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Posted on Nov 22nd 2008 at 05:04:42 PM by (Nik the Russian)
Posted under History, DDR, Super Famicom, SNES, Zelda, Gordon Freeman

[img align=right width=210]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-072/gs/U-072-S-00850-A.jpg align=right[/img]Oh, hi! A lot of birthdays happened lately, so I'll have to be short.

November 19, 1998 (10 years ago): Half-Life is released (on PC; the updated PS2 version appeared three years later ).

I hope I don't have to explain as to why this is important: it is a very fun FPS game. It also has a very fun sequel, lots of spin-offs and expansions, and about a zillion mods. Back in '98, Valve managed to make a shooter which was cinematic, and yet didn't have a single cut-scene in it. If you missed it, or lost your disk or something, Steam has it right now for $0.98 (that is 98 CENTS). For best enjoyment, use the original version (not the Half-Life Source), but do install the High Definition Pack (paste this url into your browser with Steam running, no quotes: "steam://installaddon/halflifehd").

Also, some day we may have a very updated version of the original game thanks to the guys at Black Mesa Source. With the help of supportive community, those awesome people spent the last three years or so converting the original Half-Life into Source engine (as in fully, and not just the water, like in Half Life Source). Before you say "what's taking them so long", go and check out their screenshots and such. Be amazed.

Continue reading VG History: Freeman and the others

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