[img align=right]http://www.rfgeneration.com/images/repository/10157742314679b72fb89e5manhunt2NO.jpg[/img] As reported by Joystiq and Kotaku, both Nintendo and Sony will refuse to license Take Two's Manhunt 2 if it retains it's current AO rating. This development comes just one day after the BBFC banned the game in the UK and the ESRB gave the game the aforementioned AO rating.
Reasons for not allowing licensing are pretty well stated. For Nintendo its policy is in the Buyer's Guide:
Please note that Nintendo does not sell or license games that carry the ESRB rating 'AO' (Adults Only). Joystiq contacted David Karraker, Senior Director of Communications for Sony for comments, to which Karraker replied that it is currently Sony's Policy not to carry AO rated content on their systems.
It looks as though the Manhunt saga is getting more and more grim for Take Two and Rockstar. What will happen to the game? Will it see major edits to lose its AO rating, or will the game be scrapped? Given the time they put into the game, I'd expect the former, but who knows, I could be surprised. One thing is certain though, if the ESRB rating stands through the appeal process, Take Two will have to do something. Certainly now it is looking like the game won't be making its release date in three weeks, that's for certain.
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. Oh, and keep it on channel three