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Posted on Nov 7th 2009 at 10:00:00 AM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Cubivore, Gamecube, Review, Unloved, Darwin

Looking for something a little quirkier to play on your Gamecube? Looking for something a bit out of the normal to play? Looking for a game that has a button that literally makes your character take a dump then and there? Then look no further, Cubivore is here.

[img width=338 height=481]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/cubivorecover.jpg[/img]

The premise of Cubivore is quite simple and not to absurd. Your character wants to become the strongest beast in the wild. Its how you get there that really shows how unique this game is.

You start as the head of a little piggy with a small world to explore. As you wander around you notice some of the other animals have limbs of various colors. Being only a head and one colorless limb, you really have limited options as to what to do, and you really are jealous of those tasty looking limbs. After viciously tearing the limbs off a possibly unsuspecting beast and chowing down on it you start to feel funny. OMG I'M MUTATING!!! Viola your limbs have now changed colors. Now you are feeling a bit tougher and can perhaps take one some beasts with multiple limbs. Knowing that the Killer Cubivore (the current strongest beast around) has 6 limbs you still have a long way to go. You figure that if you can destroy and become the King of over 100 different beasts you will probably have a chance at beating him.

[img width=620 height=402]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/cubivore-piggy.jpg[/img]

Now it is not just as simple as eating new beasts and gaining new limbs. No no no. It is a lot more fun than that. It is all about the ladies. After defeating a boss (one of Killer Cubivores underlings) you get a piece of much sought after raw-meat. These upgrade your limbs and let you do fancy things such as run, jump further, target your opponents, etc. But more importantly, the ladies just love raw-meat. Whether it be your raw-bone, raw-shnoz, or any other raw-limb you may have they just cant resist. Its time to mate. The more different beasts you have demolished the more the ladies will want to breed with you. In my game, I had up to 21 females mate with me at the same time for a little off-screen action.

After the ladies have serviced your character, many of them will bear you some offspring. But they look different somehow. OMG THEY HAVE AN EXTRA LIMB!!! You get to choose your favorite child and have your consciousness transferred into them and the rest are apparently discarded.

After repeating this process enough times the Ulti-MATE female takes notice. A sexy piggy like you cant stay single forever. After praying mantis like relations you become reborn as a one-limbed bear. Bears can apparently grow more limbs than pigs so that is a good thing.

You may have noticed in the pictures that this looks like a launch game for the original Playstation and not a top-notch Gamecube title. Trust me its done intentionally and makes for a truly unique art style that simply cant be described as pleasing, but it really is.

The music is very light and Pikminesque. It really helps keep a positive fun feel to the game amidst all the carnage of tearing limbs and terrified screams from other animals. The tunes do pick up a bit when facing boss characters though. Gets your blood pumping for the battle.

Cubivore should take you around 10-12 hours to finish the first time around with a good chunk of extra work to do for those completionists out there. It really is a lot of fun just looking around for different color combinations to mutate into, and who doesn't love choosing a favorite child to transfer your own mind into? Isn't that what most parents of children in sports wish they could do (and probably a little limb tearing too)?

Final Score 9.0/10

PS - Here is a cross section of a Cubivore as shown in the manual. Enjoy!!

[img width=640 height=538]http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk189/Crabmaster2000/cubivoremanual.jpg[/img]

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This game looks freaking CRAZY! Reminds me a bit of Monster Rancher, but seems much more fun.  I seriously can't wait to find it and play it.

Also, that cross section illustration in the manual is gnarly! One of the coolest things I have seen in a long time! Smiley
sick game.
Is it just me or am I noticing that the source of these unloved games are all on GCN? Crabmaster2000 surely there must be underrated games on other systems!!! Tongue

To the GCN's credit, it did have alot of gems that most people over looked.
The focus of the Unloved series was supposed to be Gamecube/Wii games, but I've been having a lot of fun with the Gamecube and have yet to get to the Wii.
Awesome...never knew about this game until now.
also, Gamecube rules. And is surely unloved.
@Crabmaster2000:Out of curiousity have you thought of having another kind of blog for hidden gems on other platforms? I would love to read up on games I could catch up on other systems.
I have to admit i haven't minded seeing GCN exclusive titles.
I never had a large library or new anyone else with more GCN titles than me so i'm getting to learn stuffs.

If you do happen to do some for different systems though that would be cool Smiley
I could definately do another blog series for hidden gems on other platforms. I have a soft spot for the Gamecube though so I'll definately keep those up. I've kind of already had some other games in mind (for other systems) so keep your eyes peeled for them in the coming weeks.
This damn game... So hard to find.
Well i don't think you would need another blog series just for other systems.
Just keep the Unloved moniker and throw another number in front of it Wink

I cam across this game once in the wild and it was marked at 50 bucks so needless to say i have never played it despite my interest.
@Sirgin:That's because really...the Japanese and Americans get all the fun ¬_¬
@gamepopper101:Ow, you're right, it wasn't released in Europe....typical. Undecided
@gamepopper101:don't forget about those zany Canadians as well! Tongue
This game was such a pain in the ass to find, but once I did, I loved every minute I spent playing it.  I highly recommend it to anyone willing to drop the cash to get it.
I LOVED Cubivore! Still have my copy. Such a strange concept, but it's quirks kept me coming back.
I've been trying to find a decently priced copy of this forever now....
Let the hunt begin! Quirky unheard of titles like this are the whole reason I bought my 'cube.
I remember hearing about this when it came out, and then I completely forgot about it.  I need to find it!
If anyone is dying to play this game Barracuda has it for sale for the very reasonable price of $30!! Scoop it up quickly, because i'm surprised its been there this long.


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