RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Oct 23rd 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Playcast, Batman, TellTale, playthrough, September, 2018

[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img]

In episode 54, Shawn (GrayGhost81) and Rich (singlebanana) are joined by special guest, Collectorcast and RFGen's own, Crabmaster2000 (Kelsy) to discuss TellTale Games, Batman: The TellTale Series. Listen to the guys discuss their favorite memories of the Caped Crusader and do a play-by-play analysis of each major event in the game.  The hosts share all the answers to our social media question, "Who is your favorite Batman villain and why?" and also give you their picks.  In our news feature, you will definitely not want to miss the guys picks for what would be their essential games that they would include in the recently-announced Playstation Classic.  All of this, and of course ConcertCast shows and ticket woes, in the newest episode of the RF Generation Playcast. Check it out!

As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. We hope you enjoy our show.  Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen!

Episode 54 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=18851.0

Get the show on Podbean:  http://www.rfgplaycast.com/
On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364
On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr
And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs
And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana, @MrShawnGray & @RFGPlayCast

Continue reading Episode 54 - RF Generation Playcast

Posted on Nov 22nd 2016 at 01:00:00 PM by (GrayGhost81)
Posted under VR, Batman

[img width=640 height=360]https://c7.staticflickr.com/8/7533/27624302406_30941631e1_h.jpg[/img]

I am on record cheering with unreserved optimism for the arrival of virtual reality to the mainstream. Technology that has been teasing me for as long as I can remember seems to finally be available in a way that legitimizes VR gaming as as worthwhile venture for both gamers and developers. As a console gamer, the peripheral I was most excited for was Playstation VR, which released early in October, 2016. Though it took me longer than I anticipated to finally give it a try, I spent a few hours with it last night, and I'd love to tell you all about it!

Continue reading Playstation VR

Posted on Apr 30th 2016 at 10:37:51 AM by (Duke.Togo)
Posted under Collectorcast, Podcast, Batman, Superman

Episode 41 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...rum/index.php?topic=16754

Crabby has returned, so we're geting caught up and answering plenty of your questions! Also, we talk Batman Vs Superman including plenty of spoilers, so if you haven't watched yet, see the timecode listing to skip.

Get the show at http://www.collectorcast.com
Follow the Collectorcast on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Collectorcast
Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Collectorcast
On Stitcher (enter Promo Code RFGeneration): http://www.stitcher.com/RFGeneration
On iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/u...collectorcast/id524246060
On YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/Collectorcast

Continue reading Collectorcast Episode 41: Nicholas Picholas

Posted on Apr 2nd 2016 at 12:00:00 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under Game Quest, Game Store, Video Games, Buy, Sell, Trade, Shoplifting, Stealing, Batman, Vigilantism

[img width=500 height=147]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8808/18226401432_5aac114362.jpg[/img]

Running your own business can be very rewarding. It also comes with it's fair share of headaches. Shoplifting and theft is a constant problem for pretty much any retail establishment. Here are some of our stories regarding the subject.

Continue reading Blog Quest: Batman By Day, Game Store Owner By Night

Posted on Apr 4th 2015 at 04:00:00 AM by (singlebanana)
Posted under playcast, playthrough, modern, retro, Batman, MediEvil, podcast

[img width=700 height=437]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Podcast/PlayCast_zpsmi6bsclk.jpg[/img]

Join RFGeneration Playcast hosts, Rich (singlebanana), Floyd (Fleach), Shawn (GrayGhost81), and Steven (Disposed Hero) as we celebrate our 1 year anniversary of the RF Generation Playcast! This episode, we discuss March's retro and modern community playthroughs, MediEvil (PSX) and Batman: Arkham Origins (360/PS3).

Episode 12 discussion thread:  http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=15473.0

Get the show on Podomatic: http://rfgenplaythroughs.podomatic.com/
On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...playcast/id874327459?mt=2
On YouTube: http://youtu.be/o6zE_KU3egc
On Stitcher: http://app.stitcher.com/browse/feed/55943/episodes
And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs
And Twitter: https://twitter.com/RFGPlayCast

Continue reading Episode 12 - RF Generation Playcast

Posted on Jul 28th 2007 at 11:27:37 PM by (Mike Leon)
Posted under nerd news, cloverfield, batman, 360

Geeks, what is YOUR profession?!!!

Collecting movies, video games, and other pop culture crap people with lives don't have time to worry about.

That said, 300 comes out on DVD this Tuesday (7/31/07) in North America. I'll be buying the 2-disc special edition. Anyone who hasn't seen this movie should go buy it as well. You'll see first hand just how much of a man you can never be.

The Simpsons movie came out this week, as I'm sure you all know. I haven't seen it yet. I heard it was okay. Maybe after this, they can finally cancel the series and let it rest in peace. Seriously, when did The Simpsons jump the shark? Everyone stopped watching like 58 seasons ago.

The San Diego Comic Con has been running for the last 3 days and is sorta kinda wrapping up a little. There was a teaser for The Dark Knight which is reportedly about 45 seconds long and doesn't show any actual footage of the movie, just some artwork.

There was some Iron Man footage shown, but nothing really serious.

Of course, the biggest buzz is over the mysterious Cloverfield project, which still remains unnamed. There were four posters given away at the ComicCon, which bear the same image with 1 of 4 possible words scrawled across the top. This is what the poster looks like.


The rumor mills are spinning hard about an XBOX 360 price drop to compete with PS3. My psychic powers tell me it will happen. They also tell me Microsoft will deny the price drop up until the moment the tags are changed in the stores and possibly for some time after. Microsoft will also vehemently deny that the price drop has anything at all to do with the PS3's pricing, citing that they just wanted to make the console more affordable for purely humanitarian reasons, as they are dedicated solely to helping people world-wide.

Speaking of socialist lies, Kotaku is running a story about Chinese government regulations to limit the amount of time citizens play MMORPGs. Games that allow workers to simulate capitalist ideals? We can't have that! Chairman Mao would be proud.


Next they'll make everyone use the same average green gear.

They probably execute players who roll Paladins.

I could go on all day with this.

To Hell with it. I'm going to the McDonald's drive-thru. Eat that, you poor commie bastards.

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