[img width=355 height=325]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61-qmT7lzHL._SX355_.jpg[/img] On February 1st, we officially kick off our annual RF Generation Community Donation Drive (though all donations today also count toward our total raised!). Our goal again this year is to raise at least $1500 by February 29, 2020. This money will be used to pay server costs. We hope that you will consider contributing to keep RF Generation a free, fun, and useful site for yourself, other members, and those who haven't been fortunate enough to find us yet. We only ask that you donate what you can and even a small amount, like a few bucks, goes a long way and is very appreciated.
Donations are accepted via PayPal and you can donate through the following link: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal. PLEASE be sure to PM me (singlebanana) your RF Generation handle and the email address you used to donate (or include your screen name with your donation via PayPal) so that we can thank you on the front page and determine your number of raffle tickets; only your handle will be used and all donation amounts are private.
Raffle tickets you ask? For those of you who donate at least $10, you will be entered into a raffle for some fantastic prize lots. We currently have several items donated by some of our generous members (prize lots to be posted soon). We are still accepting donations for prize lots, so if you have any items to donate, please reach out to singlebanana via PM. Rules for this raffle are listed below.
Thank you for your donations to the site and we hope that RF Generation will remain your #1 choice for tracking your collection for years to come!
Continue reading 2020 RF Generation Fund Drive Starts Tomorrow!
[img width=700 height=525]https://i.imgur.com/0MPh6Ro.jpg[/img] With 2019 coming to a close, we can expect to see all the obligatory GOTY lists rolling in. Rather than do the usual Top 10 GOTY list myself, I wanted to reflect on all the games I played instead of just the new releases. 2019 turned out to be a very productive year for me gaming-wise, as my number of games beaten for the entire year sits at 125 games, so I wanted to do more of a stream-of-consciousness reflection of the highlights from my year.
Continue reading Disposed Hero's 2019 in Gaming
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In this episode, the boys let their freak flags fly as Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) are joined by their friend and host of the Retro Fandango podcast, Kevin (BuriedOnMars). It's another month of murderous mayhem as the guys stalk the streets of Steelport to reclaim the city they call home in Volition's wacky, open-world crime shooter, Saints Row: The Third. The guys discuss the their favorite gameplay elements and how they chose to approach this title. This month, there's a tremendous ConcertCast as the guys discuss their recently fallen rock heroes and their favorite albums of 1995. You will not want to miss this high eclectic selection of albums and you'll certainly want to know which of the boys has never heard of the Wu Tang Clan.....we can't make this up kids. Join us for this hardy and laughter-filled episode of the Playcast.
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on these games on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the games more. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 66 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19207.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 66 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In this episode, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) are joined by their good friend, Crabmaster2000 from the Collectorcast. There's murder in the air, and boys must dust off their detective hats and put their wits to the test to survive Hope's Peak Academy and Jabberwock Island in Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc & Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. The guys discuss the ins and outs of these "gamey" visual novels and determine whether or not they are worth your time. Which of these two titles was their favorite? Who has never eaten a Twinkie? And who is really creeped out by Orel Hershiser? Instead of chugging Snuggle, be sure to give this episode a try.
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on these games on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the games more. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 65 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19192.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 65 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In this nostalgic episode of the PlayCast, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) discuss the exploits of everyone's favorite 'shroom eating plumber in Super Mario Land and Super Mario Land 2. Originally created for Nintendo's OG, cartridge-swapping handheld as a launch title, the first Super Mario Land and the "gray brick" celebrated their 30th birthdays on July 31st. So what better way to celebrate than to play them!
In this episode we discuss the in and outs of both games, what we liked and didn't like about them, and determine if they are worthy additions to the Mario series. Get ready for another editon of the Concertcast, a quick, better-late-than-never review of the film Ready Player One, and hear our thoughts on which library we would rather be stuck on a desert island with, the original Sony Playstation's or the Sega Saturn's. Our friends and followers on social media also weigh in on our Question of the Month: "If you could eat a mushroom that made you bigger or smaller, which would you choose and what would you do at that size?" Episode #64 of the PlayCast is a fun-filled nostalgia trip that you will not want to miss!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on these games on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the games more. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 64 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19173.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 64 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In this episode of the PlayCast, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) hit the gas and ready the rockets as they discuss two installments of the classic, vehicular combat series, Twisted Metal, with Twisted Metal 2 and Twisted Metal Black. Does the former game still maintain a glisten from its glory days? And does Black for the PS2 take itself a step above its predecessors? Our Question of the Month asks, "If YOU were a competitor, what would your vehicle and special attack be?" Get ready to laugh along with us as we read the comments from our followers on social media and our friends from the forums. For fans of the nostalgic Twisted Metal series, Episode #63 of the PlayCast is one that you will not want to miss!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 63 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19151.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 63 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In this landmark episode of the PlayCast, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) meet for the first time and record face-to-face in the Austin, Texas "Ghost House." The guys discuss the newest title from one of their favorite developers, Quantic Dream, the sci-fi, android-driven adventure, Detroit: Become Human. Prior to their game discussion, the boys get into the ConcertCast and discuss some of the media they've been consuming recently. What follows is a conversation on the concept of "singularity," that you won't want to miss!
Be sure to stick around for the results of the question of the month poll and a discussion of Detroit that covers gameplay, significant moments in the game, and the outcomes of our playthroughs. Since this is the 4th Quantic Dream title that we have played as a group, the guys conclude by rating each game in order of their preference. Episode #62 is a very special edition of the PlayCast that you will not want to miss!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 62 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19062.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 62 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In this episode, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) take on two aesthetically sensual titles from Dutch developer Playdead Studios, Limbo and Inside. Both games are very similar in nature, but the guys examine their differences and break down what elements make them unique; a prominent RF Generation member also drops in to give his thoughts on the games.
Prior to their discussion of these titles, the guys are joined by a special guest and friend of the show to discuss Perfect Blue, a classic, once highly-sought after anime that was recently brought to Blu-Ray. Are these games and this anime worth adding to your library, or do a few or all of them miss the mark? Are these game too violent? And what do we make of these games "soundtracks," and maybe to some, lack thereof? The answer to all of these questions and many more in Episode #61 of the Playcast!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on these games on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the games more. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes and/or Podbean to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen, we hope you enjoy the show!
Episode 61 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19051.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 61 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In this very special episode, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) take a trip back in time with one of their childhood favorites the RPG, Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest. Are they looking at the game through rose-colored glasses or will this experience prove their fond memories true? Episode #60 of the Playcast, is dedicated to the memory of Shawn's childhood friend and one of the game's biggest fans, the late Jessie Patterson. Be sure to stick around after the show for a special treat. You will not want to miss it!
The guys discuss the game's story, the ins-and-outs of the gameplay, the graphics, the music, and sounds. Due to the heavy grinding required to complete Dragon Warrior, some reviewers have described it as "unplayable." Shawn and Rich determine whether this term fits and even get a hand from an old friend. In our Concertcast segment, the guys discuss their Top 5 albums that were released in 1986, the same year Dragon Quest came out in Japan. Can you guess what some of their favorite tunes are? And will they come away loving this game as much as they did back in the day? The answers to all of these questions and many more, in the newest episode of the RF Generation Playcast. Check it out!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. We hope you enjoy our show. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen!
Episode 60 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=19011.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 60 - RF Generation Playcast
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In episode #59, Rich (singlebanana) and Shawn (GrayGhost81) bring sexy back as they discuss the heavy hitting, hack and slash adventure that is Bayonetta. Speaking of sexy, the hosts are including an audio clip on the topic "sexiness" from one of their long time friends and former guest of the show. Who is it? You'll have to stick around and find out! Along with the game, the guys discuss their Top 5 female video game lead characters of all time, with a handful of honorable mentions. Included is another fun installment of the Concertcast, a discussion of Ghost in the Shell, and a check-in on the boys' new years resolutions. What new toys did the guys pick up and play since the last recording? And who loves to have their toes wiggled in the morning? All of this and more, in the newest episode of the RF Generation Playcast. Check it out!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. We hope you enjoy our show. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen!
Episode 59 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=18994.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 59 - RF Generation Playcast
Thanks to everyone who donated this year for the 2019 RF Generation Fund Drive. It's now time for our raffle and this year we are drawing 9 names!
Congratulations to all of the winners! You will be contacted soon to choose your prize package.

Today is the last day members! We have had several donations over the past week, but as of yesterday, we are still behind in reaching our goal. With our donors' generous pledges, we are just over 71% of our goal! Please donate now to help us reach this goal! (you can donate here now: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate today to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff. You can check out a list of all the raffle prize lots HERE.
The staff at RF Generation would first like to take a moment to thank those who have donated since the last update:
cowa11 Lazyperson Zagnorch Raidou daraja OatBob Duke.Togo
Thanks to all who donated! Please remember to PM me the email address you donated with, so that we can properly thank you when we reveal the final results and I can also provide you with the proper number of raffle tickets. If you donated recently and do not see your name, you may have donated after I pulled numbers. If you don't see it, PLEASE send me a PM and I will check on your donation status. Please remember that RF Generation takes donations throughout the year, so if now is not a good time to donate, you can do so down the road. Grand total raised so far: $1,068.00

This is the last week of our annual fund drive to help with the server costs for 2019. So far, we have had a decent turnout and I am happy to report that with our donors' generous pledges, we are just under 59% of our goal! We will be taking donations for the fund drive through February 28th (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff. You can now find a listing of all of the raffle prize lots HERE. The staff at RF Generation would first like to take a moment to thank those who have donated since the last update:
Cowtipp Neo Goodwill_gamer Napoli toze3 monkees19 Marriot_Guy DrunkenAce douglie007 blcklblskt singlebanana
Thank you all! Please remember to PM me the email address you donated with, so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates and provide you with the proper number of raffle tickets. If you donated recently and do not see your name, you may have donated after we pulled numbers. If you don't see it, just send me a PM and I will check on your donation status. Grand total raised so far: $883.00

As you may of you know, our site is currently conducting its annual fund drive to help with the server costs for 2019. So far, we have had a good turnout and I am happy to report that with our donors' generous pledges, we are just under 33% of our goal! We will be taking donations for the fund drive through the month of February (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff. You can now find a listing of all of the raffle prize lots HERE. However, the staff at RF Generation would first like to take a moment to thank those who have donated since the last update:
zophar53 shaggy drag0nsfyre Cobra Blade FireStar
Thank you all! Please remember to PM me the email address you donated with, so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates and provide you with the proper number of raffle tickets. If you donated recently and do not see your name, you may have donated after we pulled numbers. If you don't see it, just send me a PM and I will check on your donation status. Grand total raised so far: $493.00
[img width=700 height=487]https://i.imgur.com/JFeJ8kQ.jpg[/img] In episode #58, Shawn (GrayGhost81) and Rich (singlebanana) are joined by new RF Generation member and long time "friend of the Ghost," Cory (TurnAroundAndRun) to discuss their January playthrough of Lunar Knights. Last year, the boys knocked it out of the park with their January pick, but how will they fare in the new year? What feature of the game do the guys strongly disagree on? And what BIG surprise does Rich have in store for Shawn? All of this and more, in the newest episode of the RF Generation Playcast. Check it out!
As always, we are happy to hear your thoughts on this game on our discussion page (linked below). We will respond to your comments and are always happy to discuss the game more. We hope you enjoy our show. Please be sure to rate and write a review of the show on iTunes to help us increase our listenership. Thanks for the listen!
Episode 58 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=18964.0
Get the show on Podbean: http://www.rfgplaycast.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...ion-playcast/id1038953364 On Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/p...ation-playcast?refid=stpr And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And on Twitter: @thesinglebanana & @RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 58 - RF Generation Playcast