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Posted on Aug 18th 2008 at 01:32:29 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collecting, Trophies, Treasures, Scores, Deals, Milestones, Dissapointments

This weekend turned out to be a very big letdown in terms of the trophies I found. The weather was absolutely perfect, not too hot, not too cold, sunny but not overly sunny. I knew, however that it wouldn't be a spectacular weekend simply because I could only put in half a day of saling on Saturday as we had to go to my uncle's for a cookout at 11:00. Oh well, I may not have gotten a lot of games, but I got drunk on free beer and had a fun night.

So, here are my treasures.

Playstation Games

Paid $5 for all of them.

Yep, that's all the gaming related swag from this weekend. The flea market had a ton of people, but none of them had anything good. Although I did see a loose Maxi 15, but it was $50, way too much for me.

Non-gaming related finds weren't much better.

Non-Gaming Finds

The Def Leppard CD was $1, the blanks CDs were in a trash can at one sale, so I grabbed them. They are all like new.

On the way to the flea market, we stopped at a single garage sale, everything was drastically marked down, things that were marked $2 were now marked $0.25, and they said everything was half what it was marked. These are the sales I LOVE, people just want to get rid of their extra stuff. There wasn't much there I wanted, except a large box of men's clothes, 99% of them are my close enough to my size, so I paid the $0.50 they wanted for the box. Some of the stuff is like new and nothing is in bad shape. But, once I got home, I realized there was some other things in the box. Like a couple old credit card statements (with these people's credit card and social security numbers and other stuff. Luckily for them, I shredded the stuff and then burned it. Same as I would do if it were mine. There were also a couple "personal" photos of them laugh

And some of you more astute readers, will notice that I changed my format quite a bit. Marriot_Guy really helped me out with it and I think it looks great, but I'd like to get an opinion from my readers of how you guys like the new format, so feel free to comment on that since my finds were so pitiful. 

Posted on Jul 27th 2008 at 07:54:40 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collection, Trophies, Treasures, Scores, Deals, Milestones, Dissapointments

Well, this is my first blog post as a staff writer and I wish it could be more interesting than it is. However, this weekend was dismal for treasures, so I guess this post will be to show that even I have bad treasure hunting expeditions.

Well, without further ado, my treasure from this weekend's garage sales:
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9789.jpg[/img]
Yep, just two loose games, common ones too.
I paid $3 for both.

Non-gaming related finds weren't much better either:
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/DSCN9790.jpg[/img]
The records were $0.25 each. The Bob Dylan CD was $1 and everything else was $1.
The sale that had the records also had a N64 with about 10 loose commons for $20 but I passed on it, if I had known this weekend would be so bad, I would have bought it.

What really bothers me is that I have no idea why the sales were so bad either. The weather was great, we shopped from 8:00-2:00, and put nearly 75 miles on the truck. There just wasn't anything good, there wasn't even much stuff at high prices. I fear the area is drying up.

The flea market today wasn't any better. I saw a couple Genesis systems with 1 game for $5 but I'm sick of seeing those things. I almost bought a sealed Mega Man 64 for $15 but decided against it. Another woman had a box of PS2 games (around 60) that she wanted $4-5 each for, I offered her $100 for the box full but she declined. One of the usual game vendors had a SMS with hookups and 2 loose games for $42, I really wanted it but that's just too much for me to spend on a system I know I can find for a few dollars eventually.

And to give a little more flesh to this post. I've decided I'm getting rid of all my duplicate games and systems in one fell swoop. I've got a potential buyer for it now for $1000 but if that doesn't work out I'm going to offer the deal to some of the flea market vendors. I think it's a really good deal considering it's over 300 games and 35 systems. But I just need to get rid of it and have more space.

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