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Posted on Jun 20th 2012 at 02:48:07 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

Wow, its been a long time. This year has been really dry for me, every time I browse the small scores thread, I get more and more jealous of the finds other people are getting while I'm stuck in a drought. But I suppose its not all that bad since I'm out of room for most of my systems anyway. I've resorted to having some SNES and some Genesis games on the floor because there's just no room left on the shelves for them. The PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, and PS1 are all right behind them, with room for less than 5 games left on each of those systems. Maybe that's why I've been apathetic toward getting up early to hit up garage sales like I used to. This past weekend was the first time I actually woke up early and got out there on Friday and Saturday, but it still didn't do me any good. And don't get me started about the flea market this year, its gone to total crap. It used to be 75% people selling their personal stuff and 25% professional sellers. The last few years its been 50% and 50%, last year was closer to 25% and 75% and this year is more like 99% professional and 1% regular people. At first it seemed like the flea market quadrupling in size was a good thing, but if all they're going to sell is overpriced storage unit junk and crappy Dollar Store junk, it doesn't really matter how big it is. I guess that's just the evolution of flea markets though. They start out small with good stuff, get a bit bigger and have more good stuff, then they get too big and commercialized and the buyers that made them popular quit going and all your left with is people coming from church, retired people, and hipsters that just browse and don't actually buy anything. Before long, the whole thing collapses, and is either gone for good, or the process can start again.

Enough of my rambling, I know that's not why you read these, you want to see those deals! I hope your not too disappointed with my meager finds over the last couple months.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles '12 - #2

Posted on Apr 24th 2012 at 05:00:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

Good news everyone! Treasure Hunt Chronicles is back for 2012. I wish I could say it'll be better than ever, but that's really up to the stuff that falls into my lap through the year. The year so far has been off to a bit of a slow start as I usually have a couple installments in by this time of year, but at lest the stuff I have got has included no duplicates!

This InstallmentThis Year
Amount Spent$0.00$0.00
Amount Spent on Shipping for Trades$17.70$17.70
Amount Received from Selling$54.43$54.43

Posted on Jul 21st 2011 at 05:00:00 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

Good news everyone! The drought is over, and even though it wasn't broken by a monsoon of deals, its still a break, and for that, I'm happy. The deals I got this past week were a little above "average" for me, but compared to what its been like for the past 4 weeks, it feels like some amazing deals.

And not only is that great news, but my GameGavel auctions are doing better than ever, despite all of last week's auctions being relists. The Genesis lot that didn't sell for $10, is now bid up to $20 for example, which is still a great deal IMO. Be sure to check out that auction and the others right HERE

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #8

Posted on Jul 14th 2011 at 05:00:00 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

I'm beginning to wonder if its time to retire from garage saling. You may have noticed there was no Treasure Hunt Chronicles last week, that's because I found next to nothing, and this week was no different while out saling. That makes it four weeks since I've had a good weekend. But, I did have a couple trades this week that give me something to post about this time. Check it out after the break to see what I bought over the past two weeks.

But first, why don't you take a look at what YOU can buy from me! Check out this link to see what I have on GameGavel right now. There's nothing new this week, as I still have some good stuff to sell before I get into listing new stuff. This week I have a total of 4 PlayStations, 3 Genesis systems, two Atari 2600's and partridge in a pear tree. Oh wait, skip the partridge, I sold that yesterday.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #7

Posted on Jun 30th 2011 at 08:06:16 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

Good news for everyone that takes joy when I strike out while saling. Yeah, I know you're out there! This will be two weeks in a row without a massive haul of awesomeness. But, I do have a good excuse this time. Once again, I had other obligations that interfered with treasure hunting. The only day I got to do much hunting was on Friday, which is generally the slowest day anyway. You see, Saturday I had to quit saling at 11 AM to go to a great party (two-vehicle-accidents-two-head-injuries-and-one-trip-to-the-emergency-room great) and on Sunday I was just too tired from drinking all day to get up early for the trip to the flea market.

But before we get into this weeks deals, be sure to check out my GameGavel auctions, there's only one new auction, and its a relist for this week. But there's plenty to look over from last week that are still going on and at low bids.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #6

Posted on Jun 23rd 2011 at 08:58:14 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

Another week has come and gone, so its time for a giant list of treasure, right? Well, not this week. You see, I did a different kind of hunting this weekend. Instead of hunting for games, I was hunting for fish. Early Saturday morning, my brother-in-law, his dad, my dad, and I went fishing and stayed there until about 9:00 at night. The fishing was awesome, with the crappies biting like crazy, we kept 40 fish total. The largest was caught by yours truly, a nice big 26 inch catfish that put up one hell of a fight. I fought the thing for a solid five minutes, and my arms were burning by the end of it.

But, I know you're not here to read my fishing stories, so you are in luck, I did manage to get a few nice games on Friday. Though it wasn't as much as I would have liked. Because of the fishing, I didn't get to the flea market on Sunday, so no scores from there either. After spending 13 hours on the water the day before, I was exhausted and slept in until 10AM, it felt like I had drunk a case of beer the night before.

Now, since looking at just one deal might be a little boring, and my into would be longer than the meat of the blog, I thought I'd add in some more info on this week's auctions! And there are a bunch of them coming up this week!

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #5

Posted on Jun 16th 2011 at 06:16:37 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

This weekend was a little slower than the last couple weeks, but I'm glad it was as it gave me a little break to sort through the haul from last week. Still, it wasn't a bad week at all, the quantity wasn't great, but I think the quality of the treasure I found was pretty great.

There's only one new auction this week. I spent the better part of the week going through the Atari systems, only to realize I didn't have any boxes large enough to ship them in once I had finished. But I did have time to list the PlayStations! Bidding starts at $10, and the winner gets 4 systems, 4 games, and 3 controllers.

And don't forget about last week's auctions. There's an NES with 20 games for $30. And there's a Genesis with 4 games for $8.50.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #4

Posted on May 17th 2011 at 08:00:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

Number 2 already? Yeah, this year has been going slow, very slow. This time last year, I was up to . . . 2? Wait, last year started out slow too. The year before that, I was up to six by this time, yeah that sounds better. So this year has been slow, very slow in fact. I fully blame the weather though. We were in a near constant freeze through March, and as soon as the temps got above 40, it started raining and has only stopped a few times since. But luckily, I was able to get some game hunting in during those precious dry days.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #2

Posted on Feb 7th 2011 at 11:00:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

What's this? A new Treasure Hunt Chronicles? It feels like its been ages since I last posted one of these. Last year was a little mixed for me, I had the single largest haul of my life (and most likely will never get so many games at once ever again) but I only had eight Treasure Hunt Chronicle posts. I had to quit treasure hunting early last year due to a huge research project and school in general sucking up all my time. But that's all done, and I'll hopefully be able to get back into garage saling full time. I'll be graduating in the Spring, and working an internship until then, so I'll most likely be limited to Saturdays only for garage saling from now, instead of any day there is a garage sale, so I'll have to work extra hard on the days that I do get to go saling.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2011 - #1

Posted on Aug 10th 2010 at 02:34:32 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

It feels good to be back doing one of these after only a week, instead of a month like last time. Now, if I can just keep up the pace for the next couple weeks until school starts back up. Anyway, this week was a little slow for me, especially on Saturday with only one purchase the whole day. Luckily, the flea market on Sunday came through for me with a good purchase.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2010 - #8

Posted on Aug 2nd 2010 at 12:00:00 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

It's been a while, hasn't it? I didn't realize until just now that I didn't do a single one of these in July. But, there is a reason for my absence. You see, with that last big haul, I simply had to take a break from hunting. I didn't have room to sort any new treasure and really didn't have any money to buy new treasure anyway. While I still need to work on the money part of it, I have made enough room to start buying again, so I started going to garage sales again this weekend. I went for a full day Friday, but couldn't this Saturday because I had a family reunion to go to. Anyway, on to the treasures.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2010 - #7

Posted on Jul 13th 2010 at 02:46:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

Now, you may remember a certain treasure haul I got a couple weeks back. You know, where I bought 567 games for $240. Well, the pictures didn't quite tell the whole story since there was just so much stuff. I've now had a couple weeks to sort it all out, and I took some new pictures to give you guys a better feel for my greatest find ever. Instead of taking a picture of everything, I just included the stuff that I'm keeping for myself, these do not include the games I'm selling. I'll most likely be posting the games I'm selling in the buying & selling board instead of on here.

The following pictures contain 320 games, of which I should be keeping almost all of them. There may be a few duplicates that I missed when I was sorting, but for the most part, these will all be staying in the collection.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2010 - #6 Part 2

Posted on Jun 29th 2010 at 12:33:55 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

WARNING: The following blog post may contain a treasure hunting find that may blow your mind, if you have a weak heart or are the jealous type, do not continue reading.

So I didn't post last week, I was busy Saturday afternoon through Sunday night, and then Monday came around and I didn't feel like writing one up, and before I knew it it was Thursday, so I didn't bother. But don't worry, those finds will be here this week.
But that's not the exciting part, for the most part garage sales were pretty lackluster. The real treasure wasn't found until Sunday (yesterday if you're reading this today on Monday). 

If you've been in the chat yesterday much at all, then you know what the super awesome mega haul of a lifetime was, but if you weren't then you'll have to wait until the end of this post. And don't just scroll past everything else, cause I'll know if you do.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2010 - #6

Posted on Jun 14th 2010 at 12:00:00 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

This weekend didn't result in the finding of anything super rare or awesome, but what I did buy was at really low prices. So don't be surprised if your mind isn't blown away this time, but I think it will be worth your time to take a quick look this week.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2010 - #5

Posted on Jun 8th 2010 at 04:00:00 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Treasure Hunt Chronicles, Collecting, Trophies, Treasure, Deals, Finds

Hey, look at that, two weeks in a row! But there almost wasn't a Treasure Hunt this week, but at the last moment, I got a sweet deal that enabled me to have a worthwhile post. I got a few small deals on Friday and Saturday garage sales, but the weather wasn't cooperating on Sunday, so I wasn't going to the flea market. It looked like it was about to start storming all day, but actually didn't even rain until 10:00 PM that night. Anyway, I didn't go to the flea market, but my dad did, but it was late (around 10:00 AM) when he left, and with the pending rain, I figured he wouldn't be successful. Turns out, I was wrong, way wrong. The flea market is apparently a whole lot better when I don't go.

Continue reading Treasure Hunt Chronicles 2010 - #4

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