The_8-Bit_Donald's 8-Point Plan to Make
[img width=400 height=130]http://assets.podomatic.net/ts/1f/0a/f6/podcast4748829450/920!x300!_7078778.gif[/img][img width=126 height=130]http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9fr_L1_pO6k/Vn9jHeI2f1I/AAAAAAAACJI/Qd9MpYIf-v4Hds-cjB5ScvPaoX_tyCEFA/w581-h595-no/image.jpg[/img]
GREAT Again!
Good morning, fellow RF Gentlemen! Thank you for attending my rally on this beautiful April day. I hope we'll have many more days like this ahead. There's no greater collecting site for video game enthusiasts anywhere on the internets, really! It's true! It really is. But there have been many signs of a decline in the last few years, which is why I'm campaigning to become this fine institution's illustrious leader. You see, I have a YUUUUGE plan, a GREAT plan-- really, it's great, it really is-- to put RF Generation back on the top of the vidya heap! I have eight points that I will pursue when I claim my rightful fuhrerdom leadership:
Continue reading Making RF Generation GREAT Again!
[img width=608 height=256]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/GCalsihawb4YDBlewZyg1fDwk8ThESpSurRqxbC2MzZcCoEPmIIsdiGYe0iwwGigzMurANqTmr5GsW90gXIGICCKF0vPn6rfA6xSlNk-GEztE02O4U8fuFQrgYnh6LofNmRHip066YQFDqfKTWYi0-8ozW3qn03Yo_IM8eE2GAUnShoKVqtEM5VFku0pKP0j9Vufigw6_TPdQYtzhnTM8yVobmpJyuoJkMjTQ_R3nZdTbcOxFKHmesrMgeBL2h-2fWR95qmLJMnIMiA2C3T7IIGU6oGbksfTvAHSQRvTWgcQvA_kL99DcBjFeFT8XSQOeZr7MxJMxeiceorUWsAJo2LgqIT-llc5CeD9mw0PQQVFBx5IycCz8nB7gViKc7fFBm7lL9VdRDddZ2kGvIRe09uZfJTtVrPmjeQdfe3pYpX0sTSshNU_Jo_lBNiaowjNjkhNXEftK6hbA5leK0etxPgaxtOtzONXTkOhj8l5w5jaiJIckm0OiaV2r4JgLPXU_FcQFFjaFKLXJOoIg1UlMBHVXO4b6FKfni1l7nrN533NvYuzzm6iVr3Prg67Pua8cVIbYQ=w608-h256-no[/img] As we enter 2016, I thought it would be fun to bring back a favorite series on the RF Generation blogs: The People of RF Generation! My first interview is actually with the former writer of the series, Fleach! I had the pleasure of meeting him when we were at RetroWorld Expo back in October. Continue on through the break to learn more about him!
Continue reading People of RF Generation: Fleach
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three