So, finally, we have an official pairing bracket for the
Best of the Best contest. But! Those who are good with math may notice something: we have an EXTRA pair! So, it is up to YOU (again...) to decide which pair is automatically eliminated! So, without further ado, the pairings....
-Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) VS. Captain Olimar (Pikmin Series)
-Samus Aran (Metroid Series) VS. Mario (Mario Series)
-Vivi (Final Fantasy IX) VS. Locke Cole & Celes Chere (Final Fantasy 6)
-The Wanderer (Shadow of Colossus) VS. The Prince (Katamari Series)
-Niko Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV) VS. Lars Umlaut (Guitar Hero series)
-Ms. Pac-Man (Pac Man Series) VS. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider Series)
-Albert Wesker (Resident Evil) VS. Pitfall Harry (Pitfall Series)
-Pokey (Mother Series) VS. Chrono (Chrono Trigger)
-Ryu (Street Fighter Series) VS. Gene (God Hand)
-Link (Zelda Series) VS. Sub-Zero (Mortal Kombat)
-Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic Series) VS. Godot (Phoenix Wright 3)
-Crash Bandicoot (Crash series) VS. Conker (Conkers Bad Fur Day)
-Firebrand (Gargoyle's Quest series, Demon's Crest, Ghosts 'n Goblins series) VS. Goldwyn (Uniracers)
-Max Payne (Max Payne Series) VS. Mega Man (Mega Man Series)
-Maximo (Maximo) VS. Funky Kong (Donkey Kong Series)
-Raziel (Legacy of Kain series) VS. Joshua (The World Ends With You)
-Master Agent (Crackdown) VS. Solid Snake (Metal Gear Series)
-KOS-MOS (Xenosaga I,II,III) VS. Elvis (Perfect Dark)
And, thanks to our AMAZING graphics designer Dennis (den68), we have an official RFgeneration pairing picture:

So, who will be eliminated? Will it be that pair with the
guy no one has heard of (Goldwyn)? (I'm speaking to you, Dave!) amazingly awesome computer opponent Goldwyn from Uniracers? Will it be Solid Snake? Only you can decide! So, what are you waiting for?! Vote! The sooner, the better.
Eliminate -Niko Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV) VS. Lars Umlaut (Guitar Hero series)
Firebrand (Gargoyle's Quest series, Demon's Crest, Ghosts 'n Goblins series) VS. Goldwyn (Uniracers)
The Site Director wills KOS-MOS and Elvis away.
What Oatbob said.
Dave threatened to do things, UNSPEAKABLE things to me if I didn't vote for KOS-MOS and Elvis.. so.. for the sake of my tender parts, I will vote for them too.
Extremely unspeakable, unfathomable things, mind you. I will for things to happen. They damn well better.
Even though crackhead came up with 18 pairs so that it won't evenly break down, I'm nominating the following matchup for removal: KOS-MOS vs. Elvis.
I'm going to agree with Izret and vote to get rid of
Eliminate -Niko Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV) VS. Lars Umlaut (Guitar Hero series).
Why the Kos-Mos hate??
I nominate adding six new pairs:
Daxter (Jax and Daxter) vs. Master Chief (Halo) Sly Cooper (Sly Cooper) vs. Big Daddy (Bioshock) Banjo (Banjo Kazooie) vs. Nana & Popo (Ice Climbers) Fox (Star Fox) vs. Jack (Mad World) Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes) vs. Frederic Chopin (Eternal Sonata) Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet) vs. Dogmeat (Fallout 3)
This would create a proper bracket. If this cannot be done, the Site Director Continues to will the elimination of KOS-MOS and Elvis
No, I think we'll stick with elimination. 
Well then, you did a good job with your math and determining how many groups need to be eliminated. Engineering school will be a blast for you!
@TraderJake:That sounds like a good idea, the more pairs the better!
@TraderJake: Sarcasm or for reals?
Also i missed my smiley in the above post. Feel free to mentally insert your own smiley.
Why yes, 17 doesn't exactly for a tournament bracket either, which is why I proposed six new pairs of awesome.
Fine Dave, have it your way. And I am not a crackhead Adam.
Geeze... why so harsh with the KOS-MOS hate/pushing for a new bracket? That doesn't seem like Dave at all. To my knowledge Dave doesn't have anything at all against KOS-MOS or Elvis O_o
I go with
Eliminate -Niko Bellic (Grand Theft Auto IV) VS. Lars Umlaut (Guitar Hero series)
Tied between Niko/Lars and KOSMOS/Elvis
Seriously people make your vote count. Get rid of Niko/Lars!
Have you not seen that I willed for two things. Also, you know, he said I would have it my way. 
Seriously can't those 2 get pushed thru though? They will probably be out next round anyways 