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Posted on Jul 7th 2008 at 09:00:00 AM by (OatBob)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Bungie, Halo 3, Cold Storage, Chill Out, Halo CE

Bungie sure does have a fascination with the number "7".  Their forum is named the "Seventh Column", and various exponents of 7 hold high, even religious significance in many of their games.  Would it surprise you then that on this date last year, 07/07/07 would have some special meaning.  Well, they held their first "Bungie Day", but also officially competed the #6 task in their 7-Step Plan for World Domination (stage bloody coup of new parent company).  Yet, the world wouldn't know of this deed until October of 2007.  Now having been enlightened by the knowledge of their independence, we can truly celebrate a future not bound exclusively to Microsoft and the billion dollar donut!

Are we, the fans, the only ones to cheer?  Of course not!  Bungie is returning the favor with a special download.  A set of Bungie-styled Gamerpics and Theme will be available for download one day only.  An extra bonus for Halo 3 players is the free map "Cold Storage", a remake of the classic "Chill Out" from the original Halo: Combat Evolved.

"Chill Out" plays more on the Forerunner theme, with a sprinkle of Flood contamination.  Gameplay holds fairly true to the original with focus placed on controlling the sniper, rockets and invisibility power-up.  Online matchmaking will also be updated to require the new maps for playlists currently requiring the Legendary Map Pack.  Since the new map is free, this shouldn't be a problem.  If that isn't enough incentive, the Legendary Map Pack is getting a new price of 600 MS points. 

Video of the new map after the break...

Continue reading Happy Bungie Day!

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