RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.RF Generation.  The Classic and Modern Gaming Databases.

Posted on Jul 31st 2018 at 12:00:00 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under PYWS, contest, 2018, submissions, approvals, prizes, 60 bucks

[img width=641 height=518]https://i.imgur.com/drtodhI.jpg[/img]

It's that time of year again here at RF Generation, our annual PAIN YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS CONTEST starts TOMORROW!  Officially starting at 12:00 a.m. server time tonight, our contest will run though the entire month of August. As all of you know, member submissions are what keeps this site going and ensures that we have the most up-to-date and best video game database out there. To commemorate our anniversary, we hold this annual contest to see who can "contribute" the most value to the site during the allotted period of time (*see official rules and description of contributions and points below).

So, here's how it works. From August 1st until August 31st, you make as many submissions as humanly possible. Our dedicated database staff will review the absurd amount of submissions, and at the end of it all, one of you gets a super sweet prize package, which includes your choice of $60 worth of gaming goodness. Essentially, you win a shopping spree (not to exceed $60 and items have to be game related) on GameGavel, eBay, or Amazon, and we pick up the tab. Of course, you'll also be the coolest kid in town as you strut around in your new, official RF Generation Ringer T-shirt!

Continue reading 2018 Pain Yourself With Submissons Contest

Posted on May 4th 2015 at 12:00:28 PM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, submissions, approvals, April, 2015, images, database

[img width=425 height=315]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/RFGen%20Blog/the-golden-girls_zps2usj9i5y.jpg[/img]

The staff at RF Generation would like to once again thank all of you who submitted scans and information to our database for the month of April.  Please remember to help celebrate RF Generation's 11th birthday by competing in our Pain Yourself With Submissions contest as it continues through the month of May. If you haven't joined the contest yet, don't worry, it just got underway and there is plenty of time left to earn points for submissions and by contributing in other areas of the site. A complete list of rules for the contest are located here.  But, before we get ahead of ourselves, let's take a moment to thank our top contributors for April.

In April, we had a total of 2,035 submissions and of those, 1,870 were game submissions, and 165 were hardware submissions. Of these submissions, 1,105 of them were images.

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 100) for April were:
Shadow Kisuragi    352   
singlebanana          338   
kaysow                    189   
josulli3                     183   
Sauza12                   175   
Flee                           119   
Techie413                  90
(hey, close enough!)

Top approvers for the month included:
Shadow Kisuragi   1,120
Flee                             297

Thanks to everyone who made a submission or helped with our approvals for the month of April. Your submissions are what keep this site going and up-to-date.  Good luck to everyone in this Pain Yourself With Submissions contest! 

Posted on Apr 7th 2015 at 04:00:00 AM by (singlebanana)
Posted under Thanks, Submissions, Edits, Approvals, Database, Images, February, 2015

[img width=550 height=388]http://media.irishcentral.com/images/MI+Leprechaun+getty.jpg[/img]

Well, March is over and we at RF Generation hope that you found your pot o' gold at the end of the rainbow last month.  RF Generation did in fact strike gold during the month with some fabulous submissions and approvals. Let's take a look and see who our top contributors for March were.

In March, we had a total of 2,084 submissions and of those, 1,834 were game submissions, and 250 were hardware submissions. Of these submissions, 961 of them were images.

Our top submitters (those with a minimum of 100) for March were:
kaysow                      377   
Project Nintendo     290
Techie413                 285
Shadow Kisuragi      243
Flee                            173
raffa1985                  102

Top approvers for the month included:
Shadow Kisuragi       985   
Flee                              306   
Tynstar                        124   
ApolloBoy                      72

Thanks to everyone who made a submission or helped with our approvals last month. When you have a moment, go through your collection and look for any games without a game, manual, or box (front & back) scan. If you have a scanner, scan these things in and submit them to us. Once approved, you will see YOUR scan(s) in the database and in your collection. Plus, you'll have the great feeling of being a small part of this site! How cool is that? 

Posted on Dec 7th 2012 at 03:55:13 PM by (Shadow Kisuragi)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, November, RFGeneration, Submissions, Approvals, Thanks

Welcome to December, everyone. For those that celebrate it (including our Canadian members), I hope your Thanksgiving left you full and happy. Congrats to those that were able to take advantage of Black Friday here in the US, and for the rest of the world, enjoy the upcoming holidays.

It looks like our members were able to feast on things other than turkey this month. We were able to increase over last month's submissions by 1317 submissions, leaving us just under 5000 at 4977. A large number of these were in the Game Addition and Variation categories. Large shoutout to Paully, Sirgin and Bildtstar for their efforts on those fronts!

Way out in front his month is Paully3433 with 1600 submissions! He's been adding large chunks of Game Boy, Game Boy Color, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation games to the database, so let's give him a hand for his hard work.

Further down the list, with 1/3 of Paully's number, is Bildtstar with 547, Shadow Kisuragi with 513, Sirgin with 452, and Izret101 with 317. Looks like the staff has been busy!

Top 5 Submitters - November 2012
Paully3433 - 1600
Bildtstar - 547
Shadow Kisuragi - 513
Sirgin - 452
Izret101 - 317

Top 5 Submitters (Non-staff) - November 2012
techwizard - 303
Sauza12 - 207
singlebanana - 138
ixtaileddemonfox - 88
CoinCollector - 70 (Thanks for the Steam submissions, and the humorous comments!)

Keep up the good work everyone! Many of the staff edits that we're working on are for a very specific reason - I'll reveal this in another announcement later, but the changes mainly affect folks living in Europe and modifications to our region policies for Europe.

I'll be reading the threads this month, eager to see what everyone receives for gifts, especially those involves in the Secret Santa this year. Last year's Secret Santa was amazing, and I hope to see it topped this year! Enjoy your holidays everyone.

Posted on Nov 1st 2012 at 12:49:33 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, October, RFGeneration, Submissions, Approvals, Thanks

Now that the spookiest month of the year is over its time to check in on the submissions yet again!

Apparently you guys have started slacking off on your school work now since you were able to get a few hundred more submission in than last month bringing the total for October to a nice big 3660 total submissions.

Possibly to commemorate his one year anniversary on the site Bildstar was the top submitter by a good margin. Thanks so much for putting in the time to expand our PAL submissions!

Hot on Bildstar's heels was our very own Database Editor, who also shares an October anniversary here at rfgen, Paully3433!

And to round out the top 5 we had members Shadow_Kisuragi, singlebanana and ixtaileddemonfox who were able to pry themselves away from their Sega consoles, Pinball machines, and High School Musical games and each slam down some serious submissions for the month.

Shadow and Paully each took the brunt of the approvals in too, with both members approving over 600 submissions each.

Great month guys!!

Posted on Apr 2nd 2012 at 07:55:03 PM by (Shadow Kisuragi)
Posted under RFG Thanks, March 2012, Thanks, Submissions, Approvals

Welcome to April, everyone. It looks like a few of you thought we'd be exclusively moving to Android platforms.

[img width=297 height=296]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/90401ohnootter2.jpg[/img]

Yes, the otter has made its triumphant return. While Android is taking the mobile market by storm, we'll always make an attempt to provide everyone with ways to access RFGeneration.

Last month saw the European sector flooding the site with submissions. It's always nice to see some of our more neglected pages getting some love, and you guys have certainly been keeping us busy with over 2200+ submissions. The following people gave us over 100 submissions for the month of March:

Members with 100+ Submissions:
Sirgin                       673
Duke.Togo              321
africangrey            230
Alabama-Shrimp  113

Staff with 100+ Submissions:
Bildtstar                 737
Shadow Kisuragi   505
raffa1985               374
NES_Rules             316
Madir                      235
ApolloBoy              179
ga5ket                    130
blcklblskt               106

Staff with 100+ Approvals:
Shadow Kisuragi   1080
NES_Rules              772
Madir                       129
ApolloBoy               112
Paully3433             110

As a public service announcement, we have been working with our European members to properly update our European database with the correct regions. I would HEAVILY suggest that our European members audit their collections to verify that their collections match the information stated on the Game Info pages. If the information doesn't match, please feel free to submit a Game Variation for the title with the proper information, or contact us in the Announcements and Feedback Forum for any information you may need. If you have not read it yet, this blog announcement contains information on how to sort out region information pertaining to many consoles.

Thanks again for all of your support in making RFGeneration what it is, and keep it on your Android device Channel 3!

Posted on Oct 4th 2011 at 09:55:31 PM by (Crabmaster2000)
Posted under RFGen Thanks, Submissions, Approvals, Images, Data, Scans

Isnt September supposed to be busier for most people than August? Apparently not the case here at RFGen, since you guys nearly doubled the submissions of the previous month. We were just shy of 3000 total submissions for the month of September. Tynstar and Zagnorch dominated submissions while Shadow_Kisuragi and Paully3433 handled the bulk of the approving end.

Dozens of others filled in more missing data and deserve a nice slap on the butt next time you see them. Check them out for yourself, or if you've ever wanted to know exactly how awesome our database is than look no further:


Thanks to everyone involved for helping make rfgeneration.com THE site for game collectors!!!

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