RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jun 26th 2008 at 06:54:57 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Downtime, Dedicated Server

As many of you probably know, RF Generation was down for much of April and May, as we experienced growing pains. We thought we'd be okay, but we were slammed by the traffic monster and we had to move from a shared host all the way to a dedicated host. As you probably can figure, we here at RF Generation have been made aware of the fact that some people worry that we might just get up and never return, and we'd like to clear some things up.

Some people worry still that RF Generation is going to pack up and leave in the not too distant future. It saddens me that our recent downtime has caused this fear to arise. We tried very hard to communicate through our emergency blog what was happening with the site. Unfortunately, we were under the impression that we'd be on the dedicated server much sooner than we eventually were. As such, rfgeneration.com for a while pointed to nothing instead of the emergency blog or the real site. We're certainly sorry about that, but I can tell you that we've now gone over four weeks without going down, and I can say that I, along with probably the rest of you, are extremely happy with the fact that we're on this wonderful dedicated host. It's not cheap, but this dedicated server ensures that RF Generation will be around for the long haul.

RF Generation would never just get up and disappear. Too many people have put so much into this site for it just to go away. It would be too great of a disservice to the people who have put their heart into this website. RF Generation is truly the community's website, and no one has the right to take it away from you guys. We'll do everything we can to keep running for years and years to come, and right now with the new server we're confident that we'll be around for a long time.

We need your help, please let those who think we've gone and kicked the bucket know otherwise. Let the world know that we're not dead, and we're back and better than ever. A lot of exciting new things are cooking right now. It's definitely a time to be excited. Share that excitement! Let's make RF Generation THE Classic and Modern Gaming Databases. As a community, we'll be sure that everyone keeps it tuned to channel three.


David Murnan
Site Director, RF Generation

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