Well, this is a bit late, but better late than never right? August was another solid month for submissions here at RFGeneration. Our wonderful members made a total of 2,962 submissions in August, 866 of those were images and 500 title additions! While it wasn't our best month, its still certainly something to be proud of, there's not many sites out there that get over 800 images in a month during a good month, let alone a slow one. And its all done for you, by you guys, the community.
So who submitted the most this month? That was ApolloBoy with 1074 submissions. Shadow Kisuragi, Techie413, Sirgin, and aeroc all also had over 100 submissions during August.
And of course, we can't forget about our dedicated team of reviewers. The top reviewers in August were Shadow Kisuragi, Paully3433, and NES_Rules, each with over 100 reviews.
Thanks to everyone who helped out in August, now get to submitting even more for September. We're on track for 50,000 submissions this year, but let's see if we can get 60,000!
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three