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Posted on Jul 20th 2009 at 08:45:29 AM by (Tondog)
Posted under Wii, Free Stuff, Virtual Console, WiiWare, DSiWare

So, Pepsi is running a promotion right now where you buy a bottle of Pepsi and get a code to enter into a contest to win Rock Band related prizes or get a downloadable track for free. Now with the PS3 and 360 versions, it generates a code that you can use to download a track that you choose, however with the Wii version it spits out a code redeemable for 200 Nintendo points, regardless of which song you choose. These 200 points don't have to be used on Rock Band tracks, so you can use them to get Virtual Console, WiiWare, or DSiWare games! Let Current.com user PacoDG tell you how to do it:

Granted you're not saving a ton of money since the cost of a Pepsi is about $1.50, but hey, you still get a Pepsi out of the deal. I'm going to try this and go for Gradius Rebirth. What will you go for?

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