The 'Norch PorchThe 'Norch Porch

Posted on Nov 7th 2014 at 06:23:45 AM by (Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.)
Posted under Nintendo Power, Goodwill, Savers, PS2, Mario


As many of you already know, the week started on a pretty low note for me.

[img width=700 height=497][/img]
Daylight burglaries aren't exactly a laugh-a-minute.

But things improved immensely today when I got off work and embarked on what I call a "hot-hand" thrift crawl, where almost every stop yielded at least a little something, and a couple stops a LOT something. Read on and you'll see what I mean.

The day started off small as I dropped by the Goodwill near work:

[img width=700 height=462][/img]

Although they lacked manuals, I found Mario Kart Wii and New SMB Wii for $3.99 each.

Then came the deluge as I hit the Mountain View Rasputin's:

[img width=525 height=617][/img]

This haul consisted mainly of $1.95 CIB PS2 games, including:

- Conflict: Global Terror
- Dark Cloud
- Dr. Muto
- Kessen II
- Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII
- Samurai Warriors XTreme Legends
- Star Wars Bounty Hunter
- Terminator Dawn of Fate
- Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land

I also found a few $1.95 CIB PSP games:

- Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
- Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Let's not overlook the $1.95 CIB 360 & GameCube games:

- Wario Ware, Inc.
- Donkey Konga
- Kameo: Elements of Power
- Gun (sealed)

Finally, some miscellaneous stuff I snapped up for $0.50 a pop:

- CIB Age of Mythology Bonus Edition for PC
- Riven for PC
- Official XBox Magazine #45 demo
- CIB Kiss Pinball for PS1

Next up was the Mountain View Goodwill, where I found a morsel of number-crunching goodness:

[img width=561 height=464][/img]

While this $4.99 Texas Instruments BA-II Plus business calculator was a nice find, there were no gaming goodies of note at this stop. Good thing it was a different story at the Parkmoor Savers in San Jose:

[img width=692 height=533][/img]

For a little over seven smackers, I walked out with fifteen Nintendo Power back issues-- and I mean WAY back, between issues 16 and 41-- as well as Mario Mania, Top Secret Passwords and a Ninja Gaiden II player's guide.

Next up was the Almaden Expressway Savers, which yielded all you see here:

[img width=700 height=427][/img]

The Super Mario 2 cart, CIB Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, and CIB Supreme Commander were $2.99 $2.39 each with savings coupon, and the Nintendo Power Mario Collector's Special set me back $1.99 $1.59.

Funny thing about the Dragon Quarter pick-up: a few minutes before I saw it, I was thinking about SirPsycho's recent acquisition of the same game, and how it looked like a promising title. It's a happy coincidence that's happened a couple times before in my thrift hunts, and has almost led me to believe I have some odd power of clairvoyance. But it's not that I possess odd powers; I'm just plain odd.

A few miles up the expressway, and I arrived at the Almaden Goodwill. Sadly, this particular store has some of the most ridiculous asking prices for console games and hardware I'v ever seen. $9.99 for a loose Ecco the Dolphin Genesis cart with a half-ripped-off label? Thanks, but no thanks (and tell the pricer to stop hitting the pipe). Fortunately, I'm always finding other interesting things here for far more reasonable prices...

[img width=493 height=537][/img] this CIB Tomy Atomic Pinball game for $5.99. And, ummm, you might wanna cut back on the heavy breathing there, SingleBanana; you're kinda creeping everybody out with that. Someone's in need of a cold shower.

After checking out another Goodwill that didn't have diddley, I ended today's run at the Bernal Goodwill, where I found:

[img width=700 height=383][/img]

- Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2 / MGS4 bonus DVD, $3.79

- CIB PlayStation Official UK Magazine demo disc 25, $3.99

- Sealed Dungeon Keeper for PC, $3.59

Needless to say, I'm feeling a little better now.

Until next time...


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