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Posted on Dec 28th 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (Disposed Hero)
Posted under Review, Final Fantasy, Square, SquareEnix, SquareSoft, RPG

[img width=700 height=428]http://images.pushsquare.com/news/2016/10/world_of_final_fantasy_demo_is_out_now_on_ps4_vita/large.jpg[/img]

Many longtime fans of the Final Fantasy series have lamented the direction Square has taken with their beloved franchise, forgoing the classic turn-based battle system (or rather the active-time battle system) in favor of a more action-oriented approach featuring real-time combat.  While this rapid evolution of the series is no doubt an attempt by Square to garner new fans and compete with other AAA titles currently on the market, it has left some diehard fans feeling alienated and disinterested with the series.  Enter World of Final Fantasy, a new title in the Final Fantasy series that harkens back to the games of old, featuring a slew of familiar characters and mechanics that should make any old-school fan of the series feel right at home.

Continue reading World of Final Fantasy

Posted on Sep 3rd 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (zophar53)
Posted under Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy XV, SquareEnix, RPGs

[img width=700 height=393]http://i1378.photobucket.com/albums/ah83/zophar53/RF%20Gen%20pics/Final%20Fantasy%20story%20pics/FFXV%20screenshot%20walking_zps2htfpwhs.png[/img]
From the SquareEnix press site

With the release of Final Fantasy XV a mere handful of weeks away, I should be getting more and more excited. I should be devouring every trailer and screenshot with abandon, but I'm not. Instead of squeeing at the thought of a new massive RPG from SquareEnix's flagship franchise like a 14-year-old girl at a Justin Bieber concert, I find myself caring less and less, to the point where I probably won't even play the new game. It's disappointing, and has had me thinking for a while now about other times this has happened to me.

Continue reading Final Fantasy, We Need to Talk....Call Me

Posted on Aug 22nd 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (bombatomba)
Posted under Cure for Retro Depression, 3DS, NES, Game Center CX, Retro Gaming Challenge, Final Fantasy

[img width=700 height=377]http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/bombatomba77/front_edit_zpsnqxkzelb.jpg[/img]

Every year, at least once or twice, I get what I like to call "Retro Game Depression."  Symptoms include irritability (at overly complex controls), sleepiness (falling asleep while pondering beautiful, yet functionally dead vistas), and short attention span (perhaps from open world game burn-out).  The treatment is simple; a barrage of games that both tickle my nostalgia as well as my love of retro gaming.  Please join me, my friends, as I embark on a Late Summer Retro Gaming Expedition.

Continue reading Late Summer Retro Gaming Expedition

Posted on Mar 26th 2008 at 01:59:45 AM by (shadowforte)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Wii, Nintendo, DLC, Final Fantasy

The new upcoming Wiiplay title Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My life as a King, will feature DLC.

The DLC so far will be new costumes that will be available for Leo and Chancellor Chime, such as a pirate set. You will also be able to download housing to gain more races such as the Yukes, Lilties or Selkies. Prices have not has a set price, but will be around 100-300 respectevely.

I am all for DLC on any game one the Wii after the Rockband news. And $3 is not bad for a whole new race in your game. Now all we need is an HD...

(Link: http://www.siliconera.com...life-as-a-king-explained/)

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