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Posted on May 30th 2013 at 05:15:50 PM by (slackur)
Posted under A winner is Us! Shine Get!, the future of gaming, Wii U, PS4, XBox One, 3DS, Vita, can you imagine how huge this article would be with pictures

In light of the rather pessimistic slant of part one, full of DRM, games that will be in inaccessible over the long term, and the overall damage being done to gaming's potential cultural impact, it is equally important to ponder the brighter horizons of gaming's future.

The PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii have been hanging around longer than a typical console cycle.  The big 'what's next?' question has been on "core" gamer minds for some time and Kinect, Move, and Motion Plus offered little distraction or relevance.  Not to mention the concern that the folks in game development/publishing were not listening to what most gamers wanted.  Given the reaction to Xbox One, that concern seems quite founded.  Factor in the current market focus on games developed for phones, tablets, and browsers, and... wait, weren't we trying to go somewhere positive with this?

But these trends in gaming do in fact have benefits for us "core" gamers, for many reasons that may not be immediately apparent.  Let's start with the Xbox One.  It's the true, unfettered, undisguised vision Microsoft has been coalescing since their first console; a single living room box through which Microsoft becomes the middleman service provider for entertainment.  They've slowly unclouded that goal over the years, though its never been a secret, and us gamers who are grumpy about a dashboard full of stuff besides games (even on a paid service, no less!) are at least partially guilty of looking at a cat and expecting a dog.  This has been Microsoft's purpose all along, and while we don't have to like it, it does us little good to expect a company that has spent billions to realize this longterm strategy to alter its course for "core" gamers that largely got the Xbox platform where it is.  We're not the ultimate market they've been after, and we never were; just like the Wii, we are not the ultimate target demographic, because "core" gamers cannot financially support the gaming industry behemoth, not to mention the lucrative service provider vision Microsoft is after.  I'm not as ready to write off MS for gaming as many; they will undoubtedly provide some excellent games in the future.  But that's a train I'll be hitching onto at my convenience and price-point, both which will reflect the fact that MS and I are expecting to travel to different places, with paths that will occasionally intersect.  I'll play my new Halo and Gears games later rather than sooner.

   The Xbox One strategy is actually a benefit for gamers, as either a success or failure.  If the system takes off, more money will be provided for the outrageous AAA game development costs that, more and more, cannot be sustained by the current business model.  Basically, all those folks using the machine for TV and Sports will be funding my new Halos and Gears.  On opposite end, if the model is a spectacular failure, (and it would be wise for all of us predicting such to remember the unprecedented success of the Wii, which no one expected) it will serve as a precautionary tale for other companies to not follow such a route, at least not to the exclusion of "core" gamers.

   Next up is Sony; while I'm historically skeptical of the giant, recent years and a slight corporate humility have placed the company in the best position to care for "core" gamers since the beginning of the PS2 era.  If Sony does indeed have an ear to the ground over the Xbox One backlash, as recent Twitterverse chat suggests, it is the perfect time to capitalize on gamers almost ready to sit on the fence for the next few years of new gaming.  Whatever Sony does, this moment highlights the fact that, more than any other time in gaming, gamers have a loud voice and new channels by which to be heard.  It can be easy to assume that no-one is listening, but that cynicism belies the responses received.  From tweets by corporate heads that show they are aware of internet responses, to free downloadable expanded game endings (which, whether or not we like, we have to remember it came from the company's own dime and time, and had to meet approval of the same business heads we envision with dollar signs in their eyes.)  We gamers now live in an age where our dollars and internet umbrage vote stronger than ever.  From Kickstarter to online petitions, blog articles to indie developers, gamers have more power in their own industry than ever before. 

   And no company seems more in tune with this lately than Sony.  It's been a long trip from expecting gamers to "pay for steak instead of hamburger" to the playful DRM trolling of "Death Ray Manta."  More vocal support of the indie platform, a greater focus on games themselves, free online play, and the game rental service of Playstation Plus shows that, at least over the last few years, Sony seems to be picking up the pieces Microsoft has been breaking off.  If the PS4 launches at a competitive price-point and forsakes restrictive DRM, Sony may yet retake the throne it once firmly held in the PS2 years.

   Which leaves us wondering what to think about Nintendo.  While the Wii U has been largely dismissed by many "core" gamers as an underpowered gimmick, so was the DS, which went on to become the second-best selling console of all time (as of March 2013.)  Once Wii U price point drops, and as Nintendo continues its history of creating excellent gaming experiences built around the hardware, there is little doubt the console will have some great games in its lifespan.  The second screen may indeed prove key to its success, since games built for it can give completely unique experiences compared to the PC-inspired hardware race of the competition.  Much like the Wii before it, if a gamer focuses on the games built for the console and not the ports, many excellent experiences await.

   And lets not forget about the 3DS and Vita.  Lately, I've enjoyed my 3DS library at least as much as my console library.  Adventure Time, Bit.Trip Saga, Code of Princess, SMT Soul Hackers, Super Mario 3D Land, and many more have kept my 3DS XL from ever powering down.  While I can't say the same for my Vita, there is a slow but steady stream of great games building for it, and the promised PS4 connectivity has a lot of potential.  Portable gaming is no longer a second-class experience; as long as watered down console ports and shovelware are avoided, there are many gems to be discovered on our eighth generation Game-And-Watches.

   I've said it before, and I still believe it; there has never been a better time to be a gamer.  The future of our industry may not be as connected to our personal preferences as we would like, but our industry has also never been more in our own hands.  The aforementioned precipice of cultural relevance that video games are approaching means we are in an exciting time, where our newly relevant voices can make a difference.  Gaming is valuable for many reasons, not the least of which are fun, artistic display, and community.  If any of these are continuously promoted, gaming's relevance will be on display. 

RFGeneration is not just a niche community for hobby enthusiasts.  We are a vanguard of passion for the experience and worthwhile nature of video games.  Sites like ours exist because we enjoy playing, sharing, and being involved with the gaming community.  Some exclusively use the collection tools, some may pass through and just leave a few posts, and some stay to become an integrated part of our ever-changing community.  But no matter how the future of video games turns out, we here at RFG will be hanging around and enjoying ourselves, the great Meta-game of video gaming, the MMO of life.  I hope you are as excited about the multiplayer here as I am.  Smiley

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great post again slackur! i agree that just because the Xbox One isn't what we'd like doesn't mean gaming ends for us here. you may even have added in that completely new companies are coming in on the scene, expanding the competition and giving us more choice than we've had since the crash of '83 (hopefully we don't get that out of control again). valve's steam box, the ooya, and nvidia's console that i can't remember the name of (lol) will all likely get more attention if microsoft pushes away the core gamers from their system.
I think it is far too early for me to personally to give any praise or serious criticism to the Xbox One and PS4. I remember how much crazy bull I was fed when the last consoles were approaching launch to take any of it seriously until it is available on store shelves. It is great fun to take pot-shots at their terrible PR gaffs, but in the end I expect the next generation to be much like the last.

Nintendo will continue to be Nintendo, and make money in the ways that Nintendo knows how to. Build on beloved franchises, and innovate slowly and in a cost effective manner. Since Gumpei Yokoi was in charge of building their products, it has been the mantra to build inexpensive hardware and re-use what has worked in the past. The Wii U and the 3DS are incredibly similar to the base technology that was created with the dual screen Game & Watches. Personally, this makes me happy, as I know what to expect from them, and will get quality.

Sony and Microsoft will continue to try and beat each other senseless using very similar strategies. Unfortunately for Sony, Microsoft has much deeper pockets and can afford a prolonged war of attrition. Microsoft's job isn't to alway be the best product (and usually it isn't), but to force the competition to fail leading to a win by default. It's not always a sound strategy (Zune being the most recent example) but they just come at the problem from a different angle and keep trying. Who knows how they will fare in the upcoming cycle, but I suspect that they will remain squarely in the game.

I'll agree with some of your Sony opinions. They have expressed some humility after their repeated errors with the PS3, which if you like it or not, is not a very well built machine from a software standpoint. They've finally learned the lesson that they can't keep pumping out crazy spec'ed proprietary chip designs that no-one enjoys trying to wring performance from. They are certainly saying the correct things (or simply not saying the things they don't want to tick people off about yet), and it give me a lot of hope for the PS4. Personally, they have a long way to go with me as the PS3 is the least played of my modern gen systems.

All in all, my outlook on gaming hasn't changed much, but my outlook on collecting has. I've resigned myself to the fact that the upcoming generation (not counting the Wii U) will be the first one where collecting will be pointless beyond the supported lifespan of the console. I certainly hope I am wrong.
Great article!

The recent console press conferences have definitely made clear who the target audiences for Sony and Microsoft are. We can see that Sony wants to cater to the gamers. Recognition of indie developers, cross-play over onto the Vita (wouldn't be great to play games ANYWHERE?), and an online community to share tips and experiences.

Microsoft, on the other hand, is trying to meet the needs of the media junkie. If you want to watch a movie, sure! What to search the internet, Skype with friends? You're covered. OK, you've done all that and what to pass some time with a game - here's COD: Ghost. The new console name says it all. Microsoft wants to be "the one." They want to be the go-to source for all forms on entertainment media. There's nothing wrong with this business plan. In fact, it's great but only the consumers will be able to determine its success by voting with the dollars.

I think the next generation of consoles will show a divide among the people. The core gamers might choose Sony while the people seeking a one stop media shop will go with Microsoft. This is an interesting and exciting moment in video game history. We're to see two giants forge new directions in what was thought to be a one dimensional industry. I say let the two pave these new roads and once I have more information to make a decision I will follow my desired road.
On the first article I wrote around four long paragraphs before deciding to replace them with the jest I used.  This time I'm going to simply say that to a point I agree with what Togo said (especially his last paragraph) with a single addition (broken into several sentences):  I've currently lost interest in the upcoming generation because this is the first time I've fully felt the corporate machine behind the fun in console gaming.  In the past I could ignore it by simply playing a different game, but now it seems that I will be able to feel the heavy, iron-shod boot of the console makers themselves pressing me for every cent they can get as soon as I turn the buggering console on!  I've certainly never had any illusions that the console makers were there for any other reason, but now I can feel and see it so clearly that it's making me queasy.

It's like Windows 8; want to get into that operating system you paid money for?  Make sure you create an account and log in first...
Thanks for the good read, slackur.  I haven't actually watched or read much about the new consoles, but your article definitely gave me a glimpse of what the future might entail for the various consoles.

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