On behalf of the Directorship, I'd like to formally congratulate three of our Staff Members in becoming DB Editors. These members have shown the initiative, drive and dedication necessary to be a leader on our site, and we are pleased that they have agreed to rise to the challenge of being an Editor. These three people are:
- Apolloboy
- Funk_Buddy
- NES_Rules
We're really excited to have them take on their new roles. As for what that role is, "Editors act as the leader of a section of the site, being the motivating force behind the growth of the site. Editors motivate, inspire, and lead. They ensure that their section is growing and successful. They also work to solve problems and establish goals for the growth of their section."
Congrats goes out to them! They deserve their positions, and we look forward to their work.
On behalf of everyone at RF Generation, I'd like to welcome Marriott_guy to the realm of being an editor of RF Generation. Marriott_guy has really shown what it means to be a dedicated staff member, and deserves the new revived position more than anyone else. Passionate about the well being of our database and its standards, we know that the promotion of Marriott_guy to the revived status of editor is a great move for the future of the site!
What does it mean to be an editor? Well, in simple terms, our editors will be caretakers of the database, ensuring that their little slice of the site moves forward in a positive way. Editors are expected to be leaders, and to motivate and inspire. We wholly believe that Marriott_guy will be able to do that just like the best of us. We should stress that the scope of the new editor classification is very different from the previous scope. If you are interested to learn the exact nitty gritty regarding what it takes to be an editor, those policies can be found here. We are incredibly confident that Terry will embody those policies, and help us refine them and make them better.
From all of us at RF Generation, congrats, Terry! We look forward to working with you in your new capacity.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three