As many of you already know, the week started on a pretty low note for me.
[img width=700 height=497]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Score11-6-2014a_zps2a5bb738.jpg[/img] Daylight burglaries aren't exactly a laugh-a-minute.
But things improved immensely today when I got off work and embarked on what I call a "hot-hand" thrift crawl, where almost every stop yielded at least a little something, and a couple stops a LOT something. Read on and you'll see what I mean.
The day started off small as I dropped by the Goodwill near work:
[img width=700 height=462]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Score11-6-2014b_zpseb291e4e.jpg[/img]
Although they lacked manuals, I found Mario Kart Wii and New SMB Wii for $3.99 each.
Then came the deluge as I hit the Mountain View Rasputin's:
[img width=525 height=617]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Score11-6-2014c_zpsf488c233.jpg?t=1415323213[/img]
This haul consisted mainly of $1.95 CIB PS2 games, including:
- Conflict: Global Terror - Dark Cloud - Dr. Muto - Kessen II - Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII - Samurai Warriors XTreme Legends - Star Wars Bounty Hunter - Terminator Dawn of Fate - Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land
I also found a few $1.95 CIB PSP games:
- Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 - Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Let's not overlook the $1.95 CIB 360 & GameCube games:
- Wario Ware, Inc. - Donkey Konga - Kameo: Elements of Power - Gun (sealed)
Finally, some miscellaneous stuff I snapped up for $0.50 a pop:
- CIB Age of Mythology Bonus Edition for PC - Riven for PC - Official XBox Magazine #45 demo - CIB Kiss Pinball for PS1
Next up was the Mountain View Goodwill, where I found a morsel of number-crunching goodness:
[img width=561 height=464]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Score11-6-2014e_zps27a90d0e.jpg?t=1415323248[/img]
While this $4.99 Texas Instruments BA-II Plus business calculator was a nice find, there were no gaming goodies of note at this stop. Good thing it was a different story at the Parkmoor Savers in San Jose:
[img width=692 height=533]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Score11-6-2014d_zpsffe57cda.jpg[/img]
For a little over seven smackers, I walked out with fifteen Nintendo Power back issues-- and I mean WAY back, between issues 16 and 41-- as well as Mario Mania, Top Secret Passwords and a Ninja Gaiden II player's guide.
Next up was the Almaden Expressway Savers, which yielded all you see here:
[img width=700 height=427]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Score11-6-2014f_zps51e10c36.jpg?t=1415250608[/img]
The Super Mario 2 cart, CIB Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter, and CIB Supreme Commander were $2.99 $2.39 each with savings coupon, and the Nintendo Power Mario Collector's Special set me back $1.99 $1.59.
Funny thing about the Dragon Quarter pick-up: a few minutes before I saw it, I was thinking about SirPsycho's recent acquisition of the same game, and how it looked like a promising title. It's a happy coincidence that's happened a couple times before in my thrift hunts, and has almost led me to believe I have some odd power of clairvoyance. But it's not that I possess odd powers; I'm just plain odd.
A few miles up the expressway, and I arrived at the Almaden Goodwill. Sadly, this particular store has some of the most ridiculous asking prices for console games and hardware I'v ever seen. $9.99 for a loose Ecco the Dolphin Genesis cart with a half-ripped-off label? Thanks, but no thanks (and tell the pricer to stop hitting the pipe). Fortunately, I'm always finding other interesting things here for far more reasonable prices...
[img width=493 height=537]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Score11-6-2014g_zps06f33cdc.jpg?t=1415323153[/img]
...like this CIB Tomy Atomic Pinball game for $5.99. And, ummm, you might wanna cut back on the heavy breathing there, SingleBanana; you're kinda creeping everybody out with that. Someone's in need of a cold shower.
After checking out another Goodwill that didn't have diddley, I ended today's run at the Bernal Goodwill, where I found:
[img width=700 height=383]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y409/Zagnorch/Score11-6-2014h_zpsa1328e1c.jpg?t=1415323181[/img]
- Metal Gear Saga Vol. 2 / MGS4 bonus DVD, $3.79
- CIB PlayStation Official UK Magazine demo disc 25, $3.99
- Sealed Dungeon Keeper for PC, $3.59
Needless to say, I'm feeling a little better now.
Until next time...
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Nice! That is one heck of a haul. Loving those PC games and Dragon Quarter, and any day that ends with a Tomy Pinball (boxed, no less) marks a great day.
The Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon. When I buy a game, everybody else buys that game!
Really sucks about the break-in, but I'm glad to see there were some positives to balance things out. The Nintendo Power lot is fantastic!!!
Hopefully the pick ups out weigh the loss in the break in. Just opening this post and before really even starting to read it I saw the pic of the broken glass door. My stomach dropped thinking about it.
But on a positive note like you mentioned, great pick ups. I am not in the market for collecting Nintendo Power, because I am pretty sure my savings account would grow a pair of hands and choke me. But if I did find them in the wild I would of defiantly snatched those up.
Great haul!
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