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Posted on May 20th 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (bombatomba)
Posted under Budget, Street Fighter 2010, Joycard Sansui SSS, SF, earbuds, NES, Nintendo, endcap

[img width=600 height=420]http://i67.tinypic.com/2rxw3sg.jpg[/img]

During the last episode, I once again suffered a humiliating defeat at the endcap of my enemy, the Budget Game Wall.  You know that thing, right?  No?  Well, this endcap (who is a complete jerk, mind you) used to sit on the end of the video game isle at my local toy store, displaying the unloved and unlovable from the NES, both old and new, at an attractive $20 price point.  But I wasn’t there on that fated day for game shopping, no.  My task was much simpler: get a functioning NES controller, one I ideally wouldn't have to share with my siblings.  And since I still had another six months (at least) before my SNES came out of layaway, I needed something help me play Final Fantasy and the string of rentals and loans that would follow.  But I had no idea how much a controller would cost, having misplaced my most current Toys 'R Us circular, so I brought all $40 of my lawn-mowing money. My mom gave me a knowing look at this act, but said nothing to stop my action.  It was fine, though: This was a utility trip, not an excuse to look at games, okay mom?.  There was no reason I was going to need all that cash, right?

Continue reading Budget Wall Chronicles - Double Play

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