Another awesome year has passed, another 12 hours or so and it will be 2009. This year, I obtained a ton of games, somewhere between 600-800 games. Not bad, not bad at all. But as most of you know, buying that many games isn't cheap, so I thought I would share what I've spent this year.
The total amount that I spent was $1,043.35. My most expensive month was August, in which I spent $219.75. My cheapest months were January and December, which I didn't buy any games at all. November was close with a total of $2 spent.
Now, this year, I was also big into selling off duplicate games and systems. In total, I sold $359.73 worth of stuff, so that means I really only lost $683.62 buying stuff this year. The month of December was my best in terms of selling stuff, I brought in $83.53 from selling this month.
As most of you know, collecting isn't just about the money, it's about the games and the systems that play those games. So, what all did I get this year? Well, I already explained
my best deals of the year, so I'm not going to do that again, but feel free to read that over if you haven't already.
To give an idea of how my collection has grown, please take note of the following images. The first was taken in December of 2007, the second was taken today. Also the first picture shows about 99% of my games at that time, the second one shows about 80%.
[img width=550 height=411][/img]
[img width=550 height=411][/img]
Now, I'm going to list how many games for each system I own, I didn't do this last year and I really wish I had so I would have a better idea of how many games I bought this past year. The first number is the total number, the second is the number of unique titles. These aren't really in any order, they're kind of in order as to when I got them, but not perfectly.
NES - 344, 277
SNES - 205, 140
N64 - 108, 85
GCN - 39, 39
GBC - 13, 13
GBA - 11, 10
Genesis - 269, 197
Atari 2600 - 305, 166
PS1 - 240, 200
Dreamcast - 49, 40
TI-99/4A - 7, 7
PS2 - 87, 83
Gamegear - 13, 10
Odyssey 2 - 1, 1
Sega CD - 32, 27
Saturn - 25, 25
Atari 7800 - 2, 2
GameBoy - 7, 7
SMS - 29, 29
32X - 1, 1
Game.Com - 4, 4
Tiger Quiz Whiz - 2, 2
Xbox - 33, 29
Intellivision - 23, 17
3DO - 18, 18
Coleco Vision - 1, 1
Wii - 6, 6
TG-16 - 32, 32
Atari 400 - 11, 11
Xbox 360 - 5, 5
That brings the totals to;
Total games - 1,922
Total unique games - 1,478
Total duplicates - 444
Total systems - 98
So, what will 2009 bring me? Surely, I'll surpass 2,000 total games, perhaps even 2,000 unique games? Will I get rid of the 400+ duplicates? Will I get 400 more duplicates? Who knows, only time will tell. But if you want to find out, you had better keep it on
Channel 3.
I can't wait to see what 2009 will add to your already mighty collection.
Nice additions... just not sure what the point of this post is (ego?).
Best of luck on your 2009 finds.
Man, that's truly awesome, all that for a little over a $1000. I wish we could get deals like that here in the uk.
Congrats on a great year of game collecting. Nice read btw
Ditto on GS's reply. Great read and nice deals man! 
@Marriott_Guy: A little bit of the reason may be ego, but more just as a way to document things. I keep realizing that I should have kept track of stuff better (amount spent, how much stuff I bought/sold, etc) an since my Treasure Hunt Chronicles were so popular, I figured people would be interested in this as well.
@NES_Rules:Thanks for the reply to my post NES. I agree - after reading your response, I do think this is interesting info for everyone. Can you expand on this a little bit more in another article (keeping track of items/purchases)? Thanks and happy hunting in 2K9!
@Marriott_Guy: I'm most likely going to add a small "stats" section to my THC, to keep a tally on how much has been spent/sold and how many have come and gone.
I love your idea of keeping stats and I am going to start doing that so I can keep a closer eye on how much I've spent. Of course that doesn't start until tomorrow so I've still got a few hours today where I won't be keeping track 
Great article! I love the treasure hunt chronicles and enjoyed this as well. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!
Looking good. I don't want to even think about how much I have spent LOL.
At first glance I thought you owned 344,277 NES titles and 204,140 SNES games etc. Once reading the explanation it made a lot more sense. 