair, Valve has decided to offer up the full uncut version of their game Portal on both Windows and Mac as a gift to the masses (until  May 24).

If you haven't played Portal, now's the time. It's a fairly short game (about 3 hours or so), but it's one of the more satisfying games I've ever played. It never overstays its welcome and is excellently paced. And of course, once you're done playing Portal, there are oodles of fan-made mods that you can partake in, such as Portal: Prelude, maps from Portal: The Flash Version, and many others.

So my only question is, what are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD IT NOW!

Posted on May 15th 2009 at 01:08:45 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, FREE, Playstation 3, Sony, Sprint, Rag Doll Kung Fu

Hey you, random PlayStation 3 owner! I see you out there with your Dualshock 3 in hand thinking, "Hey I want a new game to play on here, but I'm cheap". Well, the good folks and Sony and Sprint have heard you and have decided to give you a FREE game for one week only.

That's right, Rag Doll Kung Fu: Fists of Plastic is free for all US Playstation Network members for this week. Why is it free? I guess it's because Sprint is sponsoring it.

If you feel bad for missing out on this because you don't have a US PSN account, well, there is a way you can make one if you live in another country, just Google around. Or what if you don't have a PS3 but want to add it to your collection, I'm sure there are people out there (HINT HINT) who might give you a helping hand in adding it to an account for future use.

Oh and, did I mention the game has trophies? So download it for free trophies! Cheesy

Source: PlayStation Blog

Posted on Dec 14th 2008 at 07:54:30 PM by (Sirgin)
Posted under Magic, The Gathering, TCG, Trading Card, Game, Free, Shards, Alara, Tenth, Naya, Blue

[img align=right width=150]http://sales.starcitygames.com/cardscans/MAGBOX/10themedeckblue.jpg[/img]
After getting the White, Green and Red Tenth Edition theme decks for free I decided to buy the Blue and Black decks. Although I'm not really getting back into Magic, I thought it would be neat to have the whole set.

I went back to the card shop where I got all the free cards a month ago, because I had some questions about some game mechanics that I'm sure that guy would be able to answer.

Continue reading Gathering The Magic: Part 2

Posted on Nov 21st 2008 at 10:09:28 PM by (Sirgin)
Posted under Magic, The Gathering, TCG, Trading, Card, Game, Free

[img align=right width=150]http://sales.starcitygames.com/cardscans/MAGBOX/10themedeckred.jpg[/img]
Maybe you've read how I went to the gaming event called Next two weeks ago. I was somewhat dissapointed with the (small) amount of goodies given out. However I did get two Magic: The Gathering Theme Decks (The Green & White one) for free, which was pretty cool.

A couple of days later I took the time of going through the many flyers and product booklets that I had put in my plastic bag without even looking at them. Many of them had nothing interesting on them, however three of them caught my eye.

Continue reading Gathering The Magic: A Luck Story

Posted on Sep 2nd 2008 at 02:27:05 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Classic Gaming, Free, RTS, Red Alert, RIP Westwood

Hey, I bet you like games. You're here, right? Chances are that you even have a computer. In fact, I'd almost guarantee that you have a computer. Anyways, on a rare occasion, some people like to give out something truly awesome for free. You see, as a kid, I really enjoyed the game Red Alert. It was a fun time spent playing as the Soviets, reeking havoc on the allied bases and infantry with MiGs and Tesla Coils. Oh my oh my, good times to be had. So yes, imagine my surprise to find out that EA, the cold corporation you love to hate, has decided to let you download Red Alert for free. That's right... free. How can you turn down free? I bet you can't and you'll use the link below to get the game as quickly as humanly possible.

Get Red Alert for Free (Scroll Down Page)

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