RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Apr 1st 2013 at 02:38:35 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under Donation Drive, Mo money, mo money, mo money, straight cash homey, calendar

As you all know, we recently held our annual donation drive, which was a huge success, meeting our goal to have enough funds to pay for the server throughout the year. However, something has changed here at RFGen. The Collectorcast has been a runaway success, and while that’s awesome for Duke.Togo, Crabmaster2000, and WildBil52, its putting a strain on our servers. Due to the increased traffic and bandwidth use, our host is requiring us to upgrade to a bigger and faster setup. This as I’m sure you all can guess, means a heftier price tag. Which means the funds we raised earlier will no longer suffice. But we won’t be holding another donation drive this year; instead, we’ve decided to change our business model a bit. Don’t worry, we’re not going to going to be adding ads, we would never resort to that...

We’ll still be funded solely by donations, but instead of the few paying for the many, the many will now be paying for the many. In other words, RFGeneration.com will now be a pay-to-use site. I know, I know, it sounds bad, but here’s the good news, you only have to pay once and you’ll never have to pay again, and you get to choose how much you pay. So click the Donate button in the forums and set your payment amount. Once your payment is verified, you’ll be allowed to access the forum and all those wonderful collection tools you know and love.

We'll still be allowing current members to access the site today so they can make this transition and get their payment in as soon as possible.

And remember, even though we keep it on Channel 3, we’re more like HBO now.

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Just curious, but are all previous donations wiped out, or will some of us be able to access the site based on our contributions from the earlier fund drive? Doesn't matter to me either way, just curious about what action(s) I need to take. Thank you.
In reality it is a monthly subscription.
Paypal will auto withdraw just like Netflix does :-/
posted under "mo money", hahaha.
Sure, blame it on the collectorcast. We try to do something nice......
b-but I have no way to do this Sad

Oh, you guys. Wink

definitely quickened pulses more than Android Generation, I'll give ya that.
Sorry folks - I've been contacted by some of our members letting us know that PayPal was pulling multiple payments from their account. Let us know if that's the case and we'll refund you the second payment.
Can I pay with Amazon payments?  I have some gift cards I need to get rid of.
I may have to pay in games; can one of the staff pm me with the game-to-donation cash conversion table?
@slackur: You may get incentives for that based on whether or not you're donating CIB 32X, Mortal Kombat merchandise missing from Izret's collection, or CIB NES.
@Shadow Kisuragi: So what does a Silent Service cart get us?
@nupoile: $0.95 and our undying gratitude.
@slackur: We're matching GameStop on our price list. So, nothing older than Xbox 360 unless you do it outside. Or SNES stuff...
@Shadow Kisuragi: What a rip off. Don't you know that Silent Service is "Ultra RareZ!!!!!!!". I'll be holding onto mine until I have enough to construct a throne out of them.
@Crabmaster2000:  Uhhh....at the price of Silent Service carts, we should try to make this happen as a group.  Would it be blasphemy to use all of those carts for a throne and drive up the price of the game? Sure, but it would be hella fun. 
I remember last year with the android only post you guys made I got so mad.  It was beyond ridiculas lol.  U guys really come up with some great stuff that can get the non suspecting rfgenerers heart rate up.
This is a welcome change, perhaps this will keep some of the riffraff away!!
@bum-man:Yep, it sure works for XBox Liv-

Sorry, couldn't finish without bursting into laughter followed by a few tears and a long sigh.
I'll buy if there is a limited edition variant specific to a nation that isn't my own.

RFG gentaiban
Good ole' April Fools Tongue
Hmmmm, maybe today isn't the best day to talk about the Collectorcast Kickstarter...
You know I was gonna make a donation of $6.66 to this site today but it looks like the PayPal link is down...
I recently won the lottery so I'ts no problem really. Just put that 10,000 dollar donation to use, OK guys?
Will there be premium accounts so that the mods can kiss our asses?
lol forgot what today was for a second Tongue
Oh, Bickman you old asshole!
Best April Fools joke in years, hands down.  Had me through most of the third paragraph.
I wonder how many people are waiting to see a comment with the date of April 2nd saying how awesome this joke was.
I miss the Zombie prank. Bring that one back.
wow you got me good, i totally fell for it until i was about halfway through the comments and noticed the date it was posted Lol.

if this ever became reality though i wouldn't have a problem paying a small one time fee, i'm all for keeping ads out of sites and this is a great place. it would definitely scare away 90% of new members though.
That was pretty darn convincing.
So I finally got around to the site again today and I am greeted with this.... April Fools day came late for me....

@Duke.Togo: Zombie Generation is the theme I run with on the forums. I found I can change my theme under Look and Layout Preferences in my Profile, but I have a feeling that's an Admin-only deal.

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