The 'Norch PorchThe 'Norch Porch

Posted on Jan 6th 2013 at 12:36:02 AM by (Zagnorch P. Welinskivich II, Esq.)
Posted under odyssey2, magnavox, odyssey, retro, old school

Hey now!

I've been alluding to a significant retro pick-up for a couple weeks now, and I figured it's time for the big reveal:

[img width=500 height=398][/img]

A complete boxed Magnavox Odyssey2 system with hardwired controllers, and CIB Speedway! / Spin-Out! / Crypto Logic! pack-in game, along with:

[img width=435 height=594][/img]

CIB games:
-   Match-Maker! / Logix! / Buzzword!
-   Cosmic Conflict!
-   Bowling! / Basketball!
-   Pac-Man K.C. Munchkin!
-   Computer Golf!
-   Football!
-   Space Alien Invaders Plus!

Loose games:
-   Baseball!
-   Blackjack!
-   Blockout! / Breakdown!

Um... why do all the game titles end with exclamation points? That''s kinda annoying, you know? It's like the ALL CAPS of the pre-internet era or something.

But I digress. Here's the topper:

[img width=526 height=411][/img]

-   An almost-CIB Quest for the Rings set (one piece is missing). Finally, an O^2 game whose title doesn't end in an exclamation point. That's because it's so cool, it doesn't have to shout about how cool it is. Of all the games I got with the system, this is the one I'm most interested in giving a whirl.

While the entire collection's cosmetic appearance could use a fair deal of cleanup, I figured I got a decent deal paying $80 for the lot.

Where did I find all this, you ask? Well, it originally belonged to my best friend, who kept it locked away in his attic for a couple decades. Weird thing is, I knew he had it ever since I've known him, but never thought to ask him about it, even after seriously getting into vidya collecting. Then, a few weeks before Christmas, he told me he was planning to sell it, and asked if I could offer it for sale to "those guys on that video game site you hang out at" on his behalf. I told him I'd think about it.

Well, I DID think about it-- which quickly turned into me thinking of other O^2 collectors on the site and how they love to gloat about their ownership of such an interesting bit of retro hardware, and lord it over the have-nots at every opportunity (you KNOW who you are). That's when I realized that I wanted to lord it over the have-nots too, and laugh at them for being the underprivileged little peons that they are. Because I'm nothing if not compassionate.

Anyhoo, I called my bud to let him know my interest, he mathed out a price, I agreed to it, we tested it out to see if it still worked, I threw him the four Andys, he threw me the whole shebang,  and now I'm better than all you pathetic non-O^2-owning losers in every single way.

[img width=300 height=250][/img]

The cold, hard truth hurts, doesn't it?


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