RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jun 25th 2010 at 03:23:45 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Chat, JOIN US

Oh dear. It's been a while. How are you fine folks doing? I'm doing wonderful, but a part of me is sad. See, we have this wonderful IRC chat room, and unfortunately it's lonely in there. There are only a few of us that go into it, and that makes us sad.

See, you don't need a specialized IRC program to get to our chat (though it won't be bad if you do). We have an applet here you can use. Of course, you could always find us at #rfgeneration on Quakenet. We reside there. Maybe you'll find us talking about video games. Perhaps you'll see an extension of our unrelated thoughts thread. But you know, if more of us were to frequent the chat, it could be a very interesting time.

So, won't you join us in the chat? It doesn't hurt to join! Quite painless, really. We love the chat! Won't you love it too?

Click Here for our Chat Page

Posted on Jun 9th 2010 at 03:20:39 AM by (bickman2k)
Posted under IRC, rfgeneration, chat

I'm sure most of you know, but for those who don't, RF Generation has a chat room! It's always great corresponding with everyone via the forum, but it's also nice to be able to chat with you guys in real time. Whether it's about gaming or nothing at all, feel free to jump in and join us!

You can use your favorite IRC client on QuakeNet (irc.quakenet.org) at #rfgeneration or just use the link below to launch it as a Java applet in your browser!

Click Here for the RFG Chat

Posted on Jan 17th 2010 at 11:31:39 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Overheard on RFG, Site News, CHAT, JOIN US, Obligatory Whoring

You know what? We have a chat. Normally it's fun, and it's absurd. Recently, however, things have gone by the wayside. I've not quite whored out our chat as much as I used to. Did you know that the last time I did one of these posts was in April of 2009? Back then, Jay Leno was still the Tonight Show host! And today, he's on the verge of becoming it again! How weird that these things come out to be. Anyways, I'm not the only one that's noticed that the chat has fallen to the wayside:

[23:45] Roehm21: dammit hang on
[23:48] Roehm21: Ok I think I got it now
[23:52] Roehm21: Where the hell did everyone go?
[23:58] TraderJake: the land of makebelieve
[23:58] Malygris: It's pretty awesome in here, lemme tell ya
[23:59] TraderJake: it sure is
[23:59] Roehm21: lol

That's right.... Where the hell did everyone go? Won't you join us in the chat? We have imaginary candy.... JOIN US, WON'T YOU???

Click Here for our Chat Page

Posted on Apr 8th 2009 at 07:39:26 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Overheard on RFG, Site News, CHAT, JOIN US, Obligatory Whoring

You know what? We have a chat. It's absurd, and it's fun. Want to see a sample of our absurdity? Sure you do:

[23:32] *** TraderFake is now known as Alfaxxor.
[23:33] Alfabor: doesn't rhyme.
[23:33] Alfabor: nice try.
[23:33] Alfaxxor: I DO NOT CARE
[23:33] Alfabor: better luck next time.
[23:33] Alfaxxor: Tongue
[23:33] Alfacor: You don`t add more, you`re messing it up!
[23:33] Alfacor: Now he`s not gonna give you +o
[23:33] Alfaxxor: YES!
[23:33] Alfacor: YOU`RE MISSING OUT
[23:33] *** Alfaxxor has been kicked from #rfgeneration by Alfabor: you damn well better make your name right
[23:33] Alfabor: oops.
[23:33] Alfabor: he doesn't know how we roll, does he.
[23:34] Alfacor: Nope.
[23:34] Alfabor: whoops.
[23:34] Alfabor: oh well.
[23:34] Alfabor: well, he was a nice guy.
[23:34] Alfabor: way to lose that member.
[23:34] Alfabor: he apparently does not have autorejoin
[23:34] Alfacor: Yep, he`s gotta do it right.
[23:34] Alfabor: so... will he ever come back.

And that is the $64,000 question. Did Lios come back? The only way you will know is if you join #rfgeneration. So yeah, won't you join us? JOIN US, WON'T YOU?

Click Here for our Chat Page

Posted on Mar 3rd 2009 at 11:30:00 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Overheard on RFG, Site News, CHAT, JOIN US

At RF Generation, we have a chat room. As for what goes on in the chat room, consider it like the Unrelated Thoughts thread, only 1000 times better. I'm serious, we know how to have fun.  You'd think that a respectable person like your Site Director would not engage in such shenanigans, but pfft, I'll do what I damn well please. Why wouldn't I anyways, especially when there is awesome banter like this:

[21:03] Alfador: EXCEPT ME
[21:03] * logical123 liked Public School a lot
[21:03] Alfador: I DOUBT IT
[21:03] TraderJake: that's true.
[21:03] Kimoosabi: WELL EXCEPT ROB
[21:03] TraderJake: i am much smarter than dustin
[21:03] logical123: Agreed
[21:03] Alfador: DAVE PROBABLY IS
[21:03] Kimoosabi: I am pretty sure my sandwich is smarter than [NAME REDACTED]
[21:03] TraderJake: CAPS LOCK
[21:03] logical123: wtf
[21:03] logical123: why did it reflect my new pic?
[21:03] logical123: NO
[21:03] Alfador: I'LL REFLECT YOUR NEW PIC
[21:04] logical123: NOOO
[21:04] Kimoosabi: YES
[21:04] Kimoosabi: YEEES

See, the chat is awesome. We have fun, and I'll protect the real names of people like Alfador and Kimoosabi because I care. Also, they both owe me a shrubbery. So, the question lies, won't you join us? JOIN US, WON'T YOU?

Click Here for our Chat Page

Posted on Jan 13th 2009 at 07:10:29 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Chat, JOIN US, overheard on rfg

See, we have this chat room on quakenet. It's a lovely chat, and if you dare you should really consider joining it. I mean, generally there is a level of absurdity that exists in our forum, but our chat takes that absurdity and trumps it in Spades. Don't believe me? Why not check out this discusison:

21:03] TraderShake: FAIL
[21:03] TraderCake: TraderMonkey doesn't fit the formula
[21:03] Traderflake: OH YOU BASTARD
[21:03] TraderQuake: i'm original
[21:03] *** Malygris is now known as TraderBake.
[21:03] TraderSnake: lul
[21:03] Thunderstruck: woohoo!
[21:03] TraderBake: hey guys, wuzzup
[21:03] TraderCake: a lot of shit rhymes with Jake
[21:03] TraderSnake: I am updating the chat log
[21:03] TraderQuake: Hello
[21:04] TraderQuake: how?
[21:04] TraderSnake: Cause I'm special
[21:04] *** Sunfireman is now known as TraderFake.
[21:04] *** TraderBob is now known as TraderNake.
[21:04] TraderQuake: nothing ryhmes with Aaron
[21:04] TraderSnake: Caron
[21:04] Thunderstruck: Baron
[21:04] TraderSnake: pwnd
[21:04] TraderBake: Sharon
[21:04] TraderShake: I will change TraderMonkey

Does that make sense to you? Sure as hell doesn't make sense to me, but that's okay because it really isn't meant to make sense. We're having fun, and chances are you'd be having fun if you were in the chat. So, why the heck aren't you in the chat? I mean the all the cool kids are doing it! JOIN US, WON'T YOU?

Click Here for our Chat Page

Posted on Dec 19th 2008 at 01:19:50 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under RFG Chat, Chat, Site News

[img align=right]http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j22/Mike_2_0_0_6/UncleSamForChat.jpg[/img]

OK, maybe the US needs more than a bunch of collectors, but what does need you is the RFGeneration Chat. You see for the past few days, the chat has been inhabited primarily by Canadians. Yes, our cousins to the North who we pretend to hate, but are really just jealous of.
Right now 4 out of the 5 users in the chat are Canadian, and since Alfador must have made it through the snow to get to work, I'll probably be the only American in there for a couple more hours.

So, Americans, help your country turn the tables and join in on the chat. You can use the wonderful chat applet provided by Dave or your own IRC program to get there, but just make sure you join in.

Click Here for our Chat Page

Posted on Dec 8th 2008 at 04:38:20 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Chat, Sorry

So, it's come to my attention that those of you that were using our chat client (known as mibbit) to get to our chat room may have found yourself more often than not with the wonderful welcoming sight of glined. What does that mean? Well, it appears quakenet places a temporary ban on connections via mibbit when too many users connect to the network via the program. In this case, it was almost always happening, and as such I view mibbit no longer as a viable option for our chat program.

What does that mean? Well, in short terms, we're back to using our old Java Client. Same chat room, same network, new webchat client.  All the links should have been updated, and you should be able to get on easily, provided you have Java installed. Here is a link below to the new client. Again, sincerest apologies about the previous webclient dropping the ball, especially when I've been whoring out the chat in recent times. Do join, won't you?

Click Here for our Chat Page

Posted on Dec 5th 2008 at 06:48:32 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Chat, JOIN US

Can you hear them? Why, it's the faint sound of crickets in the distance? Is it a summer night? Nah, it's the RF Generation chat room, and it's so quiet in there that you can hear the chirp of crickets in the vast emptiness of our chat room.

Of course, chances are that you can't hear the crickets because you're not in the chat room. The question is why wouldn't you be in the chat room? The chat room loves you, and is greatly sad that you're not in the room. It's not as though we have a vendetta against anyone in the chat room. We'll talk about most anything as long as it does not violate any US laws. We're really a fun bunch, and it'd probably be a lot more fun if you were there as well?

So, why aren't you in the chat room yet? I mean, the link to join is right below? Don't want to use our applet? Well, the room is #rfgeneration on quakenet. If you're IRC saavy you'll know what that means, otherwise, we hope you'll use the applet below. See you in chat!

Click Here for our Chat Page

Posted on Nov 2nd 2008 at 09:07:49 PM by (TraderJake)
Posted under overheard on rfg, Chat, Join Us, Site News

[10:33] TraderJake: hooray first day of daylight standard time!
[10:33] Malygris: Yup. Whee.
[10:34] * TraderJake hates DST
[10:36] JamesF: you guys are behind the times
[10:36] JamesF: DST was last week
[10:36] Malygris: afk a bit
[10:36] JamesF: maybe the week before, i forget
[10:36] TraderJake: for you guys it was
[10:36] TraderJake: but they kicked it back a week for for the children!
[10:38] TraderJake: you know... halloween is big here in the states
[10:39] TraderJake: speaking of which, have you crafted your guy fawkes effigy yet to be burned at the stake on wednesday?
[10:40] JamesF: nah
[10:40] JamesF: its too wet to bother celebrating anything
[10:40] TraderJake: but bonfire night seems like such a fun holiday to celebrate
[10:40] TraderJake: what could be more fun that burning things?
[10:41] TraderJake: aside from plotting to blow up parliament, of course
[10:41] JamesF: chavs using fireworks?

At #rfgeneration, we like to have interesting discussions. A lot of time they are random, and periodically they are related to gaming, or in James' case, letting the room know that he is going to go and listen to music in his Mini. See, it's truly a fun time, where we don't really have a set topic and things just go with the flow. So, that said, why aren't you in the chat with us? It's easy! #rfgeneration on quakenet is our location, and if that's too hard for you why not check out this page for the nitty gritty on joining. Won't you join us? JOIN US, WILL YOU?!

Posted on Aug 6th 2008 at 09:22:15 PM by (logical123)
Posted under Site News, Chat, IRC, noob, video game

Ed Note: Got to love logical's fervor. -TJ

So... Our great site rfgeneration.com has this really awesome thing called a chat room. And it's just that, AWESOME! I know that personally, I've had some great times in the chat room, and I can assure you all that others have too.

You got a question but don't want to wait for a reply to your post? Then you could go over to the chat and ask. you would get an answer. Bar none. At least, that's how it used to be...

The chat here at rfgeneration has become a ghost town, a miserable excuse for the BEST GAME SITE EVER! Malygris is almost always in there, and I frequently stop by. So do others. But if you're the only one in a chat room, don't you normally leave? Of course you do. It's down right boring.

That's why I am blogging to my fellow rfgen'ers, so that we can revive the chat, make it lively again. At least, I hope thats what everyone gets out of this... Wink

The chat is awesome, and I don't like seeing it go to waste. So, hop on over to the rfgeneration chat room, and get CHATTING! Smiley

Posted on Jun 28th 2008 at 01:26:15 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Chat, JOIN US

Are you a social type? Could you have fun and pretend you're the social type? Do you have an interest in periodically supporting a zombie meme? Would you like to chat with fellow RF Generation members?

Well, if the answer is yes, why don't you consider joining us in chat. All you got to do is click one of the many "Join Chat" Buttons strewn throughout the site (such as the one found beyond the above link), and you're well on your way. We have a lovely new web-based client as well!

Chat is fun! We're fun! Won't you join us in our lovely little chat? We're waiting for your presence!

Posted on Apr 12th 2008 at 04:04:45 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Chat

Did you know that RF Generation has a chat? If you happened to visit while we were down, you may have seen the giant link to the RF Generation Chat right there on the front page being proudly displayed while the rest of the site was bricked. It appeared to work well, with a healthy group of people showing up in chat. Now that we're back though, that's all been washed out.

If the previous paragraph did not make it clear - RF Generation has a chat. It's hosted on quakenet, a popular IRC Network where we don't have to worry about the chat overloading our server. Don't have an IRC Client? No Problem! Our chat page has a Java IRC Client that will log you in straight to our channel, where you can chat with fellow RF Genners and pay respect to our secret op, Malygris. Certainly, there's fun times to be had, the question though is... why are you not there?

Join the chat! Kill time! Talk about your latest find! Talk about that game you love! Join the Zombie meme! We don't care, but we know one thing - it'd be a lot more exciting with you in the chat!

Posted on Jan 22nd 2008 at 06:54:33 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Chat, IRC

Some of you really, really hated our previous chat client, so much so that you decided to create an IRC chatroom and lobby for the death of our previous chat client. Well, after some introspection and the prospect of having the chat server load not be ours, we now have our chat on IRC.

IRC, you say? Well, perhaps you're scared of IRC? Don't be! We've made it easy to join our chat! You could use a client to join our chat, or you could use the applet that we provide.

Interested in joining the chat? Check this page for more details and where you can find us! Hope to see you in chat!

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