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Posted on Jun 27th 2021 at 12:00:00 PM by (ErbBetaPatched)
Posted under dbz, ps2, review

Budokai is one of the first games I remember playing on the PS2. It has to be at least one of the first 5 games I saw on the system.  I played a bunch of it with my brother and my cousin and we are all big DBZ fans.  A couple years later we got Budokai 2 and I was amazed at the improvements. Along the way we rented Sagas and I remember him hating it while I was fine with it. Eventually we got Tenkaichi 2 and played a ton of it and after my brother moved out I was lucky enough to find Tenkaichi 3 for $20 at a Gamestop and played way too much of it for the rest of my high school years.

Needless to say I have a lot of history with these games.

Continue reading Every Dragon Ball Z Game l Review The PS2

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