RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Apr 1st 2019 at 12:00:00 PM by (bickman2k)
Posted under RF Generation Channel, Google Stadia, xCloud, digital for life, totally real

[img width=400 height=367]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/CSuAqo-iqeCr1eTPxWZv62CGYHLhV4FosMPbM_64vD7w83rWUbLDbsW0TQa_RPHSMt74BKxIUN4GlGZ3MyBFPsPQ0G61htzHxKwXyUQkrCcN1S2E-JKj8su5SqsjUfd3sMAIUw8NPyARm3WSwFwpDLeCOQHMOIlQSMDmZ6CR070TD-qdxLxOg4vDPqsDN7jNb5mJqoR4Kqf-74pHrEVuU9-ZJxkrKbG2Ej2FjC1LC-J_VnLbXtPDv2S5Xi178TyeXfa62tReauzfYnZNgWsHDD04F_bbIW9ya-P6Ex75KVYQeWUrBri7fqIff5gjyBjQiCg_H8-g-oQkU25REkMg1GYydhL14QjS69686mAKiRlLf2hty4TGFYZha4xYpvYbvn98h_fg91IgoCnxCCZWNfCYVXbQK_L1Xl9G342EJsvxwEvQTKz4EY7cxjgoxCcn6AqeU0nRVMugTrjj2xgPj7DThkVCh5szrQTkCxmMZYBmmmeaDB5Lb13D_KEPy2pn5wVhXcebFJQaye4mZpuWNQLt4TMKbzBHKMQRrBhGpfFTuyKW5kxqmn-oymMTKpSEzBoBBQ55kB6fZ4CljluiuE2vuZROuTMR1caHJuSS3YgmcX3O3Oq-RgIZnDE65dJlf3rYrKyIKKHO4-0C0QAARdd2CxC6XpY8-7AyIwsXuwH73hNdSrrWCyTneUqTE28AeNZFLavp5aE3JhZxErdYFHDk8A=w1200-h1102-no[/img]

2019 has certainly been the year of gaming as a service so far. From Apple Arcade to Microsoft xCloud, there are a lot of new things that could change the landscape of gaming and collecting in the future. Well, as we tend to do, RF Generation is wholeheartedly embracing this fully digital future.

RF Generation Channel brings you the best of RF Generation, including the forum, blogs, and even your own collection, streamed straight to you. We have partnered with Google and their Stadia platform to bring this new experience to you in the best possible quality. It's so easy, you won't Twitch when you have to enter new games!

Continue reading Introducing RF Generation Channel

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