[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] It's been one hell of a year and in this month's episode of the Playcast, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) spotlight a little positivity as they discuss December's community playthrough, Among Us. The guys are joined by playthrough superstar and overachiever, Mr_Stubbes, as they breakdown their Top 5 Playthroughs of 2020. You'll also want to stick around as the guys offer up some additional gaming superlatives and in this month's Concertcast, they discuss their five favorite cover songs they believe to be better than the originals. Which 2020 playthroughs made our lists and which ones were left out? Tune in and find out!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on the games we play on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the games in detail. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 81 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19505.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgenplaycast.podbean.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 81 RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled hall decking to bring you the December 2020 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we announce our January Community Playthrough game, reveal our shoot 'em up club title, inform you of a database update, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3 and please continue to keep you and your loved ones SAFE!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: December 2020 Edition
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] This month, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) are joined by a pair of prominent playthrough participants (say that 3 times fast), Doug (douglie007) and Kelsy (Crabmaster2000) to discuss the December RF Generation Wii Light Gun Competition and rank their favorite playthroughs of 2019. The Concertcast features a tribute to our favorite albums of 2019 and of the decade, and Shawn's honorable mentions for the best of 2019. Which of the three light gun games we played are worth your time, and what others do the guys recommend? What titles were we most pleasantly surprised by and which ones disappointed us the most? We discuss our favorite NES game of the site challenge, and pick our best game of the decade. What will it be? Tune in to this fun-filled, 69th episode of the RF Generation Playcast to find out!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on the games we play on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss these games more. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 69 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19261.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 69 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you the December 2019 edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we will announce our first Community Playtrough games of the new year, unveil the next game for our site shoot 'em up club, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: December 2019 Edition
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In this episode, Shawn (GrayGhost81) and Rich (singlebanana) are joined for the third year in a row by site playthrough, superstar douglie007 to discuss the site golf tournament and their favorite playthroughs of 2018. How do they rank Neo Geo Turf Masters, Mario Golf: Toadstoal Tour, and Hot Shots Golf Fore against each other? What were Shawn and Rich's favorite jams of 2018? And which playthrough titles surprised and disappointed them the most? All of this, in the newest episode of the RF Generation Playcast. Check it out!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. We hope you enjoy our show. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen!
Episode 57 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=18944.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 57 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=527]http://i.imgur.com/DJPSjbB.gif[/img] We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you December 2018's edition of RF Generation's Site News! In this issue, we discuss our December 2018 community playthrough contest, unveil the next game for our site shoot 'em up club, and of course, thank those members who sent in submissions to our site and registered approvals last month. Thanks for keeping it on Channel 3!
REMEMBER: If you have any news about upcoming events or topics that you think the site needs to hear about, please PM singlebanana and put "RFG Site News" in the subject line. Who knows, maybe your news will make our front page!
Continue reading All Our News Are Belong To You: December 2018 Edition
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] This December we took some chumps to the mat during our annual Site Competition. Last month, we competed for fastest KO/TKO times and title belts in the classic Nintendo titles, Punch-Out! and Super Punch-Out!. Listen to our Playcast this month as hosts, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81), are joined once again by special guest, RF Generation playthrough all-star, Doug (douglie007) to discuss both Punch-Out! titles and our Top 5 favorite playthroughs of 2017. In this episode, the guys discuss their earliest memories of the Punch-Out! series, what they believe makes these "sports" titles so beloved by so many gamers, and ponder Shawn's possible abduction by alien lifeforms. Do both Punch-Out!games still hold up today? And which game outside of our playthroughs did the guys enjoy playing the most in 2017? The answer to these questions and many more in this month's episode of the RF Generation Playcast. You won't want to miss it!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. We hope you enjoy our show. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen!
Episode 45 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=18502.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana, @MrShawnGray & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 45 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=437]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Podcast/PlayCast_zpsmi6bsclk.jpg[/img] Join RF Generation Playcast hosts, Rich (singlebanana), Shawn (GrayGhost81), Floyd (Fleach), and special guest, year-round playthrough participant, douglie007 as they discuss the games they played during the December racing competition, F-Zero, Road Rash II, and Burnout Revenge. The guys also discuss their five favorite playthroughs of 2016, as well as, their least favorite and a few other recommendations. This is a fun and light-hearted episode that even your Grandpa Jebediah will enjoy....as long as he's on at least his third brandy....oh, and his hearing aid is turned all the way down....and of course, you tell him it's football. Why does Shawn keep texting us photos of his meat and two veg? And why does he have a pet howler monkey? Be sure to listen to this episode of the RF Generation Playcast to find out!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this games on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss these games more. We hope you enjoy our show. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen!
Episode 33 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=17536.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://rfgenplaycast.podbean.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/w...BxDLuRPI&feature=youtu.be On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And Twitter: https://twitter.com/RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 33 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=500 height=353]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d13e82398ca82e7046466fef005beab1/tumblr_n0fdvgiI6j1ss93ulo1_500.jpg[/img] Well, 2015 is behind us, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't take a moment to look back and thank those who make the site great. Each month, I typically publish a list of top approvers and submitters who do a great job in improving the growth and accuracy of our database. However, since it's the end of the year, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank our staff for their fantastic and tireless work in 2015.
Continue reading RF Generation Thanks: December 2015
[img width=700 height=611]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Playthroughs/contra_zpslbfep54o.png[/img] Strap on your ammo belt, grab your unlimited clips, clean your bazooka, and get ready for some sweet Run n' Gun action with the boys from the RFGen Playcast! As you know, each December we typically pick a few games to play with members of the community for a high score challenge. Two years ago, we played through the Streets of Rage series, which our own Disposed Hero came out on top of, and last year, MetalFRO was our Top Shmuper as he dominated many of the shooters we choose. This December, we have chosen the Run n' Gun genre for our playthrough and will be holding weekly high score competitions for the following games: Contra (NES), Rolling Thunder 2 (Genesis), and Metal Slug 3 (XBox and various compilations). Official rules and sign-ups here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=16039.0
Continue reading Community Playthrough Announcement: December 2015
[img width=610 height=440]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/evermore%20gravity%20rush_zpscmt9yszq.png[/img] November is the month to give thanks (unless you're one of those weirdos in Canadia ), and what better way to show your thanks to RF Generation then to join our monthly playthroughs. We've got some exciting games lined up for you next month, so don't be a turkey and dine with us on a healthy portion of video game goodness. On the retro side, join singlebanana and Disposed Hero in the pet-friendly, SNES RPG, Secret of Evermore. On the modern side, Grayghost81 and Fleach host our playthrough of the action-packed title, Gravity Rush released on the Playstation Vita in 2012.
********************************* Before we get into a brief description of our November playthrough games, we would like to take a moment to announce the games we have selected for our December 2015 Run 'n Gun Competition. These games include:
Contra (NES) Rolling Thunder 2 (Genesis) Metal Slug 3 (Neo Geo/XBox/various MS anthologies)
Please be sure to check our sign-up and rules thread, which will be linked on the front page game announcement in mid-November. This year's event will include a trophy hand-crafted by RF Gen's own singlebanana. If you saw the shump wrestling belt from last year, you don't want to miss out on this sweet prize! We're looking forward to another fun event and hope you'll join in.
Now back to your regularly schedule program already in progress.... **********************************
Continue reading Community Playthrough Announcement: November 2015 & December Game Announcements
**Before, we get too far into our game announcement, the RF Generation Playcast has some other exciting news for our loyal listeners. Around the middle of September, we will be moving our hosting services from Podomatic to PodBean. With Podomatic's service, we have always been confined to a specific storage and bandwidth limitation. Once we neared our storage capacity, we had to start deleting old episodes every month, which also removed them from iTunes and Stitcher. For a lower cost, PodBean allows us to house all of our episodes and maintain full download capabilities from their site, as well as our RSS feed affiliates (iTunes & Stitcher). Once we compared our options, the move was kind of no-brainer. We have already uploaded all of our episodes to PodBean and created a working homepage at http://rfgenplaycast.podbean.com/, so please go ahead and check it out!
If you subscribe to use on Podomatic, iTunes, or Stitcher, please note that our next episode (which will be released at the beginning of September) will be our last episode released on Podomatic. You will need to resubscribe once we change our RSS feed. This will occur toward the middle of September and we will be sure to notify you on the RF Generation forums and homepage. Thanks for listening, and we hope that this move will only enhance your listening experience.**
AND NOW BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[img width=610 height=343]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/mgs%20indigo_zpss3tinvzg.png[/img] With the month of August nearly half over, we continue to struggle through the rugged platforming of Little Nemo: The Dream Master and a few of us are wading through the tumultuous sands of Dubai in Spec Ops: The Line. Get ready to plow through some other great titles this September, and join GrayGhost81 as he moves to the retro side with playthrough veteran, Fleach, to host the Konami PSX classic, Metal Gear Solid (PSX/PSN/PS2/PS3/360/PC). Likewise, retro host singlebanana takes a walk on the wild side with games buster, Disposed Hero, and hosts next month's modern playthrough, Indigo Prophecy (PS2/XBox/Steam).
Continue reading Retro & Modern Playthroughs: September - December
 Happy New Year! Its hard to believe another year has come and gone, and just as I was getting used to dating stuff with 2013...
2013 wasn't an easy year for RFGeneration, with temporary outages and performance issues have been occasionally plaguing us the last couple months, but nothing worth doing is ever easy. Luckily for us, things don't have to be so easy when you have hundreds of awesome members helping out. With so many people each doing a small share, we no longer have to employ a dozen children in China to fill in the tedious information. But who needs them when you have slaves members who will work for free? Kidding aside, we really do appreciate all the work every one of you do here at the site. Whether its just a small page edit to fix a typo or adding every game for a system that's been neglected.
And boy, did we ever have a lot of submissions in 2013. How many, you ask? 44,373 total submissions if you must know. The best part of that IMO is that more than half were images, which are always awesome to have more of.
So, who submitted the most this year? It was our very own DB Reviewer, Bildtstar with a truly astounding 5542 submissions this year, that averages out to more than 15 submissions every single day in 2013. I tip my hat to you sir, and I suggest everyone else does so as well.
Up next, we have DB Editor ApolloBoy with 3909 submissions. Thanks man, you've been here since week #6 and have made over 20,000 submissions over the years, more than all but one other member.
Next is a fairly new member, joining in only November, he has somehow managed to rack up 3331 submissions. Keep up the pace Kaysow, and you'll do just fine here.
And our last member to get over 3000 submissions this year, the world famous Crabmaster2000. Somehow, between shoveling a mountain of snow 9 months out of the year, co-hosting the greatest podcast of all time, and running his own store, this man has managed to make 3280 submissions this year.
As an honorable mention, I'd also like to thank Shadow Kisuragi not only for his 2910 submissions this year, but for his tireless and never ending work on keeping the site running. He and bickman2k are out there every day in the code trenches fighting bugs as well as trying to bring new functions and features to the site.
But that's not everyone, I'd also like to thank the following people for making over 1,000 submissions in 2013. Tynstar, ericeskapade, CoinCollector, thegreatska, Sirgin, and Razor Knuckles. And thanks to the other 240 of you who made another 14,500 submissions.
If you're sad that your name isn't listed here, there is a simple solution, just submit more. Its simple to do and is even a bit addictive. Start out simple with the games you know well and then move onto things you're less familiar with.
And if every game page you look at it is full on information and pictures but you still want to help out, there is always the option to help us out financially. We haven't started our annual donation drive yet, but that doesn't mean you can't beat the crowds and get that donation in early. Just hit the button below and chip in a few bucks.
Well, we made it, the Mayans were wrong and we survived December 2012, we'll say it was because you guys were kicking butt in making submissions. Surely, the world couldn't end with so much being done to the DB, it just wouldn't have been fair. December was the fifth straight month of increasing total submissions. And this was our best December since we started keeping track of submissions in 2006. And it goes without saying that it was so much better than what happened last December.
So what were the 5175 submissions in December you ask? Most were actually images, over 1600 to be exact. And boy do we love getting images. So who made all those image submissions? Quite a few people actually, but the majority were submitted by ericeskapade.
But of course he wasn't alone in the war on empty DB entries, the other top 10 submitters in December were Paully3433 (1444), ericeskapade (619), Sirgin (493), Shadow Kisuragi (314), Bildtstar (260), thegreatska (170), aeroc (158), CoinCollector (157), ApolloBoy (126), and raffa1985 (123). Thanks guys, you did an awesome job!
And of course we have to give some recognition to our tireless staff that approves all those non-staff submissions. In December, with over 100 approvals we had Paully3433, Shadow Kisuragi, and Izret101.
So you're all pretty familiar with what can happen in a month's time here, but you ever think of how much gets done in an entire year? Well, its roughly 12 times as much In 2012, there were 59,374 submissions! Over 27,000 of those were images, over 12,000 new DB entries were added.
The top 10 submitters for 2012 each had over 2,000 submissions, with the top spots having 2-3 times that many. The top 10 submitters for 2012 were, Crabmaster2000, aeroc, Paully3433, Shadow Kisuragi, Sirgin, Tynstar, NES_Rules, raffa1985, Bildtstar, and ApolloBoy.
And the top staff reviewers, each with over 6000 reviews, Shadow Kisuragi, Paully3433, NES_Rules, Tynstar. Thanks to all of you who have submitted in 2012, December, or any time in the past. Every submission, however minor or seemingly insignificant helps us out. And if you haven't made any submissions, then what are you waiting for? Its really easy to get started and we have a wonderful staff and members that will help you out with everything from the most basic questions to the incredibly advanced.
I have one more "thanks" to give before I end this. And that goes to Shadow Kisuragi for going through and fixing dozens of little errors that have been occurring on the site. Some of them have been around for as long as I can remember, and I'm sure most of the RFG veterans, like me, don't even notice them anymore. But once all these bugs are squashed, we'll be able to actually focus on bringing new features to the site!
And lastly, I'd like to remind everyone of the Donation Drive currently in progress. The official Drive will end on February 1st, so if you want to get in on the action, you have a couple weeks to help out. By donating, you not only help keep us alive, you'll also be eligible for some sweet prizes, click here for more information. As of this writing, we're about 42% of the way to our goal, so don't be shy and toss a few bucks our way, you'll feel good and we'll still be here!