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Posted on Oct 18th 2007 at 11:40:05 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Rumor, Sony, Playstation 3, Another Day Another Model, Tasty, Idle Speculation

Hot on the heels of a price drop and a new model introduction, a rumor has surfaced of a 6TH Playstation 3 model! Nothing about the new model is known other than the information seen in this picture from the FCC's website, the main piece of information being the model number, CECHH01. Also from this  picture, we can derive that the new model has WiFi and Bluetooth. However, this is the only information known about it.

If you ask me what this could be, I think it could be a different color of the 40 GB model which is hitting Japan. Now, I did not report on this one, but Japan is getting a white 40 GB PS3 bundled with the Dual Shock 3 for the price of ¥39,980 ($341 US), and the model number on that is CECHH00. So, my guess is that this CECHH01 model is a Silver or Black version of that model.

What I really hope is that this model is the recently announced chocolate PS3 model. Sony made up a batch of 150 chocolate PS3s and a giant chocolate SIXAXIS controller for Eurochocolate, a festival dedicated to chocolate held in Perugia, Italy.

Hit the jump for more pictures of the festivities.

Continue reading RUMOR PATROL: ANOTHER New PS3 Model?

Posted on Oct 18th 2007 at 11:08:56 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, No Surprise, Playstation 3, Sony, Another Day Another Model, Price Drops

In a completely unsurprising move, Sony has announced that they are bringing the 40 GB Playstation 3 model to America on November 2, selling for $399.99.

This new model will have a 40 GB hard drive built in instead of 20, 60, or 80, and will include a free copy of Spider-Man 3 on Blu-ray Disc (presumably the standard edition Blu-ray release). Unlike the earlier 20 GB model, this one will have built-in WiFi in addition to the standard ethernet port. However, this new model will be eliminating many things that are standard on both the 60 GB and 80 GB models.

First up on the chopping block: USB ports! On the new model, there will only be two ports as compared to four on every other model that has come out. This is not a huge problem for most people, but it could be if you use a USB keyboard and mouse on your PS3 or want to charge your Warhawk headset, a controller, and have your USB external hard drive plugged in.

Next items to be cut: Media Card slots! Just like the earlier 20 GB model, the new one will not have slots for SD/miniSD cards, Compact Flash cards, or Memory Sticks. Not a huge loss, but a loss nonetheless.

Final item to not make the roster, backwards compatibility?! Yes, you read right. On the 40 GB model, there will be ZERO BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY. Yup, you will not be able to play your Playstation 2 or Playstation 1 games on this system. Reason why? It would have to be done with software emulation just like how the Xbox 360 does its Xbox compatibility, and Sony decided that it would not be worth it to make software emulation for each and every game. As SCEA president Jack Tretton stated, "Backward compatibility is a nice secondary consideration, but it's far from the number-one priority." Well, when you have no good games to play, it sure is a major consideration.

A new model is not the only thing announced by Mr. Tretton today. He also announced that the 80 GB model with Motorstorm will be receiving a $100 price drop, making it $499.99 instead of $599.99. However, the 60 GB model has not received a price drop, most likely because Sony is disillusioned into believing that they are all sold out. So, now the 80 GB model with limited backwards compatibility and Motorstorm is the same price as the 60 GB model will full backwards compatibility.

Now that you know the details, what's your take on it? Leave a comment here, or in the thread about it in our forums.

Source: Reuters

Posted on Oct 15th 2007 at 11:14:57 PM by (Tondog)
Posted under Modern Gaming, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Another Day Another Model

An update on an earlier story we had, it looks like the Xbox 360 Arcade model is real, as it has been spotted on shelves at stores.

Microsoft apparently is utilizing the stealth release approach that worked oh so well for Sony's Playstation 3 price drop.

As previously reported, the system will include five games from Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service (Boom-Boom Rocket, Pac-man, Uno, Feeding Frenzy, and Luxor 2), a 256MB memory card, and a wireless controller, all for the price of $279.99.

So, the console game has just got even more confusing...

Source: ShackNews

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