RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Oct 5th 2012 at 09:07:16 PM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, podcast, Duke.Togo, Crabmaster2000, wildbil52, episode 7

Episode 7 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...rum/index.php?topic=10429

Follow the Collectorcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Collectorcast
On Stitcher (enter Promo Code RFGeneration): http://www.stitcher.com/RFGeneration
On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/u...collectorcast/id524246060
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/DukeTogo74
On Pod-o-Matic: http://rfgenerationcollectorcast.podomatic.com

When buying, selling or trading games there is one thing that's always sure to come up: Whats this game worth to me? Pricing your game to sell can be a tricky thing. Buying at a price both the seller and buyer can agree upon, and be happy with, can be even trickier.

How important is it for trades to be equal in value? Does your relationship to someone have a monetary value when it comes to transactions? Whats a lowball and is it ever appropriate to make such an offer? What are the generally accepted methods of estimating an items price?

Join Duke, Crabmaster and Bil as we discuss how to spend your Toonies on the ever fluctuating market of secondhand video games.

Show notes:
Music: Ninja Gaiden (NES)
10:09 Small Scores
1:42:40 Pricing
2:55:46 Outtro

Sites mentioned in the show:

Posted on Sep 12th 2012 at 10:26:11 PM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, podcast, Duke.Togo, Crabmaster2000, wildbil52, episode 6

Episode 6 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...rum/index.php?topic=10347

Follow the Collectorcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Collectorcast
On Stitcher (enter Promo Code RFGeneration): http://www.stitcher.com/RFGeneration
On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/u...collectorcast/id524246060
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/DukeTogo74
On Pod-o-Matic: http://rfgenerationcollectorcast.podomatic.com

Crabby and Duke decide to allow Wildbil back on, since his awesome score streak has dried up and he's no longer competition. We sit down to discuss methods for keeping track of your gaming inventory. You may be able to guess our current favorite, but we talk about the options, our history with different methods, and the deeper meaning behind documenting items.

You folks may regret all the praise you gave us for the last episode, as we've gone on to produce another three hours of content. Don't blame us, you had the chance to complain at the last one Wink

Show notes:
Music: Metroid (FDS)
22:01 Small Scores
1:34:09 Main Topic: Inventorying
2:58:04 Closing

Sites mentioned in the show:

Posted on Aug 22nd 2012 at 12:36:44 PM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, podcast, Duke.Togo, Crabmaster2000, episode 5

Episode 5 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...rum/index.php?topic=10165

On Stitcher (enter Promo Code RFGeneration): http://www.stitcher.com/RFGeneration
On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/u...collectorcast/id524246060
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/DukeTogo74
On Pod-o-Matic: http://rfgenerationcollectorcast.podomatic.com

After an unusually long absence we are back to discuss a topic that our significant others wish was more universal, cleaning. This is one of several areas of collecting that we find oddly enjoyable. Don't know how to stock your cleaning tool box? We will help you get started. Wondering what the best method is to get stickers off your games? No problem. Dirty contacts giving you trouble? Or maybe you just want to spruce up the look or your dirty old NES. Whatever it is, we will get you on your way to a pristine looking game collection that will make your friends jealous.

And if you're a listener of any of the previous Collectorcasts, you'll probably recognize how sick we are of talking about Wildbil52's great new finds each episode during the small scores recap. To remedy this we invited Wildbil52 onto the show so that he can talk about his own damn finds this time around Wink. And since cleaning can be such an important part of the collecting experience Wildbil52 sticks around for the rest of the episode to let us take a look inside his cleaning tool box, share a few cleaning secrets, and make sure that we don't get off topic.

Show notes:
Music: Contra (NES)
17:06 Small Scores
59:17 Interview with Wildbil52
1:23:06 Crabby's Amazing Pick-up
1:32:52 Main Topic: Cleaning
2:49:25 Outro

Sites mentioned in the show:
http://youtu.be/KghFebsMw00 (retr0bright)

Posted on Jul 11th 2012 at 11:08:58 PM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, podcast, Duke.Togo, Crabmaster2000, episode 4

CollectorcastEpisode 4 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...orum/index.php?topic=9974

On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/u...collectorcast/id524246060
On YouTube: http://youtu.be/tXSZeRqRV2g
On Pod-o-Matic: http://rfgenerationcollectorcast.podomatic.com

What is that? Another Collectorcast already? How can it be? We have been working hard to keep things moving. And while our last two episodes are still somewhat fresh in your mind we thought it best to spend some time tying them together.

Listen in as we discuss what happens when the worlds of online collecting clash with local treasure hunting. How do the two methods compliment each other? Can they live in harmony or do they conflict with one another when combined? Let us know what you think.

And to start moving things in a new direction we discuss everyone's (and we use the term everyone loosely) favorite topic... Variants!!! What do you consider a variant? How do you categorize them? Which are your favorites? How should they be tracked here at RF Generation? It can be a controversial topic and we cannot wait to hear the communities thoughts on the subject.

Show notes:
Music: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
0:19 Intro
1:18 Small Scores
28:07 Online & Local Collecting Wrap-up
45:16 Variants
1:30:36 Outro

Sites mentioned in the show:


Posted on Jun 24th 2012 at 11:31:43 AM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, podcast, Duke.Togo, Crabmaster2000, episode 3

CollectorcastEpisode 3 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...orum/index.php?topic=9841

On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/u...collectorcast/id524246060
On YouTube: http://youtu.be/xrkaxV0iULc
On Pod-o-Matic: http://rfgenerationcollectorcast.podomatic.com

Hot off the heels of the Collectorcast Episode 2 which explored our favorite places to pick up games online were following up with the obvious, the best local areas to hunt for games!

Well discuss several obvious places and explore the ups and downs of each, but with any luck well be able to shed some light on a few unexpected options that might be available close to home.

As usual we dig through the RF Generation forums and blogs since our last recording and highlight some of the best finds over the last few weeks. And WOW were there some awesome scores this time around. If you haven't been keeping up with the new posts for a while then the Collectorcast will be worth a listen to for that alone.

Show notes:
Music: Streets of Rage 2 (SEGA Genesis)
0:00 Intro
3:39 Small Scores
20:19 Local Collecting
1:33:10 Conclusion

Sites mentioned in the show:


Posted on May 29th 2012 at 12:28:10 PM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, podcast, Duke.Togo, Crabmaster2000, episode 2

Collectorcast On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/u...collectorcast/id524246060
On YouTube: http://youtu.be/cWaHH0nDlvg
On Pod-o-Matic: http://rfgenerationcollectorcast.podomatic.com

Episode 2 thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...um/index.php?topic=9738.0

With all of the great feedback we received the first time around we could not resist putting together a second episode of the RF Generation Collectorcast. And we did not only listen to the good stuff you guys had to say either, so pay close attention to the new and improved audio and let us know what you think.

Last time we spoke about what drew us into video game collecting and why we love it like we do. This time well begin to explore the vast world of online game collecting. Well talk about our favorite online shops, what we think about auctions sites, what we look for in shipping, and even come to a rare agreement as to what the best method for obtaining games online is.

You can also expect us to keep things in line with the previous cast and showcase our favorite scores around RF Generation since the last recording. In addition we also take some time to thank everybody for the amazing welcome we received the first time around as it was very encouraging and had us looking forward to producing more content for you in the future.

Show notes:
Music: Akumajou Densetsu (Nintendo Famicom)
0:00 Intro
7:21 Small Scores
35:03 Online Collecting
1:32:12 Conclusion

Duke.Togo's 3DS Friend Code: 4253-4529-2892

Sites mentioned in the show:
RF Generation - www.rfgeneration.com
Nintendo Age - www.nintendoage.com
Racketboy - www.racketboy.com
Digital Press - www.digitpress.com
Famicom World - www.famicomworld.com
   - Senseiman - www.famicomworld.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=681
   - Manuel - www.famicomworld.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=29
PC Engine FX - www.pcenginefx.com
Atari Age - www.atariage.com
Game Gavel - www.gamegavel.com
Big Game Hunter - www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCB1A5FCEA7331E04&feature=plcp
EKGaming - www.ekgaming.com
Gamer Spots - www.gamerspots.com
Retro Gaming Roundup - http://retrogamingroundup.com
Shop Goodwill - www.shopgoodwill.com
Trade-N-Games - www.tradengames.com
JJ Games - www.jjgames.com
Atari2600.com - http://atari2600.com
Gamester81 - http://gamester81.com
ToToTek - www.tototek.com

Also mentions:
Lukie Games - www.lukiegames.com
eStarland - www.estarland.com
DK Oldies - http://dkoldies.com
Play-Asia - www.play-asia.com

Posted on May 3rd 2012 at 04:32:02 PM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, Podcast, Duke.Togo, Crabmaster2000, Episode 1

Collectorcast On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/u...collectorcast/id524246060

On Podomatic: http://rfgenerationcollec...2012-04-30T21_59_20-07_00

On YouTube: http://youtu.be/MFUNy5ag4MU

Welcome to the first episode of our new podcast. Prepare to be captivated and amazed as your own Crabmaster2000 and Duke.Togo talk to each other about old video game stuff and collecting it! It is almost like you are there with them (but that would be creepy.)

In this episode we speak about some of the nice grabs that individuals on RF Generation made in April. Do we talk about your scores? You will have to listen to find out!

Next up, we introduce ourselves as collectors and then hit the main topic: why do we collect?

Both of us thank you for taking the time to listen. We welcome your feedback, and look for episode 2 next month! Please subscribe!

Show notes:
Music: Lagrange Point (Nintendo Famicom)
Introduction and nice scores: 0:00
Our collecting history: 23:03
Why do we collect?: 32:30
Our collection goals and conclusion: 1:08:42

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