Hey now!
I know what'cher thinking: I must be scoring the primo crack to be claiming that, back in the day, Sega released a completely legitimate, licensed Mario game for wide commercial release that could be played on the Genesis or Mega Drive console. And I must admit, if I hadn't actually seen a CIB copy of it at a local thrift a few weeks back, I'd have the exact same attitude you do right now.
But I assure you, it is very real. And, thanks to the miracle of the internet, I have highly compelling photographic evidence:
[img width=225 height=300]http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Mario-Lemieux-Hockey-Case-Sega-Genesis-CASE-ONLY-Box-/00/s/MTYwMFgxMjAw/$(KGrHqJ,!nYE8YpZ!PbnBPg2UJ5ujg~~60_35.JPG[/img]
I'd like to know what all you doubting Thomases have to say now!
Hee heee... sorry, I simply couldn't resist. I really did see this at a thrift a few weeks ago, which inspired me to write and post this silly blog. I briefly considered holding this back for April Fool's, but I just couldn't sit on it for that long. Besides, I thought it'd be a novel way to celebrate the start of the NHL season.
So, no hard feelings, guys?
Um... guys? What are you--
Hey, wait a minute-- can't you take a little-- NO, PLEASE, NOT THE FACE!!!
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.com unless otherwise noted
. Oh, and keep it on channel three