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Posted on Oct 1st 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Spooky Plays, Shovel Knight, Plague Knight, Yacht Club Games, DLC

[img width=600 height=340]https://c3.staticflickr.com/6/5130/29717153530_c59c2f56b6_z.jpg[/img]
If there is one thing Crabmaster loves, it's DLC.......right?!?!

When Shovel Knight first came out, it reminded those of us that had forgotten, or maybe those that had never experienced, what pure bliss retro gaming could be. The simplicity, the sprites, the level design, the challenge and wow, those chip tunes! It was really something special, and as a primarily retro gamer, it was really exciting to see just how well it was received. After playing it at a friend's house and instantly getting drawn in, I got very excited and eagerly awaited the physical release for my Wii U so that I could play through it again. What was even better was that this version included the Plague of Shadows DLC on the disc!!

Continue reading Spooky Plays: Shovel Knight - Plague of Shadows

Posted on Mar 26th 2008 at 01:59:45 AM by (shadowforte)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Wii, Nintendo, DLC, Final Fantasy

The new upcoming Wiiplay title Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My life as a King, will feature DLC.

The DLC so far will be new costumes that will be available for Leo and Chancellor Chime, such as a pirate set. You will also be able to download housing to gain more races such as the Yukes, Lilties or Selkies. Prices have not has a set price, but will be around 100-300 respectevely.

I am all for DLC on any game one the Wii after the Rockband news. And $3 is not bad for a whole new race in your game. Now all we need is an HD...

(Link: http://www.siliconera.com...life-as-a-king-explained/)

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