RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Mar 16th 2008 at 09:56:07 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Checklists

Believe it or not, but we do listen to you guys. In fact, we even have ears that listen on other websites. You could say we're omnipotent... nah. That's not us. We're just a bunch of gamers, collectors, and average Joes running a website. But yeah, that's not the point. What is the point is that we've updated the collection checklist script after hearing some complaints about it. In the past, the script grouped variants and that was the only option. Now, the default option is that we show every game on a console, including variants. While this move will make a row for Greatest Hits, etc, it will also be extremely beneficial for those games that had multiple primary releases (read: Pokemon, etc.) We feel that it is better for you to filter out on the checklist which games you wish not to collect, rather than us. That said, if you wish to still group by variant, you can still do that as well, but such an action is not  the default.

As with any new release on RF Generation, there may be bugs. As the PHP Programmer, as well as the Site Director, it is my job to quash these bugs. So yeah, let me know, somewhere, if you experience any bugs.


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