RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Oct 21st 2009 at 03:39:40 AM by (NES_Rules)
Posted under Site News, Staff, New Staff, Blogs, Blog Writer, Crabmaster2000

As a Director of this fine site, I'd like to welcome the newest addition to the RFGen staff, Crabmaster2000! He will be joining the ranks of the RFG staff as a Blog Writer, which means he'll be gracing the front page of RFGeneration more often. He will be writing about the 'Unloved' games that most of us pass by as well as giving a description of the current month's "Off The Shelf" game, which was also a creation of his.

So, fellow members, take the time to congratulate Crabmaster2000, he certainly deserves it! And remember to keep it on Channel 4 to read his and all the wonderful blog posts on THE Classic and Modern Video Games Database!

Posted on Dec 19th 2007 at 08:25:29 AM by (TraderJake)
Posted under Site News, Community, Blogs

[img width=600 height=200]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/9505236194768d0e36bc57Bloggers.jpg[/img]

The staff and programmers at RF Generation are pleased to announce the official release of the Community Blogs system, which was supposed to be two months ago. Up until this time two months ago, the system has been in beta, looking to find and quash bugs and also to add new features. At this time, we have added plenty of features that anyone interested in blogging should enjoy:

  • Ability to use HTML or BBC
  • Ability to customize one's blog appearance
  • Ability to program the release of an entry
  • A fun and exciting commenting system
  • Ability to preview and look over any entry before posting
  • RSS Feeds
  • Other things that I probably forgot

Certainly, we've put a lot of work into the blogging system to make it manageable for all users and members, and we hope that you all will find some use for the blogging system. As you can see by the above image there are already many people have tried out our blog system. Won't you be the next? It's easy, all you got to do is a) be a registered member of RF Generation and b) click the My Blog link located under the blog section of our navigation. One there, agree to our agreement and then blog away!

It should be noted that while we call it a blog you do not have to use it as a "blog" blog. Perhaps you would like to track and chronicle your collection finds using the system. Perhaps you would like to chronicle your gaming life. Perhaps you would like to tell the world how you're feeling. What you could use the blog for is only limited by your imagination, so use your mind to create an environment that is truly special and entertaining. Who knows, you might even have fun.

It should be noted as well that we are desperately looking for people to write for RF Generation's blog, What About Channel 4? (the blog you see on our front page) If you are interested in being a blogger for us be sure to talk to me about becoming one. Just to make it known now rather than later, we expect any staff blogger to make a minimum of 2 posts a week for the RF Generation blog. If this sounds like something that you would be interested in doing, be sure to let me know.

As always, stay tuned to RF Generation, more is surely to follow when you keep it tuned to channel 3.

Ed Note: Yeah, so I wrote this post two months ago. Let me stress that we are still desperately looking for people to be blog writers. I think I've made it pretty easy, I hope you all agree. Any suggestions should be brought to the PHP Coding Monkey, also known as me. You can make suggestions in our beautiful forum known as The Thinktank. Oh by the way, do check out our forums- blah blah blah- we have a lot more to offer than just the collection tools. But yeah, our collection tools are pretty damn awesome. The Black Perl kicks ass. Damn, am I rambling, but is that purposeful? Eh, I don't know, the coding make brain mush. Hulk Smash. Enjoy the rest of your day. And Stuff.

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