It's been a while, but I have finished a couple of zelda games since Skyward Sword back in April. I went through the first Zelda in May and just forgot to write about it. It was alot of fun, and embarrassingly enough, it was my first time to play through the entire game and finish it. I never had an NES as a kid so I never got to play all the classic titles. I had an Atari 2600 to play with for a while and a Sega Master System. Then we got the SNES for Christmas in '92. But back to Zelda. I was having fun learning where all the dungeons were, all the secrets hidden in the game. Finding out where the fairy fountains were was also neat. I didn't have to much trouble and was going through it fairly quickly until I hit the 5th dungeon. I think it was the blue Darknuts. I just could NOT beat a room full of them. I don't remember how many times I tried, but I finally made it through. On and on I battled, eventually making it to Dungeon 9, and finding my way to Gannon. I had my Red Ring, 16 hearts, and a red potion, and actually needed to use the potion one time to beat Gannon. I finally did and was happy to finally beat the original game.
I didn't play anything over the summer, and thought I need to pick this back up if I'm going to finish by the end of the year. I grabbed my original 1998 gold Ocarina of Time and put it in my gold N64 and fired it up a few days ago. Of all the Zelda games, I know Ocarina the best. I have been through the game many many times. It took me 3 days to make it through the game playing a few hours a day. Day One was through all the child temples. I was having fun going through Jabu Jabu's belly and then my n64 froze up on me. I restarted and realized I hadn't saved since the beginning of Dodongo's Cavern

So back through everything I went saving along the way. Day 2 got me through the forest, fire, and that damn water temple. The water temple only took me an hour and a half this time, not who knows how many days. Day 3 saw me breeze through the shadow temple, spirit temple, and go through Gannon's Castle. Nothing gave me any real difficulty, and I was surprised at how much I remembered and was just automatically doing without thinking about it. I didn't go through most of the side quests, but I did kill Gold Skultullas wherever I saw them, ended up with about 30 or so and got my Giant's Wallet. I always have fun with Ocarina and this was no different.
The next game on the list is going to be Wind Waker. I beat it once and didn't go back, so this will be interesting to go back to it. Hope I remember to post when I beat it and I hope I can beat them all before the end of the year.