[img width=700 height=525]http://i.imgur.com/ng24TAF.jpg[/img]
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
all the gamers were stirring, with a click of the mouse.
The Pylons were constructed, by the Protos with care,
in the hopes that a Zerg rush soon wouldn't be there.
Continue reading A Visit from Mario
[img width=300 height=427]http://i.imgur.com/b42581O.png[/img]
That's right, it's time again for the RFGeneration Secret Santa v2014.0. RFGeneration's Secret Santa event is a fun and exciting holiday gift-exchange tradition that several of the members of this site participate in annually.
For the full list of rules, information, and to sign up, head to the RFGeneration Secret Santa v2014.0 thread located here:
[img width=425 height=282]http://www.boysstuff.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/video-game-santa.png[/img]
The time has come, once again, to be the Secret Santa for a randomly selected RFGen member.
Head on over to the Secret Santa thread for details and to sign up
[img width=450 height=653]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/A-040/bf/A-040-S-00010-A.jpg[/img]
If you are participating in the RF Generation Secret Santa 2012 Extravaganza, PLEASE make sure that you have filled out your form that was sent to you from
About half of the participating members have been matched up but Santa is still waiting on about a dozen letters before everyone can be matched.
If you haven't signed up and would like to participate, you can send an email to
rfgensanta@gmail.com and request the sign up form. YOU WILL NEED TO RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM WITHIN 24 HOURS. That way, there will be enough time to match you up so that you can get shopping!
Details on the RF Generation Secret Santa can be found on this thread-
The RF Generation Secret Santa 2012 is live! [img width=450 height=635]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/games/U-075/bf/U-075-S-04490-A.jpg[/img]
In a nutshell:
Sign up (link below), get matched with another RF Gen member, send each other glorious video games for Christmas! On Christmas morning (or earlier if you just can't wait), post pics on the Secret Santa thread so that we can all share in your happiness!
If you decide to participate, just remember that the value of the items you send must be AT LEAST $20.
To participate, head to the Secret Santa thread for detailed instructions:

In Cincinnati, Cornhole has an entirely different meaning than the one you are probably thinking of. See, in Cincinnati Cornhole is the name of Bean Bag Toss, a game where you throw bean bags towards a slanted board with a hole in top center. This game is great with friends and alcohol, and on Cincinnati's West Side where they watch grass grow to pass time this game is certainly a fun diversion. Some people say the game was created in the West Side, while others claim it came to be elsewhere. Either way, the game is stupidly popular, almost as popular as the mom and pop sports bars that dot the White Oak neighborhood in Cincinnati.
Well, knowing how stupidly popular the game is in Cincinnati and surrounding areas, some shovelware developer created Target Toss Pro, a game that was certain to get a few sales in the metro area. The game can be found in sports bars around Cincinnati, and, if you so desire, you can buy it off of the Wii Shop Channel, and that's where things get precious.
See, my Aunt and Uncle have a Wii, and prior to Christmas Eve had an impressive tie-in ratio of two. The question though is since Wii Sports is bundled with the Wii does that go into the Tie-In ratio? Anyways, I digress. During December, it generally is too cold to really enjoy playing Cornhole outside, and lots of Cincinnatians enjoy that activity, so they'd love to have some comparable activity to keep them occupied during the warm months.
Well, luckily for them, some shovelware developer released
Target Toss Pro: Bags for the Wii, which means that they can play a really shitty game during the cold months. Clearly Cincinnatians are an intelligent bunch and wouldn't waste their money on a shoddy game? Right? RIGHT? Well, Christmas Eve has shown me otherwise. My Aunt and Uncle are proud owners of the WiiWare Version of
Target Toss Pro: Bags, courtesy of a relative.
Congratulations Incredible Technologies, you've hit a localized gold mine. Thank god the production value of the game is about nil, you might have lost money otherwise. What obscure game that only appeals to a single city will they release next? Chunkin': Pumpkins? Whatever it is, I am sure it will be
From our family to yours - Merry Christmas. May this joyous day be spent with friends and family, and may you find happiness in the day. May the holiday season continue to be a joyous and festive time, and from the staff of RF Generation - Merry Christmas.