RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Sep 3rd 2008 at 01:09:47 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collecting, Trophies, Treasures, Scores, Deals, Milestones

Well, another week with a late blog post. Our county fair was this past week and I wasn't home from Friday until today, so this was the earliest I could get it written up. Unfortunately, because I was at the fair all weekend, I didn't get to go treasure hunting this weekend. My dad went without me, and he was instructed to call me if he found anything, but he supposedly didn't see anything.

However, I was able to stop at a sale between classes on Thursday. It was a massive "tent sale" but I didn't see much that I wanted. I got a pair of big old truck horns for $1 each, but neither ended up working. Luckily, before I left, the guy says that there is a Nintendo and an Xbox in a trailer outside the tent. So I walk over and find this stuff:
[img width=700 height=524]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/Game%20Collection/2008%20Scores/DSCN9934.jpg[/img]
The SNES stuff was marked $25 for it all, the Xbox and hookups were $35 and the Xbox games were $1 each. All very acceptable prices, but I figured I could do better. I offered $50, which they accepted. However, since I wasn't planning on garage saling at that moment, I didn't have $50 on me, so I had them put it aside and told them I'd be back to pay. Which worked out pretty well because she didn't have the power cord, but by the time I came back with the cash, she had it.
So, now I finally have my own Xbox. All I need is a SMS and I'll be satisfied with the consoles I have for a long time now.

There was also three boxes with a boxed 4 switch VCS and a loose 6 switch, plus several boxed games and a couple dozen loose games (all commons, only a couple I don't have) and a few other old electronic stuff for $20. I thought about buying it, but it was just too dirty for me. I knew I would end throwing half of it away and the other half would need to be fumigated for cockroaches, so I left it.

Posted on Aug 26th 2008 at 04:45:59 PM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collecting, Trophies, Treasures, Scores, Deals, Milestones

This should be Treasure Hunt Chronicles #18, but I accidentally erased it, please forgive me. Although I guess it is 3 weeks old at this point, so why are you reading it anyway, go read the new one!

Posted on Aug 18th 2008 at 01:32:29 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collecting, Trophies, Treasures, Scores, Deals, Milestones, Dissapointments

This weekend turned out to be a very big letdown in terms of the trophies I found. The weather was absolutely perfect, not too hot, not too cold, sunny but not overly sunny. I knew, however that it wouldn't be a spectacular weekend simply because I could only put in half a day of saling on Saturday as we had to go to my uncle's for a cookout at 11:00. Oh well, I may not have gotten a lot of games, but I got drunk on free beer and had a fun night.

So, here are my treasures.

Playstation Games

Paid $5 for all of them.

Yep, that's all the gaming related swag from this weekend. The flea market had a ton of people, but none of them had anything good. Although I did see a loose Maxi 15, but it was $50, way too much for me.

Non-gaming related finds weren't much better.

Non-Gaming Finds

The Def Leppard CD was $1, the blanks CDs were in a trash can at one sale, so I grabbed them. They are all like new.

On the way to the flea market, we stopped at a single garage sale, everything was drastically marked down, things that were marked $2 were now marked $0.25, and they said everything was half what it was marked. These are the sales I LOVE, people just want to get rid of their extra stuff. There wasn't much there I wanted, except a large box of men's clothes, 99% of them are my close enough to my size, so I paid the $0.50 they wanted for the box. Some of the stuff is like new and nothing is in bad shape. But, once I got home, I realized there was some other things in the box. Like a couple old credit card statements (with these people's credit card and social security numbers and other stuff. Luckily for them, I shredded the stuff and then burned it. Same as I would do if it were mine. There were also a couple "personal" photos of them laugh

And some of you more astute readers, will notice that I changed my format quite a bit. Marriot_Guy really helped me out with it and I think it looks great, but I'd like to get an opinion from my readers of how you guys like the new format, so feel free to comment on that since my finds were so pitiful. 

Posted on Aug 18th 2008 at 01:26:15 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Collectors Dillema, Collecting

To buy or not to buy?

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To buy or not to buy, that is the question.
Sorry for the cliche title, but I just had to do it.

We've all been there. You're at your choice of establishment for game buying; garage sale, flea market, Goodwill, etc. You see a game on the shelf, you check your printed out RF Generation collection list and see that you already own a CIB mint condition copy of the game. But, you know the game is worth much more than what it is selling for at this establishment.
So here is the dilemma, buy the game with the full intent of re-selling it or leave it there for the next collector who does not already have the game.
For the sake of argument, let's say the price on the game is $1, would your opinion change if the game was a $10, $50, $100, $1000+ valued game?

Posted on Apr 29th 2008 at 11:52:12 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Collecting, Game Gavel

Gamegavel's wanting to give away $500. It's pretty simple. All you need to do is become a verified sellers, and wait for 1000 verified sellers to exist on the site.

Why not do it? Sell something on Game Gavel. You might just win something in the long run.

Good Luck!

Ed Note: Fixed the link to go to gamegavel, rather than our site. Who the hell wants to visit this site anyways?

Posted on Feb 28th 2008 at 01:54:38 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Collecting, Plug, no eBay

Let's face it, eBay sometimes might really grind your gears. You might even hate eBay and its evil empire. Perhaps you'd just prefer a place to auction your games that specializes in auctioning games. Perhaps you'd prefer such a site even more if it was run by a Digital Press member, and has affiliation with DP. If you're interested in such a place then I have good news, Gamegavel.com might just be your place.

Why should you be interested in gamegavel.com? Let the webmaster speak for himself.

Why is GameGavel different than eBay, and why should you use it? GameGavel.com has the DigitalPress seal of approval, Joe loves the idea and is backing  it 100% both with his word and the ability to use the Rarity Guide (integration into the GameGavel site is coming soon!) Further, all auctions feature free basic insertions! I don't believe you should be charged to list an item, then be charged at the end when you sell it! If you upgrade beyond the basic listing, the fees are modest, and the Final Value Fees are lower than ebay every time! Additionally, everyone at GameGavel is just as passionate about Video Games as you are! I am trying to cultivate a Community Feel, by incorporating your feedback at all the sites you enjoy! When a person clicks your profile to look at your reputaiton, they have instant access to your DP Feedback, Cheap Ass Gamer Feedback, and more! People instantly know that you are a good seller/buyer/trader!

Certainly this is a site that a collector could find great use in, and as such I highly recommend that you check it out. You never know what you might find or be able to sell.


Posted on Feb 3rd 2008 at 04:51:41 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Collecting, Rare, eBay, Whatever IT is

[img width=300 height=207]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-044/bf/U-044-S-01090-A.jpg&sizex=300[/img]
Chrono Trigger. What an amazing game. The pinnacle of SNES RPGs, possibly even the best RPG ever made. Seriously, what a treasure. Turns out that this game is up for grabs on eBay. Even more so, the game is factory sealed. Such things, shall we say, are expensive.

So, who wouldn't want to fork over $400 for a copy of Chrono Trigger, sealed? If you are crazy, and would like to bid on this rare item, then go ahead. But, isn't the purpose of games to be played? What would you do with it? Place it in protective casing? Worship it nightly? Play it? That's for you to decide, I only will provide you with the link.

Better hurry up. Bidding ends tomorrow at 3:14 PM PST. Get your bids on, if you dare.

[via Kotaku]

Posted on Jan 21st 2008 at 02:39:33 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Collecting, Classic Gaming, Light Gun, Rare

[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/20534560284793bd7fbc6097c95_1.JPG[/img]Check it out. It's a real MACS SNES combat sim light gun. This bad boy was used by the military to train soldiers back in the day. Certainly beats owning a Super Scope I presume?

Well, if this item tickles your fancy and is a must own for you, you have until January 26 at 5:23 PST to make your bids. Currently, the high bid is at $36, but you know, there is still six days left in the auction. It should also be noted that you'll need special simulation cartridges to use this light gun. Fortunately, the seller also has an auction going on one of those as well. Currently, the cartridge sits at $26.

So, if these two options are something you must have, poach away, and best of luck to you on your follies with eBay.

MACS  Light Gun (eBay, via Destructoid)
SNES MACS Moving Target Simulator (eBay)

Posted on Jan 3rd 2008 at 10:58:01 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Classic Gaming, Collecting, Auctions, Prototypes, Be the evny of RFGen

So, I was checking out GameSniped today, and they listed some very interesting and rare Atari auctions they stumbled upon at eBay, sold by the Atari Museum.

He has quite a few unreleased prototype hardware items that are pretty cool.

One of the neatest things he has for auction is a box and manual for the game Quadrun. Now, as you may know, Quadrun is one of the rarest 2600 games (rated a 9 on AtariAge's rarity scale), so finding a box and manual for agame like this is really a once in a lifetime experience, and the current going rate of the auction reflects that. As of this writing, the box/manual is going for $200. Quite spendy for some cardboard and paper if you ask me, but I suppose it's worth it considering how much that game usually goes for.

Another neat item he has up for auction is a prototype of the Super Breakout LCD game, only one of two known to exist. Currently that one is priced at $385, and will likely go even higher as there is one day left in the auction. Pretty darn neat looking thing that would make you the center of attention in the game collecting world. Also, notice how much that proto looks like an early 80s version of the iPod? I wonder if that's where Apple got their inspiration...

He also has quite a few other protype system boards, hardware, and other items for sale. Take a look and report anything you found interesting.

There's some other great auctions up there including some game concept art, promotional poster for the recent Atari Flashback 2 plug and play console, some sealed Activision LCD games, a service kit, diskettes, and some rare accessories (including a CX-70 light pen.)

Click here for a full list of what he has for sale.

Also related, GameSniped listed a promotional display and lenticular sticker for the 2600 classic, ET. I might just buy that and make it the centerpiece of my collection just to show my affection for the gaming greatness that is ET for the 2600...


Posted on Dec 31st 2007 at 01:07:28 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Hardware, SNES CD, Collecting, Pre Playstation, If Only Nintendo Kept this Add On

[img width=250 align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/4466831574777f6c17f667MVC-020S-17.jpg[/img]So, back in the day there was the SNES CD Add-on under development by Sony and Phillips. Clearly, it didn't work out. Phillips decided to release the add-on as the CD-i, the system with amazing games like The Legend of Zelda: Wand of Gamelon. Certainly, we are blessed that system and it's amazing games. Thankfully Nintendo has learned a thing or two about whoring out franchises, haven't they?. Anyways, yeah, there was Sony's prototype as well, and we all know what happened with that prototype.

Well, a piece of development history is currently up for auction. Someone is auctioning a dev controller for the SNES CD. Talk about of piece of history, it could be yours if you win the auction, and also have a large sum of money. It could be yours for the cool price of $2999.99. Personally, I don't have that type of money, and I am not a hardware collector. But for those of you who love to collect rare, and I mean REALLY RARE pieces of hardware, now is your chance. Happy Bidding!

[eBay] via [Gizmodo]

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