It's that time of the year again. The RFGen server account has run day again and we're asking for donations from our community to help with the server costs. As always, 100% of proceeds go directly to the server costs to keep the site up and running. Any prizes for contests are donated by the staff. Donation money is strictly used for paying the $85/month server bill.
It's the donations of the RFGen community that keep the site running on a daily basis. We've discussed the idea of having ads throughout the site, but as long as we can keep the site supported by members of the community we will continue to do so. All databases, collection tools, and forums are provided free of charge and are supported by our volunteer staff and the donations of the community, and we want to keep it that way!
We appreciate all who have helped out in the past and we thank all of you who continue to support the RFGen community. Without you there is no RF Generation.
You can follow this link to make a donation.
Thanks in advance and keep it on channel 3!
PS: Don't forget to PM myself or one of the staff when you give and we'll change your status to donor, which gives you some additional forum privileges 
Time for another update on the 2009-2010 donation drive. Here's the updated list of donors: Jacob, Nikita, Dominick, Timothy, Kelsy, Anthony, Ben, Aaron, Michael, Jon, Pamela, Terry, Anton, and Brad A special thanks goes out to Mrs. C who also sent in a generous donation.
We're sitting at $410 in the paypal account. Big thanks to all those who have donated, and for those who have not we would really appreciate the support. Again, 100% of donations go directly towards the server costs for the site. Click here to make a donation. As always, keep it on channel 3!
Special thanks goes out to everyone who donated in the past couple weeks. Here's a list of the people who have made donations so far: Aaron, Michael, Jon, Pamela, Terry, Anton, and Brad. If you're lucky maybe you can match some of them to their usernames. 
So far we have $167 raised. Big thanks goes to those who have already made a donation. For those who have not, we could really use your support. Even a small donation would be greatly appreciated. You can follow this link to make a donation. Let's keep RFGen user-supported and ad-free. Thanks in advance!
As most of you know RFGen is run and supported by volunteers. We dedicate our time and efforts to the site solely because we enjoy it. We are a non-profit organization... well actually we make negative profit, -$85 a month to be exact for the server costs. The entire year up until this past month the site has survived solely on donations. Well those funds have run dry, so now we are asking our faithful community to step up again and help support the site.
As always, 100% of donations will go to covering the server costs. Any funding for contests and prizes that we offer will be provided by the staff. Your money will go directly into supporting the operation of the site. We will continue to strive to keep the site ad-free and community funded for as long as we can, and with the generous donations of our members in the past we have been able to continue to do so. Every little bit helps, so don't worry if you can't donate as much, especially in these hard times. If you're a new donor, be sure to PM myself or one of the other staff so we can give you "donor" status on the forums.
We'll keep you posted on the status of the donation drive. We really appreciate the support the entire community has given us in the past and want to thank all of you in advance for your generous support. Without all of you, this site would not exist and be what it is today.
You can follow this link to make a donation.