After some very positive feedback I am going to continue writing out my life story.... or at least the parts that are G rated and have something to do with video games. For anyone who has not read part 1 here is an easy to find link: LINK When I finished the first part I had finished by writing about the Intellivision which remains my favorite pre-NES system. During this part I..... well you'll have to keep reading to find out.
Every summer we would go to a Kamp Ground of America(KOA) and there they would have an amazing room filled with arcade machines. I would estimate that they had between 8 and 10 games but as the years passed they decreased the number until they probably only had 2 or 3. As I said we never had a lot of money but I would always be given two quarters a day so that I could play a couple of games. Like most kids my age I would watch the games run through their attract mode, this is something that I have passed along to my own son so this tradition can continue(actually in all honesty I still love watching it play through). I have a vivid memory of sitting on a stool and watching Excitebike play through.