Welcome one and all to this very special 10th Anniversary Edition of...
THE 2020 [img width=700 height=228]http://assets.podomatic.net/ts/1f/0a/f6/podcast4748829450/920!x300!_7078778.gif[/img] NOT-SO-SECRET SANTA GIVE-AWAY!!![/size]
To celebrate both the 10th NSSS and my 10th anniversary on RF Generation, I offer 10 humble items for your first-come, first-served consideration! Just remember the rules:
- Just one selection per person.
- The first person to claim the item gets it. First come, first served.
How to make your claim:
- Take note of the number of the item/lot you desire, and...
- Post that number in the Not-So-Secret-Santa blog's comments section. Only claims made in the blog comments section will be honored.
All RF Generation members from anywhere in the world are welcome to take advantage. Just be aware that, that unless otherwise noted, all games being given away are NTSC U/C coded for use in machines for the North American market.
As for shipping costs: I'm covering it. Just note that I'll be mailing this stuff out using the cheapest shipping methods possible, so it might be a while before your claim gets to you. You'll receive a PM informing you of your successful claim, and either requesting your mailing address, or confirming the one I have on file.
And now, it's time to count down the swag, starting with...
10.) NAKI lanyard
[img width=700 height=535]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50599295896_0d6f7fc496_o.jpg[/img]
9.) PlayStation 2 lanyard
8.) Benjamin Bumchen Vorsschulspasse for Nintendo DS
7.) Loot Crate TEAM FORTRESS 2 pinback button collectors set
6.) Mega Bloks Skylanders Possessed CYNDER mini-figure
5.) K'Nex WARIO mini-figure
4.) Wendy's Design-Your-World 8-BIT ARCADE playset, sealed
3.) Dragon Advance Boy GBA game cartridge vertical stand with box
2.) Sealed cube of Super Mario sticky notes
[img width=700 height=698]https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50599296221_2d2fedc64a_o.jpg[/img]
Whelp, that's it for this year. My most profuse thanks go out to all who have participated in this silly little give-away over the last decade... here's to ten more years! Until next time...
Site content Copyright © rfgeneration
.com unless otherwise noted
. Oh, and keep it on channel three