[img width=700 height=437]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Podcast/PlayCast_zpsmi6bsclk.jpg[/img] Join RFGeneration Playcast hosts, Rich (singlebanana), Jamie (techwizard), Floyd (Fleach), and Shawn (GrayGhost81) as we discuss December's shmup competition, where we played through 8 retro & modern shmups in total! We also get together and discuss our Top 5 favorite playthroughs of 2014. What made the list and what didn't for each of us? There's only one way to find out.
Episode 9 discussion thread. Tell us what your Top 5 playthroughs of 2014 were: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14919.new#new
Get the show on Podomatic: http://rfgenplaythroughs.podomatic.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...playcast/id874327459?mt=2 On YouTube: On Stitcher: http://app.stitcher.com/browse/feed/55943/episodes And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And Twitter: https://twitter.com/RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 9 - RF Generation Playcast
There are only 3 more days left to donate to this year's fund drive and I'm happy to say that we have reached our goal of $1000!!!! A big Thank You to all of the members who have donated this year. Even though we have reached our goal, you can still donate to get your name in the drawing for some fantastic prizes. Please remember that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive. Also, donating at least $20 will also get you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0, which includes playthrough reviews of Parasite Eve and Kingdom Hearts (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0.
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the forth week of the fund drive and put us over our goal:
Beardcore84 Techie413 techwizard zcrich01 nupoile Ze_ro Crabmaster2000 Sauza12 Duke.Togo 98PaceCar Deadman bombatomba
Grand total: $1180.94!!!!!
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
Thanks for all of the love and support you have shown our site and please, keep those donations coming. Any additional funds raised will go toward site improvement or additional server costs.
[img width=521 height=336]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6a/Fables_Telltale_Logo.png[/img] The Wolf Among Us Telltale Games, 2014
I've been a fan of Telltale's adventure games for a while now. In a sense, their adventure games not only reinvigorated the genre - they redefined it. You could almost start talking about adventure games in a Pre- and Post-Telltale way. And though they had plenty of good and interesting games leading up to it, it's hard to not point at The Walking Dead as the moment where they fully nailed the formula. In The Walking Dead, the user interface was as equally as well-designed for a controller as it was a mouse. The story was strongly written with characters you could care about and who you felt like you got to know well. And most importantly, your decisions seemed to matter, and actually shaped the rest of the story going forward. This device seemed even more important when Season Two of The Walking Dead was released and you realized that many of your decisions and experiences carried over from the first game if you had a save installed.
The Walking Dead: Season Two and The Wolf Among Us finished up their episodic runs and saw retail releases as finished products around the same time this past year. And truth be told, I was far more interested in the former title. I couldn't help but want to see what happened next to Clem, and I figured that a game about a zombie apocalypse would interest me far more than one about fairytales. How wrong I was. [Disclaimer: It is nearly impossible to discuss a Telltale game without any sort of spoilers being involved. Though this review will stay clear of divulging anything that feels like it would truly 'spoil' the game, just mentioning characters, settings and the tiniest of plot points will indeed be spoilers to some. You've been warned!]
Continue reading Review: The Wolf Among Us
The third week of this year's fund drive was outstanding and has us so close to our $1000 goal!!! With only 10 more days left in the month of December, we are definitely on pace to make this happen. If you haven't donated and can, please take into consideration what a valuable service that this site provides. Even a few bucks means a lot and will get us that much closer to our goal. Also consider that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive and donating at least $20 also gets you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0, which includes discussions of Parasite Eve and Kingdom Hearts (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0).
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the third week of the fund drive:
Tadpole13 russlyman monkees19 Raidou Fokakis79 TraderJake EngineerMike shaggy
Grand total: $814.93
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
We only need $185.07 in the next 10 days to make our goal!!! So keep those donations coming and let's try to wrap this up before the new year.
The second week of this year's fund drive saw some very generous contributions from more of our members. I am pleased to announce that we are making great strides in reaching our $1000 goal for this year. Please remember that every $10 you donate earns you a ticket to this years prize raffle, which will be drawn at the conclusion of the fund drive and donating at least $20 also gets you a copy of the Playcast's Episode #0 (more info and prize lots listed here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?topic=14799.0).
At this time, the staff at RF Generation would like to thank those who donated during the second week of the fund drive:
Forzajerry AprilandShaun Disposed Hero moonraker_fats OatBob afulbrig ericeskapade gamereviewgod h1ghw1nd
For a Grand Total of: $577.95
(*If you donated and do not see your name in this weeks update or in last weeks, please PM singlebanana so that we can be sure to give you credit*)
Thats over half way to our goal in just two weeks!!! Keep those donations coming and let's try to meet our goal by year's end.
Along with this year's fund drive donors, the RF Generation staff would also like to thank those members who have been hard at work in making our site better by submitting hardware and software information and pics, and those who approve these submissions. During the month of November, there were 1,987 total submissions to the database, consisting of 1,945 game submissions and 42 hardware submissions. Top submitters for the month of November were:
Shadow Kisuragi 443 Flee 305 Sauza12 239 ae.tc 181 Furnessly 176 raffa1985 152
Top approvers for the month of November include:
Shadow Kisuragi 860 ApolloBoy 33 Tynstar 24
A big thanks to those who take the time to submit information, scan in pics, take screenshots, and to those who carefully look over and approve them. It truly takes a community effort to make a site like ours as great as it is!
Posted on Dec 4th 2014 at 05:00:00 AM by ( singlebanana) Posted under playcast, wrapup, podcast, November, 2014, Super Metroid, modern, retro, SNES, System Shock 2, PC, playthrough |
Join RFGeneration Playcast (different name, same great, crunchy, and flavorful listen) hosts, Rich (singlebanana), Jamie (techwizard), Floyd (Fleach), and Shawn (GrayGhost81) as we discuss November's out-of-this world retro and modern playthroughs. In this episode, singlebanana, techwizard, and guest, RetroRage, discuss one of the most beloved sci-fi platformers of all time, Super Metroid on the SNES. On the modern side, join Grayghost81, Fleach, and guest, bombtomba, as their conversation safely navigates the Von Braun in their discussion of the survival horror, PC classic, System Shock 2.
Episode 8 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14824.new#new
Get the show on Podomatic: http://rfgenplaythroughs.podomatic.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...playcast/id874327459?mt=2 On YouTube: On Stitcher: http://app.stitcher.com/browse/feed/55943/episodes And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And Twitter: https://twitter.com/RFGPlayCast
Continue reading Episode 8 - RF Generation Playcast
As you may or may not know, our site is currently conducting its annual fund drive to help with the server costs for 2015. So far, we have had a good turnout and I am happy to say that with our donors generous pledges, we are at nearly one-third of our goal! We will be taking donations for the fund drive through the month of December (you can donate here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...m/index.php?action=paypal), so be sure to donate during this time to get in on the raffle of great prizes donated by our staff and get your copy of Episode 0 (Parasite Eve/Kingdom Hearts) of the RF Generation Community Playthrough Wrap-Up. You can find more details regarding the rules of the raffle and how to enter here: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14799.new#new
The staff at RF Generation would like to take a moment to thank those who have donated so far:
Fleach Fokakis79 JerryGreenwood Nuke2112 Razor Knuckles singlebanana SirPsycho St0rmTK241 Wempster.......and An anonymous donor
Thank you all! Please remember to include your site handle in the notes field of your donation so that we can properly thank you during our weekly updates. Grand total raised so far: $310.07
[img width=639 height=355]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Podcast/SuikodenIco_zps9235926b.png[/img] Join RFGeneration Community Playthrough hosts, Rich (singlebanana), Jamie (techwizard), Floyd (Fleach), and Shawn (GrayGhost81) as we discuss September's retro and modern playthroughs. In this episode, we discuss one of the greatest RPGs ever released on the PSX, Suikoden II and the fantastic and awe-inspiring, puzzle platformer, Ico. During the Suikoden II segment, host Grayghost81 is once again joined by Suikoden series enthusiast and RFGeneration member, SirPsycho. Enjoy!
Episode 6 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14621.new#new
Get the show on Podomatic: http://rfgenplaythroughs.podomatic.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...27459?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 On YouTube: And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And Twitter: https://twitter.com/rfgplaythroughs
Show Notes: Introduction - 0:00:15 Suikoden II - 0:01:50 Ico - 0:49:44 Conclusion - 2:47:48
Music: Opening/Closing theme by Cameron Johnson of Atma Weapon - http://atmaweaponnc.bandcamp.com/
[img width=600 height=579]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/alanwakesotn_zps998eac26.jpg[/img] The RFGeneration Playthrough Group compels you to join us in playing a few "spooky" titles for the month of October. On the retro side, singlebanana will be hosting Castlevania: Symphony of the Night arguably one of the best Castlevania titles ever developed in this classic series (available on the PSX, XLA, & PSN). On the modern side, join Fleach as he hosts the renowned, episodic, psychological action thriller, Alan Wake on the XBox 360 and PC.
Continue reading October 2014 Community Playthroughs
[img align=right width=400]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/17701thank-you-key.jpg[/img] It's that time of the month again! No, not that time, the good time where we thank all those awesome members of our wonderful little site that have helped to grow our most prized possession, the Database! I'll start off thanking some names I didn't recognize, though they have been around the site since 2013, so thanks amprice5474 and josulli3 for becoming active and making over 100 submissions. And then there's a couple regulars, CoinCollector, Furnessly, and Sauza12 who also each made over 100 submissions. But the real butt-kickers in August were Shadow Kisuragi with over 500 submissions, ae.tc with over 700 submissions and ApolloBoy with nearly 1000 submissions. Thanks to all of you and everyone else who made a submission in August.
But we can't forget about our awesome staff members who work tirelessly to make sure all those submissions are being reviewed and approved. Izret101 and Tynstar each had almost 300 approvals. ApolloBoy had almost 800 and Shadow Kisuragi had almost 1000 approvals. Thanks guys for keeping the gears of the RFGen running smoothly and getting those submissions taken care of.
[img width=560 height=311]http://i1340.photobucket.com/albums/o736/Fleach/suikoden2ico_zps25434e4c.jpg[/img] Next month, the RFGeneration Playthrough Group attempts to conquer the "sequels" to our June playthoughs. If you've been following the Community Playtrough threads, it should be no surprise as to what these titles are.
Continue reading September 2014 RFGeneration Community Playthroughs
[img width=639 height=355]http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y359/necrom99/Playthroughs/SuikodenSotCheader_zpsa93cd3ff.png[/img] Join the RFGeneration Community Playthrough hosts Rich (Singlebanana), Jamie (techwizard), Floyd (Fleach), and Shawn (GrayGhost81) as we discuss one of the more celebrated RPGs on the original Playstation, Suikoden, and one of the more beautiful and unique action/adventure games on the PS2/PS3, Shadow of the Colossus. We are also joined by a few special guests this month, Sir Psycho and the Collectorcast's own (should they choose to claim him) wildbil52. Enjoy!
Episode 4 discussion thread: http://www.rfgeneration.c...x.php?topic=14303.new#new
Get the show on Podomatic: http://rfgenplaythroughs.podomatic.com/ On iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/...27459?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 On YouTube: And follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rfgenplaythroughs And Twitter: https://twitter.com/rfgplaythroughs
Show Notes Introduction: 0:00:14 Suikoden Discussion: 0:01:20 Shadow of the Colossus Discussion: 1:13:35 Colossi Battles Discussion: 2:05:15 - 3:45:04 Conclusion: 4:28:35
Music: Opening/Closing theme by Cameron Johnson of Atma Weapon - http://atmaweaponnc.bandcamp.com/
[img width=700 height=393]http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/774932114964861352/ADEE8C4D42AF7AA1A9B86CC334585BD97FBD5070/[/img] Many weekends have come and gone where Steam has offered me various games as part of a "free weekend" promotion. Which is not to say that the game was mine to keep of course. Rather for that weekend I could download the game at no cost, and play the game all weekend, and then come Monday it would be locked up and I'd have to make the decision if I wanted to keep it or not. Though I've never actually bothered participating in any of these trials, it's nice that they exist, sure. But I guess in some ways they just haven't really fit into my life quite right. Which is to say that never has a game that I REALLY WANTED TO PLAY RIGHT NOW THIS WEEKEND been offered to me so that I was actually compelled to spend the time and bandwidth on a Friday night getting it into my library and then tossing my weekend plans to the side so that I could find as many minutes as I could to play it until bedtime on Sunday night.
Continue reading Origin's Game Time or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Titanfall
First off, I want to give a big "Thank You" to the 9 members who have taken the time to donate money to the site during our annual donation drive. So Thank You Tadpole13, Razor Knuckles, Raidou, Nupoile, Zagnorch, OatBob, and Wempster. Together you guys have raised over $600 to keep the site running. And unless someone tops your donation in the next couple days, you'll be receiving an ultra-rare gold colored NES game. If you're not one of these fine gentlemen, and want to help keep the site alive, you can send a PayPal donation to webmaster@rfgeneration.com or just click the little Donate icon at the bottom of this article. Either way, your contribution is only used for paying the hosting bill around here, which is around $100 each and every month. If you don't know how much to donate, donate whatever you can, whether its $5 or $5000, every little bit helps. But for reference, the average donation amount this year has been $77.21. I'm not saying you must donate that much, but if you want to conform to the standard, you probably should.
And of course, I must thank all of you out there that are PAINING YOURSELF WITH SUBMISSIONS! In may, the most PAINED WITH SUBMISSIONS member was Zagnorch, with 2190 submissions. Next was ApolloBoy with over 1000 submissions, and each with over 500 submissions were Flee, MrMeek, Aeroc, and ae.tc. Thanks guys, you are obviously taking this competition seriously, and you should be. One of you is likely to walk away with another copy of that super-rare gold colored NES game. If your name isn't listed here, don't worry, you can still win this thing. But you better get your butt moving, Zagnorch really wants that game, and you wouldn't want him to get it would you?
But don't forget about those poor souls who tirelessly sift through all those submissions to find the ones that are worthy of approving into the database. Without them, we'd have a database full of incorrect information and stolen images. May's biggest Approver was Shadow Kisuragi with an astounding 3468 approvals and who knows how many rejections. Next up was Tynstar with just shy of 1000, and ApolloBoy with 733. Thanks guys, you have been doing an awesome job at keeping that queue down this year, I only saw it above 100 once this year.
Thanks to everyone else who has contributed in May and during our annual contest so far. It really is true that every little bit helps. Whether its a page edit to fix a typo or a donation of $500, we truly appreciate it all.
Click the button, you know you want to.
Looks like 2014 is already 1/12th over. Despite off and on connection issues, our dedicated members have been hard at work makin' those submissions. In fact, you guys made over 2600 submissions in January. Which is very commendable considering the sporadic outages we've been experiencing. And if those outages have been keeping you away from making submissions and from the site in general, I've got some good news for you. There will be more info once it's all done, but rest assured everything will be lightning fast again by the end of the month.
So who made all those submissions in January? Well, it was mostly ApolloBoy with 757 submissions! ericeskapade had over 400, and HungryMoose and Shadow Kisuragi each had over 200. And of course, there were another 63 members who together made another 1000 submissions. So thanks to all of you who helped out this January, I know it wasn't easy with the downtime and sluggish load times.
As always, I'd like to thank our dedicated submission-approving team that has to deal with all of those submissions every month. Our top approvers in January were Tynstar and Shadow Kisuragi with over 700 and over 400 approvals respectively. Paully3433 also had over 100 approvals in January.
Thanks again everyone, and if you've been putting off those submissions because of our site issues, be assured it will be getting better, but as always, good things take some time, so expect things to get speedier by the end of February, and possibly sooner, depending on how smoothly things go. We're definitely trying to roll out these changes as quickly as we can.