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Posted on Sep 23rd 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (SirPsycho)
Posted under Editorial, rpg, action, console, replay

[img width=600 height=450]https://i.imgur.com/40rVa51.jpg[/img]

As the storage size of digital media has increased, so too has the size of the video games that are played. Game worlds used to be quite tiny, and the length of games came from other areas of difficulty meant to make it hard to explore those worlds. Enemies were difficult and frequent; statistical balance was brutal. It would take players hours to get the right equipment, enough money, and high enough stats to be able to properly progress. Games have been expanded in many ways for decades.

The idea of playing through a game twice or more is quite old by now, with the earliest examples coming from some mid-80s hits and classics such as Ghosts 'n Goblins, The Legend of Zelda, and Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei. The rewards for this choice are varied, the true ending for Ghosts 'n Goblins, or an extra challenge in Zelda and Megami Tensei. It was only later when this idea was not only popularized, but received a name that has stuck with gamers for over two decades and counting now. Chrono Trigger rewarded players for multiple trips through its world by offering a variety of different endings that could be achieved by beating the final boss in any number of different ways and almost anywhere during the story.

Continue reading Old Game -

Posted on Aug 26th 2017 at 12:00:00 PM by (SirPsycho)
Posted under evolution, rpg, pc, open world, history, theory, editorial

[img width=700 height=393]http://gamingbolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/The-Witcher-3.jpg[/img]

As video games become an aging hobby, it becomes more difficult to grasp the beginning of its tale, or the history and growth of it in general. This does not just mean its actual history, but also its dominant theories of design. For example, when many gamers talk of role playing games, only two dominant styles are generally brought up: The consolized Japanese designed role playing games, and the historically more mechanically complex and open, Western designed role playing games. Despite the fact that these two schools of design are considered different enough to be easily categorized, they share a common ancestor in tabletop games, specifically Dungeons and Dragons. While Dungeons and Dragons has been around since the 1970's, it has evolved and is almost unrecognizable in comparison to its earliest version, as the company that originally created the game went bankrupt, was bought out, and its creator has passed away.

Continue reading The Great Western RPG Schism?

Posted on Aug 10th 2008 at 09:00:00 AM by (Skellionz)
Posted under Film, Classic Gaming, Modern Gaming, Editorial

Each time a fantastic new film comes out I inevitably consider the appalling game title that is no doubt being rushed out by a random game company with no thought or care to the suffering the public will have to endure playing said release.
Sadly things have barely improved from the days of E.T the game and Back to the Future, Computers power has grown beyond belief but the power to create a decent video game based on a film is still sadly lacking. I am tempted to let the developers of the game off the hook, no doubt they are under severe time constraints and have to churn these so called games out quickly to move onto things they actually care about creating. If this is the case it shows, rarely is there a good game coming from a new blockbuster many seem to rely on appealing to the kids to cover the lacklustre game play and mediocre graphics. These days its like they have a formula for a game and repeat it time after time and hope nobody has the intelligence to realise what is happening.
Enter the Matrix for instance starts well but you soon
realise that you actually have little control over your character
and that the game takes over control with fmv sequences, the movement is
clunky and it fails to deliver in a world that should be smooth and free flowing.
                                                                [img width=145 height=91]http://www.theforgottenfew.net/matrix.jpg[/img]                 [img width=145 height=145]http://www.theforgottenfew.net/lego.jpg[/img]

On the opposite side of the conveyer belt of film game titles once in a while you are pleasantly surprised it only happens once in a blue moon
The Lego star wars series, along with the new Indiana Jones games are intelligently written, fun to play for the whole family not just your kids and still challenging enough to keep you coming back for more. There are others such as classics like Aladdin on the Mega Drive proving it can be done.

Ill end by turning it on its head and plead with the film studios to think very carefully the next time they decide to convert a game to the big screen; from Street Fighter 2 the movie to Doom its a catalogue of some of the biggest film travesties Ive witnessed. The first person sequence alone in the Doom film is enough to make me shudder even thinking about it now, thats all from me and Ill be glad to hear your thoughts on the things Ive talked about here.

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